Designing data acquisition framework in SQL Server and SSIS – how to source and integrate external data for a decision support system or data warehouse (Part 3)
Note: Part 1 to this series can be found HERE, Part 2 HERE, Part 4 HERE and all the code and additional files for this post can be downloaded from my OneDrive folder HERE.
Continuing on from Part 2 to this series, having set up all the routines dealing with pre-acquisition activities as well as large tables migration, this post focuses on smaller tables which do not require partitioning and parallel data load. I will also cover post-acquisition activities which run to tie up all the loose ends and ensure data consistency and readiness for business use. All in all, the following tasks will be covered in detail in this post.
Small Tables Acquisition Tasks Overview and Code
Since some tables may contain only a few records, spinning up multiple SQL Server Agent jobs (see Part 2) creates unnecessary overhead. In cases where only few records need to be copied across, it is easier to execute a simple MERGE SQL statement which performs simultaneous UPDATE and INSERT statement based on referenced tables column names. To avoid individual column-to-column mapping for each table we can query database metadata and, providing a primary key is present on source and target tables, we can reference each column is an automated fashion. The following stored procedure allows for dynamic MERGE SQL statement creation which elevates creating table-to-table row-level mapping. I wrote about this type of data replication in my previous post HERE, where similar stored procedure was used to copy data across from database X to database Y on the same SQL Server instance. In order to modify that setup and make it applicable to the current scenario i.e. remote host running MySQL database, a few changes were necessary. Most importantly, all of the queries related to the source database metadata or/and data had to be modified to include the OPENQUERY statement. Secondly, allowances needed to be made in order to enable MySQL and SQL Server data types and certain syntax conventions conformance e.g. certain MySQL reserved words need to be encapsulated in backtick quotes in the OPENQUERY statements in order to be validated and recognized by SQL Server. Likewise, certain SQL Server reserved words need to be used with square brackets delimiters. Finally, any MySQL metadata related queries had to conform to its internal database catalog architecture i.e. metadata database storing information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges.
USE [StagingDB] GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_runRemoteSvrDBSchemaSyncSmallTablesMaster] ( @Remote_Server_Name SYSNAME , @Remote_Server_DB_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Object_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Exec_Instance_GUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER , @Package_Name VARCHAR (256) ) WITH RECOMPILE AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN DECLARE @IsDebugMode BIT DECLARE @ExecSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @Err_Msg NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @Remote_DB_Object_Name VARCHAR (128) = @Target_DB_Object_Name DECLARE @Exec_Instance_GUID_As_Nvarchar NVARCHAR(56) = ( SELECT REPLACE(CAST (@Exec_Instance_GUID AS NVARCHAR(56)), '-', '')) SET @IsDebugMode = 1 /*==================================================================================== CREATE TEMP TABLES ======================================================================================*/ IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Src_Tgt_Tables') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#Src_Tgt_Tables] END CREATE TABLE #Src_Tgt_Tables ( [Data_Obj_Id] [INT] NOT NULL , [Src_Tgt_Flag] [VARCHAR](1) NOT NULL , [Object_Id] [INT] NOT NULL , [Object_Name] [sysname] NOT NULL , [Schema_Name] [sysname] NOT NULL , [Schema_Object_Name] [VARCHAR](260) NOT NULL , [Column_Id] [SMALLINT] NULL , [Column_Name] [VARCHAR](200) NULL , [IsIdentity] [TINYINT] NULL , [IsComputed] [TINYINT] NULL , [IsNullable] [TINYINT] NULL , [Default] [VARCHAR](MAX) NULL , [DataType] [VARCHAR](152) NULL , [DataType_CastGroup] [VARCHAR](134) NOT NULL , [Collation_Name] [sysname] NULL , [RemoteObject_DataType] [VARCHAR](152) NULL ) IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Tgt_NK_Cols') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#Tgt_NK_Cols] END CREATE TABLE #Tgt_NK_Cols ( [Data_Obj_Id] [INT] NOT NULL , [Schema_Object_Name] [VARCHAR](260) NOT NULL , [Where_Clause] [VARCHAR](MAX) NULL , S_Schema_Object_Name [VARCHAR](260) NOT NULL ) /*====================================================================================== PERFORM DATABASES, SCHEMAS AND OBJECT CHECKS ======================================================================================*/ IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Objects_List') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#Objects_List] END CREATE TABLE #Objects_List ( DatabaseName sysname , SchemaName sysname , ObjectName sysname , Is_Source_Target VARCHAR (56) ) SET @ExecSQL = 'SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, ''Target'' as Is_Source_Target FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_type = ''base table'' and table_catalog = '''+@Target_DB_Name+''' and table_schema = '''+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+''' and table_name = '''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'''' IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for acquiring ''target'' table base data into #Objects_List temp table:' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @ExecSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END INSERT INTO #Objects_List (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, Is_Source_Target) EXEC (@ExecSQL) IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Objects_List WHERE Is_Source_Target = 'Target' END SET @ExecSQL = ' SELECT DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, ''Source'' as Is_Source_Target FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ''select table_schema as DatabaseName, table_schema as SchemaName, table_name as ObjectName from information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = ''''BASE TABLE'''' and table_name = '''''+@Remote_DB_Object_Name+''''' and table_schema ='''''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''''''')' IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for acquiring ''source'' table base data into #Objects_List temp table:' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @ExecSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END INSERT INTO #Objects_List (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, Is_Source_Target) EXEC (@ExecSQL) IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Objects_List WHERE Is_Source_Target = 'Source' END IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT Source_Server_Name = @Remote_Server_Name, Source_Server_DB_Name = @Remote_Server_DB_Name, Source_Object_Name = @Remote_DB_Object_Name, Target_DB_Name = @Target_DB_Name, Target_DB_Schema_Name = @Target_DB_Schema_Name, Target_DB_Object_Name = @Target_DB_Object_Name END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.DatabaseName = @Remote_Server_DB_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Source' ) BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Source database cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Remote_Server_DB_Name + '". Check that the database of that name exists on the instance' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.DatabaseName = @Target_DB_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Target') BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Target database cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Target_DB_Name + '". Check that the database of that name exists on the instance' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.SchemaName = @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Source' ) BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Source schema cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + '". Check that the schema of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Target' ) BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Target schema cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '". Check that the schema of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.ObjectName = @Remote_DB_Object_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Source') BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Source object cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Remote_DB_Object_Name + '". Check that the object of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.ObjectName = @Target_DB_Object_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Target') BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Target object cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + '". Check that the object of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END /*====================================================================================== EXTRACT SOURCE DATABASE DATA FOR THE GIVEN OBJECT ======================================================================================*/ SET @ExecSQL = 'INSERT INTO #Src_Tgt_Tables SELECT [Data_Object_Id] =, [Src_Tgt_Flag] = src_tgt.Src_Trg_Flag, [Object_Id] =, [Object_Name] =, [Schema_Name] =, [Schema_Object_Name] = ''[' + @Target_DB_Name + '].[''''].['''']'', [Column_Id] = sc.column_id, [Column_Name] =, [IsIdentity] = sc.is_identity, [IsComputed] = sc.is_computed, [IsNullable] = sc.is_nullable, [Default] = dc.definition, [DataType] = ( CASE WHEN T.system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239) AND SC.max_length > 0 THEN T.Name + ''('' + CAST(SC.max_length AS varchar(10)) + '')'' WHEN T.system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239) AND SC.max_length = -1 THEN T.Name + ''(MAX)'' -- For Numeric and Decimal data types WHEN T.system_type_id IN (106, 108) THEN T.Name + ''('' + CAST(SC.precision AS varchar(10)) + '', '' + CAST(SC.scale AS varchar(10)) + '')'' ELSE T.Name END ), [DataType_CastGroup] = ( CASE WHEN T.system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239) THEN ''String'' -- For Numeric and Decimal data types WHEN T.system_type_id IN (106, 108) THEN ''Numeric'' ELSE ''Other'' END ), [Collation_Name] = SC.collation_name, [RemoteObject_DataType] = mizz.data_type FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.sysobjects so (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.columns sc (NOLOCK) ON sc.object_id = LEFT JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.default_constraints dc (NOLOCK) ON dc.parent_object_id = AND dc.parent_column_id = sc.column_id INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.types t (NOLOCK) ON t.user_type_id = sc.user_type_id INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.schemas sh (NOLOCK) ON sh.schema_id = so.uid INNER JOIN ( select Data_Obj_Id = t.object_id, as phisical_name, as s_name , Src_trg_Flag = ''S'', Object_Type = ''U'' FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = ''' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + ''' and = ''' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + ''' ) src_tgt ON src_tgt.phisical_name = and src_tgt.s_name = JOIN (SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM OPENQUERY(' + @Remote_Server_Name + ', ''select table_name, column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = ''''' + @Remote_DB_Object_Name + ''''' AND table_schema = ''''' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + ''''''')) mizz on mizz.table_name = and mizz.column_name = WHERE so.xtype = src_tgt.Object_Type AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process_ColumnExceptions o WHERE o.Remote_Field_Name = AND o.Remote_Table_Name = AND o.Remote_Schema_Name = AND o.Is_Active = 1)' IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for acquiring ''source'' table objects metadata into #Src_Tgt_Tables temp table:' PRINT '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @ExecSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC sp_executesql @ExecSQL IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables WHERE Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' END /*====================================================================================== EXTRACT TARGET DATABASE DATA FOR THE GIVEN OBJECT ======================================================================================*/ SET @ExecSQL = 'INSERT INTO #Src_Tgt_Tables SELECT [Data_Obj_Id] = src_tgt.Data_Obj_Id, [Src_Tgt_Flag] = src_tgt.Src_Trg_Flag, [Object_Id] =, [Object_Name] =, [Schema_Name] =, [Schema_Object_Name] = ''[' + @Target_DB_Name + '].[''''].['''']'', [Column_Id] = sc.column_id, [Column_Name] =, [IsIdentity] = sc.is_identity, [IsComputed] = sc.is_computed, [IsNullable] = sc.is_nullable, [Default] = dc.definition, [DataType] = ( CASE WHEN T.system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239) AND SC.max_length > 0 THEN T.Name + ''('' + CAST(SC.max_length AS varchar(10)) + '')'' WHEN T.system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239) AND SC.max_length = -1 THEN T.Name + ''(MAX)'' -- For Numeric and Decimal data types WHEN T.system_type_id IN (106, 108) THEN T.Name + ''('' + CAST(SC.precision AS varchar(10)) + '', '' + CAST(SC.scale AS varchar(10)) + '')'' ELSE T.Name END ), [DataType_CastGroup] = ( CASE WHEN T.system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239) THEN ''String'' -- For Numeric and Decimal data types WHEN T.system_type_id IN (106, 108) THEN ''Numeric'' ELSE ''Other'' END ), [Collation_Name] = SC.collation_name, [RemoteObject_DataType] = mizz.data_type FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.sysobjects so INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.columns sc ON sc.object_id = LEFT JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.default_constraints dc ON dc.parent_object_id = AND dc.parent_column_id = sc.column_id INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.types t ON t.user_type_id = sc.user_type_id INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.schemas sh ON sh.schema_id = so.uid INNER JOIN ( select Data_Obj_Id = t.object_id, as phisical_name, as s_name, Src_trg_Flag = ''T'', Object_Type = ''U'' FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = ''' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + ''' and = ''' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + ''' ) src_tgt ON src_tgt.phisical_name = and src_tgt.s_name = JOIN (SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM OPENQUERY(' + @Remote_Server_Name + ', ''select table_name, column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = ''''' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + ''''' AND table_schema = ''''' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + ''''''')) mizz on mizz.table_name = and mizz.column_name = WHERE so.xtype = ''U'' -- Table AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM HNO_Control.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process_ColumnExceptions o WHERE o.Local_Field_Name = AND o.Local_Table_name = AND o.Local_Schema_Name = AND o.Is_Active = 1) ORDER BY, sc.column_id' IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for acquiring ''target'' table objects metadata into #Src_Tgt_Tables temp table:' PRINT '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @ExecSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC sp_executesql @ExecSQL IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables WHERE Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' END /*====================================================================================== ENSURE THAT SOURCE AND TARGET DETAILS ARE PRESENT IN TEMP TABLE ======================================================================================*/ IF ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables ST WHERE ST.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' ) < 1 BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'No Source table details found. Configured Source Database is "' + @Remote_Server_DB_Name + '".' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables ST WHERE ST.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' ) < 1 BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'No Target table details found. Configured Source Database is "' + @Target_DB_Name + '".' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END /*====================================================================================== UPDATE COLUMN NAMES TO QUALIFIED STRINGS FOR MSSQL RESERVED WORDS ======================================================================================*/ UPDATE #Src_Tgt_Tables SET Column_Name = LOWER(b.mssql_version) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables a JOIN dbo.vw_MssqlReservedWords b ON a.Column_Name = b.reserved_word WHERE Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' /*====================================================================================== PREPARE 'WHERE' CLAUSE FOR THE MERGE STATEMENT ======================================================================================*/ SET @ExecSQL = 'INSERT INTO #Tgt_NK_Cols SELECT TOP 1 Data_Obj_Id = tgt.Data_Obj_Id, [Schema_Object_Name] = tgt.[Schema_Object_Name], [Where_Clause] = STUFF(REPLACE((SELECT '' AND'' + '' TGT.[''+ +''] = SRC.[''+ REPLACE(REPLACE(, ''<'', ''~''), ''>'', ''!'') + '']'' + CHAR(10) FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.sysindexkeys sik INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.syscolumns sc on = and sc.colid = sik.colid WHERE = si.object_id AND sik.indid = si.index_id ORDER BY sik.keyno FOR XML PATH('''') ), ''&#x0D;'', ''''), 1, 5, ''''), [S_Schema_Object_Name] = ( SELECT Top 1 S.Schema_Object_Name FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables S WHERE S.Src_Tgt_Flag = ''S'') FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.indexes si INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.sysobjects so ON = si.object_id INNER JOIN ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.sys.schemas sh ON sh.schema_id = so.uid INNER JOIN ( SELECT [Data_Obj_Id], [Object_Id], [Object_Name], [Schema_Name], [Schema_Object_Name] FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables WHERE Src_Tgt_Flag = ''T'' ) tgt ON tgt.[Object_Id] = WHERE si.is_unique = 1 /*Only Unique Index*/' IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for ''where'' table objects metadata into #Src_Tgt_Tables temp table:' PRINT '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @ExecSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC sp_executesql @ExecSQL IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT [Table] = '#Tgt_NK_Cols' , * FROM #Tgt_NK_Cols END /*====================================================================================== ENSURE THAT UNIQUE KEY INDEX IS PRESENT ======================================================================================*/ IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #Tgt_NK_Cols NK WHERE NK.Where_Clause IS NULL ) BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'No Unique Key Index is found. Configured Source Database is "' + @Target_DB_Name + '".' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END /*====================================================================================== PREPARE MERGE STATEMENT ======================================================================================*/ DECLARE @MergeSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) , @UpdateColSet NVARCHAR(MAX) , @TargetColSet NVARCHAR(MAX) , @SourceColSet NVARCHAR(MAX) , @ValueColSet NVARCHAR(MAX) , @SourceColSetReplaceRemote NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @MergeSQL = ' MERGE ' + NK.Schema_Object_Name + ' TGT USING (SELECT{SOURCE_COLUMN_SET} FROM {NK.S_Schema_Object_Name} SRC) SRC ON ' + NK.Where_Clause + ' WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET{UPDATE_COLUMN_SET} WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT({TARGET_COLUMN_SET}) VALUES ({VALUE_COLUMN_SET}) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE OUTPUT $action INTO #SummaryOfChanges(Action_Name);' FROM #Tgt_NK_Cols NK IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for the initial ''MERGE'' statement:' PRINT '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @MergeSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END SELECT @TargetColSet = REPLACE(STUFF(( SELECT ',' + CHAR(10) + CAST(TC.Column_Name AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables TC ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.[Data_Obj_Id] , T.[Column_Name] , T.[IsNullable] , T.[Default] , T.[DataType] , T.[DataType_CastGroup] FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables T ( NOLOCK ) WHERE T.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' AND T.Data_Obj_Id = TS.S_Data_Obj_Id ) SC ON SC.Column_Name = TC.Column_Name WHERE TC.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' AND TC.Data_Obj_Id = TS.T_Data_Obj_Id --AND TC.IsIdentity <> 1 -- Ignore identity AND TC.IsComputed <> 1 -- and computed columns ORDER BY TC.Column_Id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, ''), '&#x0D;', '') , @UpdateColSet = REPLACE(STUFF(( SELECT ',' + CHAR(10) + CAST(TC.Column_Name AS VARCHAR(100)) + ' = SRC.' + ISNULL(SC.Column_Name, TC.Column_Name) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables TC ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.[Data_Obj_Id] , T.[Column_Name] , T.[IsNullable] , T.[Default] , T.[DataType] , T.[DataType_CastGroup] FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables T ( NOLOCK ) WHERE T.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' AND T.Data_Obj_Id = TS.S_Data_Obj_Id ) SC ON SC.Column_Name = TC.Column_Name WHERE TC.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' AND TC.Data_Obj_Id = TS.T_Data_Obj_Id AND TC.IsIdentity <> 1 -- Ignore identity AND TC.IsComputed <> 1 -- and computed columns ORDER BY TC.Column_Id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, ''), '&#x0D;', '') , @ValueColSet = REPLACE(STUFF(( SELECT ',' + CHAR(10) + ISNULL('SRC.' + CAST(SC.Column_Name AS VARCHAR(100)), 'SRC.' + CAST(TC.Column_Name AS VARCHAR(100))) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables TC ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.[Data_Obj_Id] , T.[Column_Name] , T.[IsNullable] , T.[Default] , T.[DataType] , T.[DataType_CastGroup] FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables T ( NOLOCK ) WHERE T.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' AND T.Data_Obj_Id = TS.S_Data_Obj_Id ) SC ON SC.Column_Name = TC.Column_Name WHERE TC.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' AND TC.Data_Obj_Id = TS.T_Data_Obj_Id AND TC.IsIdentity <> 1 -- Ignore identity AND TC.IsComputed <> 1 -- and computed columns ORDER BY TC.Column_Id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, ''), '&#x0D;', '') , @SourceColSet = REPLACE(STUFF(( SELECT ',' + CHAR(10) + ISNULL(CAST(SC.New_Column_Name AS VARCHAR(100)), CAST(TC.Column_Name AS VARCHAR(100))) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables TC ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.[Data_Obj_Id] , T.[Column_Name] , [New_Column_Name] = --T.[Column_Name], CASE WHEN T.RemoteObject_DataType = 'enum' THEN 'CAST(' + T.[Column_Name] + ' as char) as ' + T.[Column_Name] WHEN T.RemoteObject_DataType = 'bytea' THEN 'CAST(' + T.[Column_Name] + ' as char(4000)) as ' + T.[Column_Name] ELSE T.[Column_Name] END , T.[IsNullable] , T.[Default] , T.[DataType] , T.[DataType_CastGroup] , T.[RemoteObject_DataType] FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables T ( NOLOCK ) WHERE T.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' AND T.Data_Obj_Id = TS.S_Data_Obj_Id ) SC ON SC.Column_Name = TC.Column_Name WHERE TC.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' AND TC.Data_Obj_Id = TS.T_Data_Obj_Id AND TC.IsIdentity <> 1 -- Ignore identity AND TC.IsComputed <> 1 -- and computed columns ORDER BY TC.Column_Id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, ''), '&#x0D;', '') FROM ( SELECT [T_Data_Obj_Id] = T.Data_Obj_Id , [T_Schema_Object_Name] = T.Schema_Object_Name , [S_Schema_Object_Name] = ( SELECT TOP 1 S.Schema_Object_Name FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables S WHERE S.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' ) , [S_Data_Obj_Id] = ( SELECT TOP 1 S.Data_Obj_Id FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables S WHERE S.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'S' ) FROM #Src_Tgt_Tables T WHERE T.Src_Tgt_Flag = 'T' ) TS IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT @TargetColSet AS Target_Column_Set SELECT @UpdateColSet AS Updat_Column_Set SELECT @ValueColSet AS Value_Column_Set SELECT @SourceColSet AS Source_Column_Set END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempSourceFieldsPivot') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempSourceFieldsPivot; CREATE TABLE #TempSourceFieldsPivot ( ColName VARCHAR(1024) , MySQLOutput VARCHAR(255) , MSSQLOutput VARCHAR(255) ); DECLARE @X XML; SET @X = CAST('<A>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@SourceColSet,char(13),''),char(10),''), ',', '</A><A>') + '</A>' AS XML); INSERT INTO #TempSourceFieldsPivot( ColName) SELECT t.value('.', 'VARCHAR(max)') FROM @x.nodes('/A') AS x ( t ); IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #TempSourceFieldsPivot; END; UPDATE #TempSourceFieldsPivot SET ColName = REPLACE(REPLACE(ColName, ']', ''), '[', ''); UPDATE #TempSourceFieldsPivot SET MySQLOutput = b.mysql_version , MSSQLOutput = c.mssql_version FROM #TempSourceFieldsPivot a LEFT JOIN dbo.vw_MysqlReservedWords b ON UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(a.ColName))) = UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(b.reserved_word))) LEFT JOIN dbo.vw_MssqlReservedWords c ON UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(a.ColName))) = UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(c.reserved_word))); IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #TempSourceFieldsPivot; END; SELECT @SourceColSetReplaceRemote = 'OPENQUERY(' + @Remote_Server_Name + ', ''SELECT ' + ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF(( SELECT ',' + u.ColName FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(MySQLOutput, ColName) AS ColName FROM #TempSourceFieldsPivot ) u WHERE u.ColName = ColName --order by u.ColName FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') AS list FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(MySQLOutput, ColName) AS ColName FROM #TempSourceFieldsPivot ) a GROUP BY ColName ) + ' FROM ' + @Remote_DB_Object_Name + ''')' IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT @SourceColSetReplaceRemote AS Replacement_Column_list END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempSourceFieldsPivot') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempSourceFieldsPivot; SELECT @MergeSQL = REPLACE(@MergeSQL, '{UPDATE_COLUMN_SET}',@UpdateColSet) SELECT @MergeSQL = REPLACE(@MergeSQL, '{TARGET_COLUMN_SET}',@TargetColSet) SELECT @MergeSQL = REPLACE(@MergeSQL, '{SOURCE_COLUMN_SET}',@SourceColSet) SELECT @MergeSQL = REPLACE(@MergeSQL, '{VALUE_COLUMN_SET}', @ValueColSet) SELECT @MergeSQL = REPLACE(@MergeSQL, '{NK.S_Schema_Object_Name}', @SourceColSetReplaceRemote) IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for the final ''MERGE'' statement:' PRINT '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @MergeSQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END /*====================================================================================== EXECUTE MERGE STATEMENT AND CHECK FOR EXECUTION RESULTS ======================================================================================*/ DECLARE @UpdatedCount INT , @InsertedCount INT , @DeletedCount INT , @StartTime DATETIME , @EndTime DATETIME IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SummaryOfChanges') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#SummaryOfChanges] END CREATE TABLE #SummaryOfChanges ( Action_Name VARCHAR(50) ); SET @StartTime = GETDATE() IF @Err_Msg IS NULL BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION EXEC sp_executesql @MergeSQL SELECT @UpdatedCount = SUM(CASE WHEN Action_Name = 'UPDATE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) , @InsertedCount = SUM(CASE WHEN Action_Name = 'INSERT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) , @DeletedCount = SUM(CASE WHEN Action_Name = 'DELETE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM #SummaryOfChanges IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT @UpdatedCount AS Records_Updated SELECT @InsertedCount AS Records_Inserted SELECT @DeletedCount AS Records_Deleted END COMMIT TRANSACTION END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; WITH TempErr ( [ErrorNumber], [ErrorSeverity], [ErrorState], [ErrorLine], [ErrorMessage], [ErrorDateTime], [LoginName], [UserName], [PackageName], [ObjectID], [ProcessID], [ExecutionInstanceGUID], [DBName] ) AS ( SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber , ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity , ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState , ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine , ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage , SYSDATETIME() AS ErrorDateTime , SYSTEM_USER AS LoginName , USER_NAME() AS UserName , @Package_Name AS PackageName , OBJECT_ID('' + @Target_DB_Name + '.' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '.' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + '') AS ObjectID , ( SELECT a.objectid FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ) AS ProcessID , @Exec_Instance_GUID AS ExecutionInstanceGUID , DB_NAME() AS DatabaseName ) INSERT INTO AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Error ( [ErrorNumber] , [ErrorSeverity] , [ErrorState] , [ErrorLine] , [ErrorMessage] , [ErrorDateTime] , [FKLoginID] , [FKUserID] , [FKPackageID] , [FKObjectID] , [FKProcessID] , [ExecutionInstanceGUID] ) SELECT ErrorNumber = COALESCE(err.ErrorNumber, -1) , ErrorSeverity = COALESCE(err.[ErrorSeverity], -1) , ErrorState = COALESCE(err.[ErrorState], -1) , ErrorLine = COALESCE(err.[ErrorLine], -1) , ErrorMessage = COALESCE(err.[ErrorMessage], 'Unknown') , ErrorDateTime = ErrorDateTime , FKLoginID = src_login.ID , FKUserID = src_user.ID , [FKPackageID] = src_package.ID , [FKObjectID] = src_object.ID , [FKProcessID] = src_process.ID , [ExecutionInstanceGUID] = err.ExecutionInstanceGUID FROM TempErr err LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Login src_login ON err.LoginName = src_login.LoginName LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_User src_user ON err.UserName = src_user.UserName AND src_user.FKDBID = ( SELECT ID FROM AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_DB db WHERE db.DBName = err.DBName ) LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Package src_package ON err.PackageName = ( LEFT(src_package.PackageName, CHARINDEX('.', src_package.PackageName)- 1) ) LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Object src_object ON err.ObjectID = src_object.ObjectID LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Process src_process ON err.ProcessID = src_process.ProcessID WHERE src_login.CurrentlyUsed = 1 AND src_user.CurrentlyUsed = 1 --AND src_package.CurrentlyUsed = 1 AND src_object.CurrentlyUsed = 1 AND src_process.CurrentlyUsed = 1 END CATCH END
Another important aspect to highlight is the provision of error logging architecture. The BEGIN CATCH…END CATCH statement enables a robust error handling capabilities in case unexpected event occurrence, logging error massages in AdminDBA database for future reporting and troubleshooting. In this way, even in spite of errors typically halting acquisition process completely, the package can continue its execution, recovering from error events gracefully and transparently. Since MERGE SQL statement can reconcile small to medium size tables, I have found it to be a good alternative to target tables truncation and insertion.
Post-acquisition Tasks Overview and Code
Continuing on, now that we have the nuts and bolts of our data acquisition process out of the way we can move into outlining post-acquisition tasks. As with all the activities preceding source-to-target data coping, some clean-up and maintenance tasks need to be run to finalise acquisition and tie up all the loose ends e.g. indexes re-creation, statistics update, error log checking etc.
Firstly, previously dropped indexes can be re-created using the same stored procedure we used in part 2. The only difference is the variable @Create_Drop_Idxs value which can now be set to CREATE, rather than DROP. Next, given the potentially considerable data and values distribution change resulting from new data being added, we will update all the tables’ statistics using the following stored procedure.
USE StagingDB; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_runUpdateStagingDBStatistics] ( @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Target_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Is_All_OK INT OUTPUT , @Error_Message VARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT , @Process_Name VARCHAR(250) OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN DECLARE @ID TINYINT; DECLARE @IsDebugMode BIT; DECLARE @StartDateTime DATETIME = SYSDATETIME(); DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(256); DECLARE @TableSchemaName VARCHAR(128); DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(2056); SET @Process_Name = ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid) FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ); SET @IsDebugMode = 1; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#stats_details') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #stats_details; END; CREATE TABLE #stats_details ( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL , TableName VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL , SchemaName VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL , IndexID INT NULL , Statistic VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL , ColumnsInStatistic VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL , WasAutoCreated TINYINT NOT NULL , WasUserCreated TINYINT NOT NULL , IsFiltered TINYINT NULL , FilterDefinition VARCHAR(256) NULL , IsTemporary TINYINT NULL , StatisticsUpdateDate DATETIME NULL ); DECLARE db_statscursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY t.TABLE_NAME ASC, t.TABLE_SCHEMA ASC ) AS ID , t.TABLE_NAME , t.TABLE_SCHEMA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES t JOIN HNO_Control.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process m ON t.TABLE_NAME = m.Local_Table_Name AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA = m.Local_Schema_Name --AND m.Remote_Server_Name = @Remote_Server_Name AND m.Local_DB_Name = @Target_DB_Name AND m.Local_Schema_Name = @Target_DB_Schema_Name WHERE t.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND m.Is_Active = 1; OPEN db_statscursor; FETCH NEXT FROM db_statscursor INTO @ID, @TableName, @TableSchemaName; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = 'UPDATE STATISTICS ' + @TableSchemaName + '.' + @TableName + ' WITH FULLSCAN'; IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL; END; EXEC(@SQL); INSERT INTO #stats_details SELECT [so].[name] AS [TableName] , @TableSchemaName , [si].[index_id] AS [Index_ID] , [ss].[name] AS [Statistic] , STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + [c].[name] FROM [sys].[stats_columns] [sc] JOIN [sys].[columns] [c] ON [c].[column_id] = [sc].[column_id] AND [c].[object_id] = [sc].[object_id] WHERE [sc].[object_id] = [ss].[object_id] AND [sc].[stats_id] = [ss].[stats_id] ORDER BY [sc].[stats_column_id] FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 2, '') AS [ColumnsInStatistic] , [ss].[auto_created] AS [WasAutoCreated] , [ss].[user_created] AS [WasUserCreated] , [ss].[has_filter] AS [IsFiltered] , [ss].[filter_definition] AS [FilterDefinition] , [ss].[is_temporary] AS [IsTemporary] , STATS_DATE([so].[object_id], stats_id) AS [StatisticsUpdateDate] FROM [sys].[stats] [ss] JOIN [sys].[objects] AS [so] ON [ss].[object_id] = [so].[object_id] JOIN [sys].[schemas] AS [sch] ON [so].[schema_id] = [sch].[schema_id] LEFT OUTER JOIN [sys].[indexes] AS [si] ON [so].[object_id] = [si].[object_id] AND [ss].[name] = [si].[name] WHERE [so].[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'' + @TableSchemaName + '.' + @TableName + '') ORDER BY [ss].[user_created] , [ss].[auto_created] , [ss].[has_filter]; FETCH NEXT FROM db_statscursor INTO @ID, @TableName, @TableSchemaName; END; CLOSE db_statscursor; DEALLOCATE db_statscursor; IF @IsDebugMode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #stats_details; END; IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT TableName , SchemaName , StatisticsUpdateDate FROM #stats_details sd JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES t ON sd.TableName = t.TABLE_NAME AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA = sd.SchemaName WHERE StatisticsUpdateDate NOT BETWEEN @StartDateTime AND SYSDATETIME() ) a ) BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Statistics on ''' + @Target_DB_Name + ''' database for ''' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + ''' schema could not be updated due to an error. Please troubleshoot.' + CHAR(10); SET @Is_All_OK = 0; END; ELSE BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#stats_details') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #stats_details; END; END; GO
Next step, executed as a script task, sets the value for the @Sync_Exec_EndTime variable. The @Sync_Exec_StartTime and @Sync_Exec_EndTime variables’ values allow for establishing a time boundary between when the package commenced and completed its execution. This is important as error log checking that initiates as part of this framework towards the end of the execution workflow needs to be performed in the time window registered by @Sync_Exec_StartTime and @Sync_Exec_EndTime variables. In this way, we can pinpoint specific start and end time and make the process search for error log entries only between those exact times. I will enclose the actual code in part 4 to this series when describing the overall SSIS package structure.
Moving on, we can perform some rudimentary validation steps e.g. record count between the source and target tables with the help of another stored procedure. As with most of the tasks in this framework, this part can be easily omitted but since a simple record count is the least we can do to confirm target-to-source data consistency, it is worthwhile to include this or similar check at the end of the process (providing the source database is not being written to during package execution). The following stored procedure compares source and target record counts for each table.
USE [StagingDB]; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_checkRemoteSvrDBvsLocalDBRecCounts] ( @Remote_Server_Name VARCHAR(256) , @Remote_Server_DB_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Is_All_OK INT OUTPUT , @Process_Name VARCHAR(250) OUTPUT , @Error_Message VARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN SET @Process_Name = ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid) FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ); IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTbl') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #TempTbl; END; CREATE TABLE #TempTbl ( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) , TableName VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL , TableSchemaName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , LocalOrRemote VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL , RecordCount BIGINT NOT NULL ); DECLARE @ID TINYINT; DECLARE @Table_Name VARCHAR(256); DECLARE @Table_Schema_Name VARCHAR(128); DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(2056); DECLARE db_idxcursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY t.TABLE_NAME ASC, t.TABLE_SCHEMA ASC ) AS ID , t.TABLE_NAME , t.TABLE_SCHEMA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES t JOIN HNO_Control.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process m ON t.TABLE_NAME = m.Local_Table_Name AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA = m.Local_Schema_Name AND m.Remote_Server_Name = @Remote_Server_Name AND t.TABLE_CATALOG = @Target_DB_Name WHERE t.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND m.Is_Active = 1; OPEN db_idxcursor; FETCH NEXT FROM db_idxcursor INTO @ID, @Table_Name, @Table_Schema_Name; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #TempTbl (TableName, TableSchemaName, LocalOrRemote, RecordCount) SELECT ''' + @Table_Name + ''',''' + @Table_Schema_Name + ''' , ''Remote'', * FROM OPENQUERY(' + @Remote_Server_Name + ',''select count(1) as ct from ' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + '.' + @Table_Name + ''') UNION ALL SELECT ''' + @Table_Name + ''', ''' + @Table_Schema_Name + ''',''Local'', COUNT(1) FROM ' + @Target_DB_Name + '.' + @Table_Schema_Name + '.' + @Table_Name + ''; EXEC(@SQL); FETCH NEXT FROM db_idxcursor INTO @ID, @Table_Name, @Table_Schema_Name; END; CLOSE db_idxcursor; DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; DECLARE @DiffSourceTarget TABLE ( TableName VARCHAR(512) , RecordCount INT ); INSERT INTO @DiffSourceTarget ( TableName , RecordCount ) SELECT TableName , RecordCount FROM #TempTbl WHERE LocalOrRemote = 'Local' EXCEPT SELECT TableName , RecordCount FROM #TempTbl WHERE LocalOrRemote = 'Remote'; DECLARE @tablesListSource VARCHAR(MAX) = ( SELECT STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + TableName FROM @DiffSourceTarget FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ); IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT TableName , RecordCount FROM #TempTbl WHERE LocalOrRemote = 'Local' EXCEPT SELECT TableName , RecordCount FROM #TempTbl WHERE LocalOrRemote = 'Remote' ) a ) BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Post-reconciliation record count between local and remote objects is different for the following tables:' + CHAR(10); SET @Error_Message = @Error_Message + '' + @tablesListSource; SET @Is_All_OK = 0; END; ELSE BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTbl') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #TempTbl; END; END; GO
Following on, we continue with more validations and check and interrogate the error logging database for any entries that may have occurred during acquisition. As you saw in part 2 of this series as well as in the small tables acquisition stored procedure above, the code is designed in a manner which does not stall or stop the process from continuing in the event of data coping failure. Rather, it logs any unexpected errors in the AdminDBA database and continues in a looping fashion until all tables are accounted for. This mechanism prevents the process from falling over in the event an exception was raised so even though the package may have reported a successful completion status, it is possible an errors was raised and needs to be addressed. The next piece of code queries the AdminDBA database for any entries that occurred between the package execution start time and end time to report any discrepancies.
USE [StagingDB] GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_checkRemoteSvrDBvsLocalDBSyncErrors] ( @Sync_Exec_StartTime DATETIME , @Sync_Exec_EndTime DATETIME , @Is_All_OK INT OUTPUT , @Error_Message VARCHAR (MAX) OUTPUT, @Process_Name VARCHAR (250) OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN SET @Process_Name = ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid) FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ) IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM [AdminDBA].[dbo].[LogSSISErrors_Error] WHERE ErrorDateTime BETWEEN @Sync_Exec_StartTime AND @Sync_Exec_EndTime ) BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 0 SET @Error_Message = 'Errors were raised during data acquisition process. ' +CHAR(10) SET @Error_Message = @Error_Message+ 'A detailed log has been saved in AdminDBA database. ' +CHAR(10) SET @Error_Message = @Error_Message+ 'Click on the link above to access error instances report ' +CHAR(10) SET @Error_Message = @Error_Message+ 'or query the database directly to troubleshoot further.' END ELSE BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1 SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!' END END GO
Finally, nearly every transformation in the package links up with an email sending Execute SQL Task, notifying administrator(s) of any runtime issues that may arise. These tasks execute the ‘usp_sendBIGroupETLFailMessage‘ stored procedure outlined in part 1 of this series, which in turn send out an e-mail with an appropriate message content to nominated e-mail addresses. Whether the execution of this stored procedure is triggered or not entirely depends on the value of @Is_All_OK variable (included in most stored procedures outlined in this series as an OUTPUT) thus the precedence constraint path the package selects i.e. if the @Is_All_OK variable is 1, next transformation is triggered, if @Is_All_OK variable is 0, error-raising stored procedure is run. Also, since Visual Studio development environment does not allow a single e-mail sending task to be linked up with multiple transformations, unfortunately, each of them has to be duplicated, introducing unneeded redundancy and making the package layout messy and cluttered. Beyond this pain point, the rest is fairly straightforward with details of the actual SSIS package outlined in the next post to this series in Part 4.
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