Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Quick Review and Amazon Redshift Comparison – Part 2

In the first part of this series I briefly explored Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse key differentiating features that set it apart from the likes of AWS Redshift and outlined how we can load the Azure DW with sample TICKIT database data. In this final post I will go over some of the findings from comparing query execution speed across AWS/Azure DW offerings and briefly look at the reporting/analytics status quo.

My test ‘hardware’ set-up composition was characterized by the following specifications where, as mentioned in PART ONE, Amazon seems to adopt a bit less of a cloak-and-dagger approach.


Graphing the results, I assigned the following monikers to each environment based on its specifications/price point.

  • Azure SQL DW 100 DWU – Azure Data Warehouse 100 Data Warehouse Units
  • Azure SQL DW 500 DWU – Azure Data Warehouse 500 Data Warehouse Units
  • Azure SQL DW 1000 DWU – Azure Data Warehouse 1000 Data Warehouse Units
  • Azure SQL DW 2000 DWU – Azure Data Warehouse 2000 Data Warehouse Units
  • Redshift 3 x dc1.large – AWS Redshift 3 x large dense compute nodes
  • Redshift 2 x dc1.8xlarge – AWS Redshift 2 x extra-large dense compute nodes

Testing Methodology and Configuration Provisions

Each table created on Azure DW also had clustered columnstore index created on it, which as of December 2015, is a default behaviour when issuing a CREATE TABLE DDL statement unless specified otherwise i.e. using a HEAP option with the table creation statement. Clustered columnstore indexes provide better performance and data compression than a heap or rowstore clustered index. Also, each fact table and its data created in Azure DW was distributed using hashing values on identity fields e.g. Sales table –> saleid column, Listing table –> listid column, whereas a round-robin algorithm was used for dimension tables data distribution. A hash distributed table is a table whose rows are dispersed across multiple distributions based on a hash function applied to a column. When processing queries involving distributed tables, SQL DW instances execute multiple internal queries, in parallel, within each SQL instance, one per distribution.  These separate processes (independent internal SQL queries) are executed to handle different distributions during query and load processing. A round-robin distributed table is a table where the data is evenly (or as evenly as possible) distributed among all the distributions. Buffers containing rows of data are allocated in turn (hence the name round robin) to each distribution. The process is repeated until all data buffers have been allocated. At no stage is the data sorted or ordered in a round robin distributed table. A round robin distribution is sometimes called a random hash for this reason.

Each table on AMS Redshift database was assigned a distkey and a sortkey which are a powerful set of tools for optimizing query performance. A table’s distkey is the column on which it’s distributed to each node. Rows with the same value in this column are guaranteed to be on the same node. The goal in selecting a table distribution style is to minimize the impact of the redistribution step by locating the data where it needs to be before the query is executed. A table’s sortkey is the column by which it’s sorted within each node. The Amazon Redshift query optimizer uses sort order when it determines optimal query plans.

The following allocation was made for each table in the TICKIT database schema on AWS Redshift database.

Azure_SQL_DW_Review_Tickit_Distkeys_and Sortkeys

On Azure Data Warehouse, after populating TICKIT schema and before running all queries, clustered columnstore indexes were created on each table. Also, at a minimum, Microsoft recommends creating at least single-column statistics on every column on every table which in case of SQL Data Warehouse are user-defined i.e. need to be created manually and managed manually. As SQL Data Warehouse does not have a system stored procedure equivalent to ‘sp_create_stats’ in SQL Server, the following stored procedure was used to create a single column statistics object on every column of the database that didn’t already one, with FULLSCAN option defined for @create_type.

CREATE PROCEDURE    [dbo].[prc_sqldw_create_stats]
(   @create_type    tinyint -- 1 default 2 Fullscan 3 Sample
,   @sample_pct     tinyint

IF @create_type NOT IN (1,2,3)
    THROW 151000,'Invalid value for @stats_type parameter. Valid range 1 (default), 2 (fullscan) or 3 (sample).',1;

IF @sample_pct IS NULL
    SET @sample_pct = 20;

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#stats_ddl') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #stats_ddl;

CREATE TABLE #stats_ddl
WITH    (   DISTRIBUTION    = HASH([seq_nmbr])
        ,   LOCATION        = USER_DB
SELECT      t.[name]                        AS [table_name]
,           s.[name]                        AS [table_schema_name]
,           c.[name]                        AS [column_name]
,           c.[column_id]                   AS [column_id]
,           t.[object_id]                   AS [object_id]
,           ROW_NUMBER()
            OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL))    AS [seq_nmbr]
FROM        sys.[tables] t
JOIN        sys.[schemas] s         ON  t.[schema_id]       = s.[schema_id]
JOIN        sys.[columns] c         ON  t.[object_id]       = c.[object_id]
LEFT JOIN   sys.[stats_columns] l   ON  l.[object_id]       = c.[object_id]
                                    AND l.[column_id]       = c.[column_id]
                                    AND l.[stats_column_id] = 1
LEFT JOIN   sys.[external_tables] e ON  e.[object_id]       = t.[object_id]
WHERE       l.[object_id] IS NULL
AND         e.[object_id] IS NULL -- not an external table
SELECT  [table_schema_name]
,       [table_name]
,       [column_name]
,       [column_id]
,       [object_id]
,       [seq_nmbr]
,       CASE @create_type
        WHEN 1
        THEN    CAST('CREATE STATISTICS '+QUOTENAME('stat_'+table_schema_name+ '_' + table_name + '_'+column_name)+' ON '+QUOTENAME(table_schema_name)+'.'+QUOTENAME(table_name)+'('+QUOTENAME(column_name)+')' AS VARCHAR(8000))
        WHEN 2
        THEN    CAST('CREATE STATISTICS '+QUOTENAME('stat_'+table_schema_name+ '_' + table_name + '_'+column_name)+' ON '+QUOTENAME(table_schema_name)+'.'+QUOTENAME(table_name)+'('+QUOTENAME(column_name)+') WITH FULLSCAN' AS VARCHAR(8000))
        WHEN 3
        THEN    CAST('CREATE STATISTICS '+QUOTENAME('stat_'+table_schema_name+ '_' + table_name + '_'+column_name)+' ON '+QUOTENAME(table_schema_name)+'.'+QUOTENAME(table_name)+'('+QUOTENAME(column_name)+') WITH SAMPLE '+@sample_pct+'PERCENT' AS VARCHAR(8000))
        END AS create_stat_ddl

DECLARE @i INT              = 1
,       @t INT              = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #stats_ddl)
,       @s NVARCHAR(4000)   = N''

WHILE @i <= @t
    SET @s=(SELECT create_stat_ddl FROM #stats_ddl WHERE seq_nmbr = @i);

    PRINT @s
    EXEC sp_executesql @s
    SET @i+=1;

DROP TABLE #stats_ddl;

AWS Redshift database, on the other hand, was issued a VACUUM REINDEX command for each table in the TICKIT database in order to analyse the distribution of the values in interleaved sort key columns, reclaims disk space and resorts all rows. Amazon recommends running ANALYZE command alongside the VACUUM statement whenever a significant number of rows is added, deleted or modified to update the statistics metadata, however, given that COPY command automatically updates statistics after loading an empty table, the statistics should already be up-to-date.


Please note that beyond the measures outlined above, no tuning, tweaking or any other optimization techniques were employed when making this comparison, therefore, the results are only indicative of the performance level in the context of the same data and configuration used. Also, all tests were run when Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse was still in preview hence it is possible that most of the service performance deficiencies or alternatively performance-to-price ratio have now been rectified/improved thus subsequently altering the value proposition if implemented today. Finally, all queries executed in this comparison do not reflect any specific business questions, therefore all SQL statements have a very arbitrary structure and have been assembled to only test computational performance of each service. As such, they do not represent any typical business cases and can only be viewed as a rudimentary performance testing tool.

Test Results

When comparing execution speeds on the same data between those two different services only similar instance classes should be stacked up against each other (typically based on hardware specifications). Given the sometimes ambiguous and deceptive nature of the cloud and its providers’ statements regarding the actual hardware selection/implementation, in this case it is only fair to match them based on the actual service price points. As such, when analysing the results, I excluded Azure SQL Data Warehouse 500 DTU and Azure SQL Data Warehouse 2000 DTU instances (displayed for reference only) and focused on AWS Redshift similarly priced Azure SQL Data Warehouse 100 DTU and Azure SQL Data Warehouse 1000 DTU instances. Also, storage and network transfer fees were not taken into consideration when matching up the price points as these were negligible with the amount of data I used in my case.

All SQL queries run to collect execution times (expressed in seconds) as well as graphical representation of their duration are as per below.

FROM    ( SELECT    COUNT(*) AS counts ,
                    salesid ,
                    listid ,
                    sellerid ,
                    buyerid ,
                    eventid ,
                    dateid ,
                    qtysold ,
                    pricepaid ,
                    commission ,
          FROM      sales
          GROUP BY  salesid ,
                    listid ,
                    sellerid ,
                    buyerid ,
                    eventid ,
                    dateid ,
                    qtysold ,
                    pricepaid ,
                    commission ,
        ) sub;


WITH    cte
          AS ( SELECT   SUM(s.pricepaid) AS pricepaid ,
                        sub.* ,
                        DENSE_RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY sub.totalprice ORDER BY d.caldate DESC ) AS daterank
               FROM     sales s
                        JOIN ( SELECT   l.totalprice ,
                                        l.listid ,
                                        v.venuecity ,
                               FROM     listing l
                                        LEFT JOIN event e ON l.eventid = e.eventid
                                        INNER JOIN category c ON e.catid = c.catid
                                        INNER JOIN venue v ON e.venueid = v.venueid
                               GROUP BY v.venuecity ,
                                        c.catdesc ,
                                        l.listid ,
                             ) sub ON s.listid = sub.listid
                        LEFT JOIN users u1 ON s.buyerid = u1.userid
                        LEFT JOIN Date d ON d.dateid = s.dateid
               GROUP BY sub.totalprice ,
                        sub.listid ,
                        sub.venuecity ,
                        sub.catdesc ,
    FROM    cte;


FROM    ( SELECT    s.* ,
          FROM      sales s
                    LEFT JOIN event e ON s.eventid = e.eventid
                    LEFT JOIN date d ON d.dateid = s.dateid
                    LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid = s.buyerid
                    LEFT JOIN listing l ON l.listid = s.listid
                    LEFT JOIN category c ON c.catid = e.catid
                    LEFT JOIN venue v ON v.venueid = e.venueid
          SELECT    s.* ,
          FROM      sales s
                    LEFT JOIN event e ON s.eventid = e.eventid
                    LEFT JOIN date d ON d.dateid = s.dateid
                    LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid = s.buyerid
                    LEFT JOIN listing l ON l.listid = s.listid
                    LEFT JOIN category c ON c.catid = e.catid
                    LEFT JOIN venue v ON v.venueid = e.venueid
          WHERE = 0
        ) sub;


FROM    ( SELECT    SUM(sub1.pricepaid) AS price_paid ,
                    sub1.caldate AS date ,
          FROM      ( SELECT    s.pricepaid ,
                                d.caldate ,
                      FROM      Sales s
                                LEFT JOIN date d ON s.dateid = s.dateid
                                LEFT JOIN users u ON s.buyerid = u.userid
                      WHERE     s.saletime BETWEEN '2008-12-01' AND '2008-12-31'
                    ) sub1
          GROUP BY  sub1.caldate ,
        ) AS sub2;


WITH    CTE1 ( c1 )
          AS ( SELECT   COUNT(1) AS c1
               FROM     Sales s
               WHERE    saletime BETWEEN '2008-12-01' AND '2008-12-31'
               GROUP BY salesid
               HAVING   COUNT(*) = 1
        CTE2 ( c2 )
          AS ( SELECT   COUNT(1) AS c2
               FROM     Listing e
               WHERE    listtime BETWEEN '2008-12-01' AND '2008-12-31'
               GROUP BY listid
               HAVING   COUNT(*) = 1
        CTE3 ( c3 )
          AS ( SELECT   COUNT(1) AS c3
               FROM     Date d
               GROUP BY dateid
               HAVING   COUNT(*) = 1
    FROM    CTE1
            RIGHT JOIN CTE2 ON CTE1.c1 <> CTE2.c2
            RIGHT JOIN CTE3 ON CTE3.c3 = CTE2.c2
                               AND CTE3.c3 <> CTE1.c1
    GROUP BY CTE1.c1
    HAVING  COUNT(*) > 1;


WITH    cte
          AS ( SELECT   s1.* ,
                        COALESCE(u.likesports, u.liketheatre, u.likeconcerts,
                                 u.likejazz, u.likeclassical, u.likeopera,
                                 u.likerock, u.likevegas, u.likebroadway,
                                 u.likemusicals) AS interests
               FROM     sales s1
                        LEFT JOIN users u ON s1.buyerid = u.userid
               WHERE    EXISTS ( SELECT s2.*
                                 FROM   sales s2
                                        LEFT JOIN event e ON s2.eventid = e.eventid
                                        LEFT JOIN date d ON d.dateid = s2.dateid
                                        LEFT JOIN listing l ON l.listid = s2.listid
                                                              AND s1.salesid = s2.salesid )
                        AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT s3.*
                                         FROM   sales s3
                                                LEFT JOIN event e ON s3.eventid = e.eventid
                                                LEFT JOIN category c ON c.catid = e.catid
                                         WHERE  c.catdesc = 'National Basketball Association'
                                                AND s1.salesid = s3.salesid )
    FROM    cte
    WHERE   cte.dateid IN (
            SELECT  dateid
            FROM    ( SELECT    ss.dateid ,
                                ss.buyerid ,
                                RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY ss.dateid ORDER BY ss.saletime DESC ) AS daterank
                      FROM      sales ss
                    ) sub
            WHERE   sub.daterank = 1 );


WITH    Temp ( sum_pricepaid, sum_commission, sum_qtysold, eventname, caldate, username, Row1 )
          AS ( SELECT   SUM(s.pricepaid) AS sum_pricepaid ,
                        SUM(s.commission) AS sum_commission ,
                        SUM(s.qtysold) AS sum_qtysold ,
                        e.eventname ,
                        d.caldate ,
                        u.username ,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY e.eventname ORDER BY e.starttime DESC ) AS Row1
               FROM     Sales s
                        JOIN Event e ON s.eventid = e.eventid
                        JOIN Date d ON s.dateid = d.dateid
                        JOIN Listing l ON l.listid = s.listid
                        JOIN Users u ON l.sellerid = u.userid
               WHERE <> 1
               GROUP BY e.eventname ,
                        d.caldate ,
                        e.starttime ,
    FROM    Temp
    WHERE   Row1 = 1;


FROM    ( SELECT    a.pricepaid ,
                    a.eventname ,
                    NTILE(10) OVER ( ORDER BY a.pricepaid DESC ) AS ntile_pricepaid ,
                    a.qtysold ,
                    NTILE(10) OVER ( ORDER BY a.qtysold DESC ) AS ntile_qtsold ,
                    a.commission ,
                    NTILE(10) OVER ( ORDER BY a.commission DESC ) AS ntile_commission
          FROM      ( SELECT    SUM(pricepaid) AS pricepaid ,
                                SUM(qtysold) AS qtysold ,
                                SUM(commission) AS commission ,
                      FROM      Sales s
                                JOIN Date d ON s.dateid = s.dateid
                                JOIN Event e ON s.eventid = e.eventid
                                JOIN Listing l ON l.listid = s.listid
                      WHERE     d.caldate > l.listtime
                      GROUP BY  e.eventname
                    ) a
        ) z;


Even taking Azure SQL DW 500 DWU and Azure SQL DW 2000 DWU out of equation, at face value, it is easy to conclude that Amazon Redshift MPP performed much better across most queries. With the exception of query 8, where Azure SQL DW came out performing a lot better Redshift, Azure SQL DW took a lot longer to compute the results, in some instances 40 times slower then cooperatively priced Redshift instance e.g. query 2. The very last query results, however, show Azure SQL DW performing considerably better in comparison to Redshift, with Amazon’s service also having troubles executing query 6 (hence the lack of results for this particular execution) and indicating the lack of support for the sub-query used by throwing the following error message.


This only goes to show that the performance achieved from those two cloud MPP databases heavily depends on the type of workload performed, with some queries favouring AWS offering more than Azure and vice versa. Also, it is worth noting that for a typical business scenarios where standard queries issued by analysts will mostly be comprised of some level of data aggregation across a few schema objects e.g. building a summary report, the performance difference was marginal. Interestingly, query number 5 performed identically irrespective of the number of DTUs allocated to the instance. Majority of the time allocated to computing the output was dedicated to a ‘ReturnOperation’, as shown by the optimizer, with the following query issued to this step.


This leads me to another observation – the performance increase between 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 DWU increments wasn’t as linear as I expected across all queries (average execution speed). With the exception of query 5 which looks like an outlier, the most significant improvements were registered when moving from 100 DWU to 500 DWU (which roughly corresponded to price increments). However, going above 500 DWU yielded less noticeable speed increases for further cumulative changes to the instance scale.


Data Connectivity and Visualization

Figuring out how to best store the data underpinning business transactions is only half the battle; making use of it through reporting and analytics is the ultimate goal of data collection. Using the same test data set I briefly tried Microsoft’s Power BI Desktop and Tableau applications to create a simple visualizations of the sales data stored in the fictitious TICKIT database. Microsoft SQL DW Azure portal also offers direct access link to Power BI online analytics service (see image below), with Azure SQL Data Warehouse listed among the supported data sources but I opted for a local install of Power BI Desktop instead for my quick analysis.


Power BI Desktop offers Azure SQL DW specific connection as per image below but specifying a standard SQL Server instance (Azure or on premise) also yielded a valid connection.


Building a sample ‘Sales Analysis’ report was a very straightforward affair but most importantly the execution speed when dragging measures and dimensions around onto the report development pane was very fast in DirectQuery mode even when configured with minimal number of DWUs. Once all object relationships and their cardinality was configured I could put together a simple report or visualize my data without being distracted by query performance lag or excessive wait times.

In case of Tableau, you can connect to Azure SQL Data Warehouse simply by selecting Microsoft SQL Server from the server options available, there is no Azure SQL DW dedicated connection type. Performance-wise, Tableau executed all aggregation and sorting queries with minimal lag and I could easily perform basic exploratory data analysis on my test data set with little to no delay.

Below is a short example video clip depicting the process of connecting to Azure SQL DW (running on the minimal configuration from performance standpoint i.e. 100 DWU) and creating a few simple graphs, aggregating sales data. You can immediately notice that in spite of minimal resource allocation the queries run quite fast (main table – dbo.Sales – comprised of over 50,000,000 records) with little intermission between individual aggregation executions. Query execution speed improved considerably when the instance was scaled out to 500 DWU with same or similar queries recording sub-second execution times.


With the advent of big data and ever increasing need for more computational power and bigger storage, cloud deployments are poised to become the de facto standard for any data volume, velocity and variety-intensive workloads. Microsoft has already established itself as a formidable database software vendor with its SQL Server platform gradually taking the lead away from its chief competitor in this space – Oracle (at least if you believe the 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant for operational DBMSs) and has had a robust and service-rich cloud (Azure) database strategy in place for some time. Yet, it was Amazon, with its Redshift cloud MPP offering that saw the window of opportunity to fill the market void for a cheap and scalable data warehouse solution, something that Microsoft has not offered in its Azure ecosystem until now.

On the whole, Microsoft’s first foray into cloud-enabling their MPP architecture looks promising. As stated before this product is still in preview so chances are that there is still a ton of quirks and imperfections to iron out, however, I generally like the features, flexibility and non-byzantine approach to scaling that it offers. I like the fact that there are differentiating factors that set it apart from other vendors e.g. ability to query seamlessly across both relational data in a relational database and non-relational data in common Hadoop formats (PolyBase), hybrid architecture between on-premises and cloud and most of all, ability to pause, grow and shrink the data warehouse a matter of seconds. The fact that, for example, Azure SQL DW can integrate with an existing on-premises infrastructure and allow for a truly hybrid approach should open up new options for streamlining, integrating and cost-saving across data storage and analytics stack e.g. rather than provisioning secondary on-premises APS (Analytics Platform System) for disaster recovery and business continuity best practices (quite an expensive exercise), one could simply utilize Azure SQL DW as a drop-in replacement. Given that storage and compute have been decoupled, Azure SQL DW could operate mostly in a paused state, allowing for considerable savings, yet fulfilling the need for a robust, on-demand back up system in case of the primary appliance failure, as per diagram below (click on image to expand).


In terms of performance/cost I think that once the service comes out of preview I would expect either for the performance to improve or the price to be lowered to make it truly competitive with what’s on offer from AWS. It’s still early days and very much a work in progress so I’m looking forward to see what this service can provide with a production-ready release, but Azure SQL DW looks like a solid attempt in disrupting Amazon’s dominance of Redshift in the cloud data warehouse space, the fastest growing service in their ever expanding arsenal.

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This entry was posted on Friday, January 15th, 2016 at 9:50 am and is filed under Azure, Cloud Computing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Quick Review and Amazon Redshift Comparison – Part 2”

Glen February 21st, 2016 at 2:29 pm

Great article.

admin February 22nd, 2016 at 3:03 am

Thanks for checking it out!

JT Brown May 18th, 2016 at 10:33 pm

Great article!

One thing that I’m curious about – Statistics.

Typically, with large fact table sizing, single column statistics start to lose fidelity and the optimizer has a tougher time coming up with a plan.

Columnstores don’t necessarily get around this issue.

On a standard SQL Server columnstore, you have several options to help maintain stats fidelity.

1) Create multiple partitions and use incremental stats updates (forcing stats to be created per partition), or to manually create filtered stats.

On APS (PDW), you do have partitioning available, however, no incremental stats updates. You’re forced to create filtered stats manually if you want them down at the partition level. I believe this is also true of Azure SQL DW since it’s based off the same tech stack.

The bad part about filtered stats, is that when you create a filtered stat, it has to scan across the whole table while its gathering heuristics. This is mitigated somewhat by specifying a scan density. However, with an incremental stat, it only scans across any NEW partitions (I believe).

With that being said, I wonder what the performance is when you partition and create filtered stats on your fact tables. Similarly, is there a way to line that kind of architecture up against RedShift?

Anyway, something to think about.

admin May 19th, 2016 at 2:06 am

Hi Jeremy and thank you for your detailed observations.

I haven’t gone beyond creating single column statistics on any of the tables or tried to optimise the setup in any way beyond what’s already outlined in the post mostly due to the lack of time on my part. It is quite possible that with a small amount of tweaking much better performance could be achieved and I believe that in he spirit of simplifying data warehouse setups on Azure, Microsoft will make table statistics creation and updates automatic and default, as it was the case with columnstore indexes after Dec 2015.

On the side note, as of late, I have become a strong proponent of serverless architecture for large data storage and processing systems e.g. Google BigQuery, where only minimal amount of configuration is required to achieve the desired performance. I strongly believe that, with the exception of very large on-premise setups, the days where a dedicated resource or specialist knowledge is necessary to tune systems performance are coming to an end. I really wish that vendor-to-vendor comparison, not only from the query speed perspective but more holistically (pricing, ecosystem etc.) wasn’t such a black box and didn’t necessitate expert knowledge constrained only to a single, specific product. I think that Microsoft and other cloud juggernauts slowly recognise the fact that cloud computing is mostly about convenience and speed-to-market then anything else and replicating on-premise database functionality i.e. VM + your choice of OS and RDBMS is not really changing things drastically for better.

In the nutshell, would have liked to do more tests and optimisation when making this comparison but at the same time would prefer to work with a product which allows me to focus on analytics and extracting insights from data, leaving vendor-specific technicalities out of the picture.


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