Using AWS Polly And IBM Watson Text-To-Speech And Tone Analyser Artificial Intelligence Services To Read and Analyse Clinical Chat Data (Part 1)
August 23rd, 2017 / 4 Comments » / by admin
Note: Part two to this series can be found HERE
Ever since Amazon unveiled Polly text-to-speech cloud service I have wanted to create something that would allow this service to be utilised in a real-world scenario. Then it dawned on me that since my current employer (healthcare sector) is operating a service where people can connect with clinical staff and seek help for mental health issue through a chat messaging application (among other means), I can convert this text data into audible format and make it ‘playable’.
Polly is a very interesting example of the advances made in Artificial Intelligence and its democratisation in recent years. Amazon defines Polly as ‘AI service that uses advanced deep learning technologies to synthesise speech that sounds like a human voice. Amazon Polly includes dozens of lifelike voices across a variety of languages, so you can select the ideal voice and build speech-enabled applications that work in many different countries. Amazon Polly provides an API that enables you to quickly integrate speech synthesis into your application. You simply send the text you want converted into speech to the Amazon Polly API, and Amazon Polly immediately returns the audio stream to your application so your application can begin streaming it directly or store it in a standard audio file format, such as MP3’.
Below if a short sample footage demonstrating the functionality of the GUI and AWS Polly API.
Since the API is quite simple and the pricing very easy on the wallet, I got stuck into building a little POC in Python. The solution described here is comprised of Microsoft SQL Server database containing one table with a sample data of a typical chat session between a clinician and a patient (dummy data) and a simple function which splits out chat text data into multiple records when the maximum threshold is reached. Polly imposes a limit on the size of the input text which can be up to 1500 billed characters (3000 total characters). Since some entries exceed this limit, this function allows you to break up strings longer then 1500 characters into multiple chunks/records based on full stop character occurrence (I figured it was the most natural way of doing it).
To explore Polly’s voices and the characteristic assigned to them I created two separate drop-down controls (one for patient and one for clinician). Amazon boasts that Polly currently supports a total of 47 male and female voices spread across 24 languages, with additional languages and voices on the roadmap. This app includes the following voices as part of this demo: Russell and Nicole (en-AU), Amy, Brian and Emma (en-GB), Raveena (en-IN), Ivy, Joanna, Joey, Justin, Kendra, Kimberly and Salli (en-US). In this first iteration I have also built an additional button into its main GUI labelled ‘Perform Tone Analysis’ which, for now, has no functionality but if you’re keen to follow along with this tutorial, in part two I will be demonstrating how to use IBM Watson machine learning API for linguistic tone analysis of the chat data. The following is a sample Python code (Python 3) generating basic GUI. I have also included the SQL code which produces dummy data and the function responsible for breaking long strings into smaller ‘chunks’.
import time import io import multiprocessing import pyodbc import boto3 import pygame from contextlib import closing import tkinter as tk from tkinter import scrolledtext, ttk, messagebox class ConnectionInfo: def __init__(self): self.inst_srv = tk.StringVar() self.inst_db = tk.StringVar() self.inst_login = tk.StringVar() self.inst_passwd = tk.StringVar() self.aws_access_key_id = tk.StringVar() self.aws_secret_access_key = tk.StringVar() self.ibm_username = tk.StringVar() self.ibm_passwd = tk.StringVar() self.use_aws_api = tk.IntVar() self.use_ibm_api = tk.IntVar() self.use_win_auth = tk.IntVar() self.session_id = tk.IntVar() self.clinician_voice = tk.StringVar() self.patient_voice = tk.StringVar() class MsSqlDatabase: ODBC_DRIVER = '{ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}' def __init__(self, conn_info): self.conn_info = conn_info def connect(self): connection_string = ('DRIVER={driver};SERVER={server};DATABASE={db};'.format( driver=self.ODBC_DRIVER, server=self.conn_info.inst_srv.get(), db=self.conn_info.inst_db.get())) if self.conn_info.use_win_auth.get() == 1: connection_string = connection_string + 'Trusted_Connection=yes;' else: connection_string = connection_string + 'UID={uid};PWD={password};'.format( uid=self.conn_info.inst_login.get(), password=self.conn_info.inst_passwd.get()) try: conn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, timeout=1) except pyodbc.Error as err: conn = None return conn def get_session(self, conn): try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT UPPER(user_role), message_body FROM dbo.test_dialog t WHERE t.Session_ID = ? ORDER BY t.ID ASC""", self.conn_info.session_id.get()) results = cursor.fetchall() except pyodbc.Error as err: results = None return results def get_messages(self, conn): try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT t.user_role, t.direction, LTRIM(RTRIM(f.RESULT)) AS message FROM dbo.test_dialog t CROSS APPLY dbo.tvf_getConversations (t.message_body, 50, '.') f WHERE t.session_id = ? ORDER BY,""", self.conn_info.session_id.get()) results = cursor.fetchall() except pyodbc.Error as err: results = None return results class AudioPlayer: def __init__(self, credentials, voices): self.credentials = credentials self.voices = voices def run(self, messages, voices, commands, status): status['code'] = 0 status['message'] = 'OK' # connect to AWS try: polly_service = boto3.client( 'polly', aws_access_key_id = self.credentials['aws_access_key'], aws_secret_access_key = self.credentials['aws_secret_key'], region_name = 'eu-west-1') except: polly_service = None if not polly_service: status['code'] = 1 status['message'] = 'Cannot connect to polly service' return is_stopped = False is_paused = False pygame.mixer.init(channels=1, frequency=44100) for message in messages: print(message) try: polly_response = polly_service.synthesize_speech( OutputFormat='ogg_vorbis', Text=message[2], TextType='text', VoiceId=voices[message[0]]) except: polly_response = None if not polly_response: status['code'] = 2 status['message'] = 'Cannot get response from polly' break if "AudioStream" in polly_response: with closing(polly_response["AudioStream"]) as stream: data = filelike = io.BytesIO(data) sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(file=filelike) while pygame.mixer.get_busy() or is_paused: if not commands.empty(): command = commands.get() if command == 'STOP': sound.stop() is_stopped = True break if command == 'PAUSE': is_paused = not is_paused if is_paused: sound.stop() else: time.sleep(0.010) if is_stopped: break class AppFrame(object): def __init__(self): self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title('Polly Text-To-Speech GUI Prototype ver 1.0') self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.conn_info = ConnectionInfo() self.connection_details_frame = ConnDetailsFrame(self.root, self) self.session_frame = SessionDetailsFrame(self.root, self) self.playback_frame = PlaybackDetailsFrame(self.root, self) def run(self): self.root.mainloop() class ConnDetailsFrame(ttk.LabelFrame): def __init__(self, root, parent): super(ConnDetailsFrame, self).__init__(root, text='1. Connection Details') super(ConnDetailsFrame, self).grid( row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='W', padx=5, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5 ) self.root = root self.parent = parent self.conn_info = parent.conn_info self.create_notebook() def create_notebook(self): self.tab_control = ttk.Notebook(self) self.create_frames() self.create_labels() self.create_entry() self.create_checkbuttons() def create_frames(self): self.tab_db = ttk.Frame(self.tab_control) self.tab_api = ttk.Frame(self.tab_control) self.tab_control.add(self.tab_db, text="Database Connection Details ") self.tab_control.add(self.tab_api, text="APIs Connection Details ") self.tab_control.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='E', padx=5, pady=5) def create_labels(self): ttk.Label(self.tab_db, text="Server/Instance Name:").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='E', padx=5, pady=(15, 5)) ttk.Label(self.tab_db, text="Database Name:").grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='E', padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(self.tab_db, text="User Name:").grid(column=0, row=3, sticky="E", padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(self.tab_db, text="Password:").grid(column=0, row=4, sticky="E", padx=5, pady=(5, 10)) ttk.Label(self.tab_api, text="AWS Access Key ID:").grid(column=0, row=1, sticky="E", padx=5, pady=(5, 5)) ttk.Label(self.tab_api, text="AWS Secret Access Key:").grid(column=0, row=2, sticky="E", padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(self.tab_api, text="IBM Watson Username:").grid(column=0, row=4, sticky="E", padx=5, pady=(5, 5)) ttk.Label(self.tab_api, text="IBM Watson Password:").grid(column=0, row=5, sticky="E", padx=5, pady=(5,15)) def create_checkbuttons(self): check_use_win_auth = ttk.Checkbutton(self.tab_db, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.conn_info.use_win_auth, text='Use Windows Authentication', command=self.on_use_win_auth_change) check_use_win_auth.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W', padx=15, pady=(15,5)) check_use_aws_api = ttk.Checkbutton(self.tab_api, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.conn_info.use_aws_api, text='Use AWS Text-To-Speech API') check_use_aws_api.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W', padx=15, pady=(15,5)) check_use_ibm_api = ttk.Checkbutton(self.tab_api, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.conn_info.use_ibm_api, text='Use IBM Watson API') check_use_ibm_api.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W', padx=15, pady=(15,5)) def create_entry(self): entry_db_server_name = ttk.Entry(self.tab_db, width=60, textvariable=self.conn_info.inst_srv) entry_db_server_name.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W', padx=10, pady=(15, 5)) entry_db_name = ttk.Entry(self.tab_db, width=60, textvariable=self.conn_info.inst_db) entry_db_name.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W', padx=10, pady=5) self.entry_db_user_name = ttk.Entry(self.tab_db, width=60, textvariable=self.conn_info.inst_login) self.entry_db_user_name.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) self.entry_db_password = ttk.Entry(self.tab_db, width=60, textvariable=self.conn_info.inst_passwd, show="*") self.entry_db_password.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=10, pady=(5, 10)) entry_aws_access_key = ttk.Entry(self.tab_api, width=60, textvariable=self.conn_info.aws_access_key_id) entry_aws_access_key.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W', padx=10, pady=(5, 5)) entry_aws_secret_key = ttk.Entry(self.tab_api, width=60, textvariable=self.conn_info.aws_secret_access_key) entry_aws_secret_key.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) entry_ibm_username = ttk.Entry(self.tab_api, width=60, state='disabled', textvariable=self.conn_info.ibm_username) entry_ibm_username.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) entry_ibm_password = ttk.Entry(self.tab_api, width=60, state='disabled', textvariable=self.conn_info.ibm_passwd,show="*") entry_ibm_password.grid(row=5, column=1, padx=5, pady=(5,15)) def on_use_win_auth_change(self): if (self.conn_info.use_win_auth.get() == 1): self.entry_db_user_name.configure(state='disabled') self.entry_db_password.configure(state='disabled') else: self.entry_db_user_name.configure(state='normal') self.entry_db_password.configure(state='normal') class SessionDetailsFrame(ttk.LabelFrame): def __init__(self, root, parent): super(SessionDetailsFrame, self).__init__(root, text='2. Session Details') super(SessionDetailsFrame, self).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='NW', padx=5, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5) self.parent = parent self.conn_info = parent.conn_info self.create_entries() self.create_buttons() self.create_scrolled_text() def create_entries(self): ttk.Entry( self, justify="center", width=18, font="Helvetica 18 bold", textvariable=self.conn_info.session_id).grid(row=1, column=2, padx=3, pady=5, sticky='W') def create_buttons(self): search_session_btn = ttk.Button(self, text="SEARCH SESSION ID", command=self.on_search_session_click) search_session_btn.grid(row=1, column=3, ipadx=8, ipady=6) def create_scrolled_text(self): self.dialog_st = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self, width=45, height=8, wrap=tk.WORD) self.dialog_st.grid(column=2, row=2, padx=4, pady=4, columnspan=2, sticky='w') style = ttk.Style() style.configure("TButton", foreground="red") def on_search_session_click(self): db = MsSqlDatabase(self.conn_info) conn = db.connect() if conn: results = db.get_session(conn) if results: self.dialog_st.delete('1.0', tk.END) for role, message in results: self.dialog_st.insert(tk.END, '{}:\n'.format(role), 'role') self.dialog_st.insert(tk.END, '{}\n\n'.format(message), 'message') self.dialog_st.tag_config('role', foreground='red', font="Courier 11 bold") else: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message="Nominated Session ID not found in the database!") else: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message="Cannot connect to database server") class PlaybackDetailsFrame(ttk.LabelFrame): def __init__(self, root, parent): super(PlaybackDetailsFrame, self).__init__(root, text='3. Playback Details') super(PlaybackDetailsFrame, self).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='WN', padx=5, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5) self.root = root self.parent = parent self.conn_info = parent.conn_info self.create_labels() self.create_combobox() self.create_buttons() root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.on_closing) self.process_manager = multiprocessing.Manager() self.player_process = None self.player_commands = None self.player_status = None def create_labels(self): l1 = ttk.Label(self, text="Clinician Voice:").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W', padx=5, pady=5) l2 = ttk.Label(self, text="Patient Voice:").grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W', padx=5, pady=5) var1 = tk.StringVar(self.root) var2 = tk.StringVar(self.root) def create_combobox(self): clinician = ttk.Combobox(self, width=11, textvariable=self.conn_info.clinician_voice) clinician.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='NW') clinician['values'] = ( 'Russell', 'Nicole', 'Amy', 'Brian', 'Emma', 'Raveena', 'Ivy', 'Joanna', 'Joey', 'Justin', 'Kendra', 'Kimberly', 'Salli' ) clinician.current(0) patient = ttk.Combobox(self, width=11, textvariable=self.conn_info.patient_voice) patient.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=(5, 0), pady=5, sticky='NW') patient['values'] = ( 'Nicole', 'Russell', 'Amy', 'Brian', 'Emma', 'Raveena', 'Ivy', 'Joanna', 'Joey', 'Justin', 'Kendra', 'Kimberly', 'Salli') patient.current(0) def create_buttons(self): play_session_btn = ttk.Button(self, text="PLAY", width=25, command=self.on_play_session_click) play_session_btn.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=(10, 2), pady=(25, 5), sticky='WE') pause_session_btn = ttk.Button(self, text="PAUSE", width=25, command=self.on_pause_session_click) pause_session_btn.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=(10, 2), pady=5, sticky='WE') stop_session_btn = ttk.Button(self, text="STOP", width=25, command=self.on_stop_session_click) stop_session_btn.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=(10, 2), pady=5, sticky='WE') def on_play_session_click(self): if self.player_process: if self.player_process.is_alive(): self.player_commands.put('STOP') db = MsSqlDatabase(self.conn_info) db_conn = db.connect() if db_conn: messages = db.get_messages(db_conn) if messages: credentials = { 'aws_access_key': self.conn_info.aws_access_key_id.get(), 'aws_secret_key': self.conn_info.aws_secret_access_key.get() } voices = { 'clinician': self.conn_info.clinician_voice.get(), 'client': self.conn_info.patient_voice.get() } player = AudioPlayer(credentials, voices) self.player_commands = self.process_manager.Queue() self.player_status = self.process_manager.dict() self.player_process = multiprocessing.Process(, args=(messages, voices, self.player_commands, self.player_status)) self.player_process.start() self.root.after(500, lambda: self.check_player_status(self.player_process, self.player_status)) else: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message="Nominated Session ID not found in the database!") else: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message="Cannot connect to database server") def on_pause_session_click(self): if self.player_commands: self.player_commands.put("PAUSE") def on_stop_session_click(self): if self.player_commands: self.player_commands.put("STOP") def on_closing(self): if self.player_process: if self.player_process.is_alive(): self.player_commands.put('STOP') self.player_process.join() self.root.destroy() def check_player_status(self, player_process, player_status): if not player_process.is_alive(): print('Player status: {}, {}'.format(player_status['code'], player_status['message'])) if player_status['code'] != 0: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message=player_status['message']) else: self.root.after(500, lambda: self.check_player_status(player_process, player_status)) if __name__ == "__main__": app = AppFrame()
/*============================================================================== STEP 1 Create SampleDB databases on the local instance ==============================================================================*/ USE [master]; GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'SampleDB') BEGIN -- Close connections to the StagingDB database ALTER DATABASE SampleDB SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; DROP DATABASE SampleDB; END; GO -- Create SampleDB database and log files CREATE DATABASE SampleDB ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'SampleDB', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQL2016DEV\MSSQL\DATA\SampleDB.mdf', SIZE = 10MB, MAXSIZE = 1GB, FILEGROWTH = 10MB ) LOG ON ( NAME = N'SampleDB_log', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQL2016DEV\MSSQL\DATA\SampleDB_log.LDF', SIZE = 1MB, MAXSIZE = 1GB, FILEGROWTH = 10MB ); GO --Assign database ownership to login SA EXEC SampleDB.dbo.sp_changedbowner @loginame = N'SA', @map = false; GO --Change the recovery model to BULK_LOGGED ALTER DATABASE SampleDB SET RECOVERY BULK_LOGGED; GO /*============================================================================== STEP 2 Create test_dialog table on SampleDB database and insert few dummy records imitating clinitian and patient conversation in a standard chat session ==============================================================================*/ USE SampleDB; GO IF OBJECT_ID('test_dialog') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE test_dialog; END; CREATE TABLE test_dialog ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, session_id INT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, user_role VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, message_body NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, date_created DATETIME NOT NULL, direction VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO test_dialog ( session_id, user_id, user_role, message_body, date_created, direction ) SELECT 1, 44411, 'client', 'Hi there. I want to talk to some one. Are you guys available for a quick chat?', SYSDATETIME(), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 32, 'clinician', 'Hi. My name is Nicole. How can I help you today?', DATEADD(SECOND, 9, SYSDATETIME()), 'Out' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 44411, 'client', 'I''m sad and depressed and need help with how I''m feeling at the moment. I was bullied at school today and feel like I don''t want to go back there again. I''m not coping well when my peers are making fun of me because I''m slightly overweight.', DATEADD(SECOND, 21, SYSDATETIME()), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 32, 'clinician', 'It sounds like you are going through some tough times at the moment. It''s OK, I''m here to help you. Can you tell me more on what''s been happening at school? Do you have any friends who you can talk to and who make you feel good about yourself when you''re feeling down?', DATEADD(SECOND, 51, SYSDATETIME()), 'Out' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 44411, 'client', 'Well, I do have a couple but I don''t want to sound like it is getting to me and I''m not coping very well. Also, my parents are quite supportive but I feel like they don''t understand what it''s like to be peer-pressured.', DATEADD(SECOND, 128, SYSDATETIME()), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 5989, 'client', 'Hello, I was given the name of this service from a friend of mine who used it before and said that you guys can help me with what''s happening in my life at the moment. Can I talk to you?', DATEADD(MINUTE, 2, SYSDATETIME()), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 19, 'clinician', 'Hi there. My name is Salli and I''m here for you. Anything in particular that bothers you or makes you feel the way you do today?', DATEADD(SECOND, 19, DATEADD(MINUTE, 2, SYSDATETIME())), 'Out' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 5989, 'client', 'OK, today I found out that my best friend is having some family issues and I thought that maybe I can refer her to you or if she''s too apprehensive maybe I can get someone to give me some strategies on how to help her deal with the problems she''s having right now.', DATEADD(SECOND, 68, DATEADD(MINUTE, 2, SYSDATETIME())), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 5989, 'client', 'I spoke to her last Friday and she said that because her step father is abusive towards her mom and her, she started experimenting with drugs and alcohol to kind of numb the pain and help her feel more in control.', DATEADD(SECOND, 125, DATEADD(MINUTE, 2, SYSDATETIME())), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 5989, 'client', 'I told her it''s not how she should be solving the problem and that she can do more harm but I think that things have gone too far for her to be able to turn it around without some sort of external help.', DATEADD(SECOND, 156, DATEADD(MINUTE, 2, SYSDATETIME())), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 3450, 'client', 'Hello, I spoke to a clinician named Amy last week and I just wanted to let her know that thanks to her help I feel a lot better now and finally have a positive outlook on life.', DATEADD(MINUTE, 3, SYSDATETIME()), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 3450, 'client', 'Is there anyway I can leave a great feedback for her or let her know how important those chats and her support were in my road to recovery and making me feel so much better? She''s been so helpfull and I want her to know that.', DATEADD(SECOND, 29, DATEADD(MINUTE, 3, SYSDATETIME())), 'In' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 34, 'clinician', 'Hi there and thank you for the kind feedback. I''m sure Zoe would be thrilled to know that she''s helped you. I''ll see if she''s busy with another person. Alternatively, you can leave the feedback comment on our website.', DATEADD(SECOND, 89, DATEADD(MINUTE, 3, SYSDATETIME())), 'Out'; /*============================================================================== STEP 3 Create tvf_getConversations function to split out individual records into smaller 'chunks' based on a predefined character limit (AWS Polly service sets it to 1500) and a specyfic character occurance e.g. full stop. ==============================================================================*/ IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'tvf_getConversations') AND xtype IN ( N'FN', N'IF', N'TF' ) ) DROP FUNCTION tvf_getConversations; GO CREATE FUNCTION tvf_getConversations ( @text VARCHAR(MAX), @maxlen INT, @stopchar CHAR(1) ) RETURNS @Conversations TABLE ( Id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, Result VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @str VARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @ind INT; IF (@text IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @ind = CASE WHEN LEN(@text) <= @maxlen THEN LEN(@text) ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(@stopchar, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @maxlen))) = 0 THEN CHARINDEX(@stopchar, @text) ELSE 1 + @maxlen - CHARINDEX(@stopchar, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @maxlen))) END END; WHILE @ind > 0 BEGIN SET @str = CASE WHEN LEN(@text) <= @maxlen THEN @text ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(@stopchar, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @maxlen))) = 0 THEN SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @ind) ELSE SUBSTRING( @text, 1, 1 + @maxlen - CHARINDEX(@stopchar, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @maxlen))) ) END END; SET @text = SUBSTRING(@text, @ind + 1, LEN(@text)); INSERT INTO @Conversations ( Result ) SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM((@str))); SET @ind = CASE WHEN LEN(@text) <= @maxlen THEN LEN(@text) ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(@stopchar, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @maxlen))) = 0 THEN LEN(@text) ELSE 1 + @maxlen - CHARINDEX(@stopchar, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@text, 1, @maxlen))) END END; END; SET @str = @text; END; RETURN; END; GO
If you’re keen to explore the full functionality of this app and see how we can tap into other cloud providers’ machine learning APIs, please look at part two of this series where I will be amending this code with Watson tonal analysis of the patients’ data.