Designing data acquisition framework in SQL Server and SSIS – how to source and integrate external data for a decision support system or data warehouse (Part 2)
May 25th, 2016 / No Comments » / by admin
Note: Part 1 to this series can be found HERE, Part 3 HERE, Part 4 HERE and all the code and additional files for this post can be downloaded from my OneDrive folder HERE.
Continuing on from part 1 to this series, having set up all the scaffolding and support databases/objects, we are now ready to roll with the punches and start implementing the actual code responsible for some preliminary activities (before acquisition commences) as well as all heavy lifting when acquiring the source data. As per activities outlined in part 1, this post looks into pre-acquisition tasks (activities which facilitate subsequent data coping e.g. source server availability checking, schema modifications check, pre-load indexes management) and acquisition code for large tables, so jumping ahead a little bit into the actual package design (see SSIS package design details in part 4), the area of focus is as per the image below.
Pre-acquisition Tasks Overview and Code
To start with, we will set the initial values for the three variables used in the package using a combination of two transformations i.e. Script Task and Execute SQL Task. The Script Task transformation will run a snippet of C# code which sets the initial values of ‘Is_All_OK’ and ‘Sync_Exec_StartTime’ variables responsible for binary task execution status and package execution start time respectively. Since one of post-execution steps deals with checking the AdminDBA database for an errors encountered during package runtime, it is important to log package execution start date and time (used as log search query parameters when defining search time frame). The code run in this step (most of it just boilerplate, with the main sections highlighted) is as per below whereas all the package configuration details are described in part 4 to this series.
#region Help: Introduction to the script task /* The Script Task allows you to perform virtually any operation that can be accomplished in * a .Net application within the context of an Integration Services control flow. * * Expand the other regions which have "Help" prefixes for examples of specific ways to use * Integration Services features within this script task. */ #endregion #region Namespaces using System; using System.Data; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime; using System.Windows.Forms; #endregion namespace ST_44c20947eb6c4c5cb2f698bdd17b3534 { /// <summary> /// ScriptMain is the entry point class of the script. Do not change the name, attributes, /// or parent of this class. /// </summary> [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.SSISScriptTaskEntryPointAttribute] public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase { #region Help: Using Integration Services variables and parameters in a script /* To use a variable in this script, first ensure that the variable has been added to * either the list contained in the ReadOnlyVariables property or the list contained in * the ReadWriteVariables property of this script task, according to whether or not your * code needs to write to the variable. To add the variable, save this script, close this instance of * Visual Studio, and update the ReadOnlyVariables and * ReadWriteVariables properties in the Script Transformation Editor window. * To use a parameter in this script, follow the same steps. Parameters are always read-only. * * Example of reading from a variable: * DateTime startTime = (DateTime) Dts.Variables["System::StartTime"].Value; * * Example of writing to a variable: * Dts.Variables["User::myStringVariable"].Value = "new value"; * * Example of reading from a package parameter: * int batchId = (int) Dts.Variables["$Package::batchId"].Value; * * Example of reading from a project parameter: * int batchId = (int) Dts.Variables["$Project::batchId"].Value; * * Example of reading from a sensitive project parameter: * int batchId = (int) Dts.Variables["$Project::batchId"].GetSensitiveValue(); * */ #endregion #region Help: Firing Integration Services events from a script /* This script task can fire events for logging purposes. * * Example of firing an error event: * Dts.Events.FireError(18, "Process Values", "Bad value", "", 0); * * Example of firing an information event: * Dts.Events.FireInformation(3, "Process Values", "Processing has started", "", 0, ref fireAgain) * * Example of firing a warning event: * Dts.Events.FireWarning(14, "Process Values", "No values received for input", "", 0); * */ #endregion #region Help: Using Integration Services connection managers in a script /* Some types of connection managers can be used in this script task. See the topic * "Working with Connection Managers Programatically" for details. * * Example of using an ADO.Net connection manager: * object rawConnection = Dts.Connections["Sales DB"].AcquireConnection(Dts.Transaction); * SqlConnection myADONETConnection = (SqlConnection)rawConnection; * //Use the connection in some code here, then release the connection * Dts.Connections["Sales DB"].ReleaseConnection(rawConnection); * * Example of using a File connection manager * object rawConnection = Dts.Connections[""].AcquireConnection(Dts.Transaction); * string filePath = (string)rawConnection; * //Use the connection in some code here, then release the connection * Dts.Connections[""].ReleaseConnection(rawConnection); * */ #endregion /// <summary> /// This method is called when this script task executes in the control flow. /// Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure. /// To open Help, press F1. /// </summary> /// public void Main() { // TODO: Add your code here DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now; Dts.Variables["Is_All_OK"].Value = 0; Dts.Variables["Sync_Exec_StartTime"].Value = saveNow; Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success; } #region ScriptResults declaration /// <summary> /// This enum provides a convenient shorthand within the scope of this class for setting the /// result of the script. /// /// This code was generated automatically. /// </summary> enum ScriptResults { Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success, Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure }; #endregion } }
The second transformation executes user defined function created in part 1, acquiring e-mail addresses from the corresponding table and storing them in a DBMail_Receipients SSIS variable. These email addresses can be used for operator notifications handling part of the process, when an exception is raised at package runtime. I will dive into package structure in more details in the next post to this series so at this stage is only important to understand that these two steps run simultaneously and as a prelude to further tasks execution.
Next up, we will proceed to update AdminDBA database based on the target server instance metadata. For this purpose, I have used the UPDATE stored procedure described in detail in two of my previous posts, mainly HERE and HERE. The code is quite complex and lengthy so for the sake of succinctness I will refrain from posting it here but you can read more about its functionality HERE and grab a copy from my OneDrive folder HERE. This stored procedure is run in order to update AdminDBA database with the latest instance metadata. As AdminDBA database stores a granular data of all databases, objects, schemas etc. for error log reference purposes, this data needs to be kept up-to-date to account for every change that has either added, deleted or updated the object and/or its status. This code does exactly that – it ploughs through the SQL Server instance and packages metadata, making sure that all changes have been accounted for so that any error in the package execution can be logged and referenced across instance, database, schema and object level.
Since one of the assumptions made in Part 1 was that in case any connectivity issues occur, the job will wait for a predefined period of time, a predefined number of times before reporting a failed connectivity status, the first thing to do is to ensure that at the initiation phase the linked server connection status is validated. For this purpose, we can use the SQL Server connection status system stored procedure along with a re-try routine delayed by the predefined amount of time as per the code below.
USE StagingDB; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_checkRemoteSvrConnectionStatus] @Remote_Server_Name VARCHAR(256) , @Is_All_OK INT OUTPUT , @Error_Message VARCHAR(2000) OUTPUT , @Process_Name VARCHAR(250) OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET @Process_Name = ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid) FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ); DECLARE @errno INT; DECLARE @errMsg VARCHAR(2048); DECLARE @isDebugMode INT = 1; DECLARE @Remote_Server_NameConv sysname; DECLARE @ct INT = 4; IF @isDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'Checking for Linked Server Connection...'; END; Start: BEGIN TRY SELECT @Remote_Server_NameConv = CONVERT(sysname, @Remote_Server_Name); EXEC sys.sp_testlinkedserver @Remote_Server_NameConv; END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @errno = @@ERROR; SET @errMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(); SET @Is_All_OK = 0; END CATCH; IF @Is_All_OK = 0 AND @ct > 1 BEGIN SET @ct = @ct - 1; IF @isDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'Connection to Linked Server ' + @Remote_Server_Name + ' cannot be established. Will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes. Number of re-tries left: ' + CAST(@ct AS VARCHAR(10)) + ''; END; WAITFOR DELAY '00:05:00'; GOTO Start; END; IF @Is_All_OK = 1 BEGIN GOTO Finish; END; Finish: IF @errno <> 0 OR @Is_All_OK = 0 BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Connection to Linked Server ' + @Remote_Server_Name + ' has dropped or cannot be resolved. The error massage recorded by this process is as follows: ' + @errMsg + ' This package cannot proceed any further....please troubleshoot!'; IF @isDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @Error_Message; END; END; ELSE BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good !'; IF @isDebugMode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'Connection to Linked Server ' + @Remote_Server_Name + ' successfull !'; END; END; END;
In case of persisting connection issues (the code will execute 3 times, with the 5-minute wait time between each interval), error message, process name and binary error variable will be passed back to the SSIS package triggering sending an error event (more on the SSIS package implementation in part 4 to this series).
Continuing on, conforming to part 1 requirement which stated that ‘The source database schema is under constant development so target database, where the acquired data is stored, needs to be adjusted automatically’, we will focus on automated schema reconciliation. There are number of ways this functionality can be achieved but the simplest (and cheapest, since it does not involve third party tooling) way would be to use plain, old T-SQL wrapped around a stored procedure. The code below compares MySQL internal metadata for selected tables with the one in the staging database on the SQL Server instance and in case any dichotomies are found, it drops and recreates the affected object(s) while resolving any data types, null-ability, characters precisions, scale, length etc. This stored procedure is only applicable to MySQL-to-MSSQL schema synchronisation but I have developed similar code for a PostgreSQL-to-MSSQL job (see my blog post HERE) and also included a snipped of T-SQL which transforms it into a MSSQL-to-MSSQL job (please refer to the commented-out section). Also, in order for this code to work correctly, a unique primary key needs to be present on the tables participating in the comparison. Another thing to notice is that this code takes advantage of the data in one of the control tables storing database object names etc. This to ensure that in case we wish to take one or a number of tables out of this process, we can do so via including or excluding it in the referenced control table rather than hardcoding their names in the stored procedure. This allows for a central point of control at a granular level and prevents catering for specific scenarios in the procedure’s code.
USE StagingDB; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_checkRemoteSvrMySQLTablesSchemaChanges] ( @Remote_Server_Name VARCHAR(256) , @Remote_Server_DB_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Target_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Is_All_OK INT OUTPUT , @Process_Name VARCHAR(250) OUTPUT , @Error_Message VARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN DECLARE @Is_ReCheck BIT = 0; DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @Is_Debug_Mode BIT = 0; SET @Process_Name = ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid) FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ); Check_RemoteSvr_Schema: IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_TblsMetadata') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#t_TblsMetadata]; END; CREATE TABLE tempdb..[#t_TblsMetadata] ( table_name VARCHAR(256) , column_name VARCHAR(256) , ordinal_position INT , is_nullable BIT , data_type VARCHAR(256) , character_maximum_length BIGINT , numeric_scale SMALLINT , numeric_precision SMALLINT , is_primary_key BIT , local_schema_name VARCHAR(55) , remote_schema_name VARCHAR(55) , local_or_remote VARCHAR(25) ); SET @SQL = ' INSERT INTO #t_TblsMetadata ( [table_name] ,[column_name] ,[ordinal_position] ,[is_nullable] ,[data_type] ,[character_maximum_length] ,[numeric_scale] ,[numeric_precision] ,[is_primary_key] ,[local_schema_name] ,[remote_schema_name] ,[local_or_remote] ) SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(a.table_name)) AS table_name , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.column_name)) AS column_name , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.ordinal_position)) AS ordinal_position , CASE WHEN a.is_nullable = ''YES'' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_nullable , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.data_type)) AS data_type , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.character_maximum_length)) AS character_maximum_length , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.numeric_scale)) AS numeric_scale , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.numeric_precision)) AS numeric_precision , CASE WHEN a.column_key = LTRIM(RTRIM(''pri'')) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_primary_key , m.local_schema_Name AS local_schema_name , LTRIM(RTRIM(a.table_schema)) AS remote_schema_name, ''remote'' AS local_or_remote FROM OPENQUERY(' + @Remote_Server_Name + ', ''select table_name, column_name, ordinal_position, is_nullable, data_type, character_maximum_length, numeric_scale, numeric_precision , column_key, table_schema from information_Schema.columns where table_schema = ''''' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + ''''''') a JOIN ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process m ON a.table_name = m.local_table_name AND m.local_schema_name = ''' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + ''' AND m.Remote_Server_Name = ''' + @Remote_Server_Name + ''' WHERE m.Is_Active = 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process_ColumnExceptions o WHERE o.Local_Field_Name = a.column_name AND o.local_table_name = a.table_name AND o.local_schema_name = m.local_schema_name AND o.Remote_Schema_Name = m.remote_schema_name AND o.Is_Active = 1)'; /*=========================================================================================== -- SQL Server Version for reference only SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #t_TblsMetadata ( [table_name] ,[column_name] ,[ordinal_position] ,[is_nullable] ,[data_type] ,[character_maximum_length] ,[numeric_scale] ,[numeric_precision] ,[is_primary_key] ,[local_schema_name] ,[remote_schema_name] ,[local_or_remote] ) SELECT a.table_name, a.column_name, a.ordinal_position, a.is_nullable, a.data_type, a.character_maximum_length, a.numeric_scale, a.numeric_precision, a.is_primary_key, m.local_schema_name, a.remote_schema_name, ''Remote'' as local_or_remote FROM OPENQUERY(' + @Remote_Server_Name + ',''SELECT AS table_name , AS column_name , c.column_id AS ordinal_position , c.is_nullable , , AS data_type , c.max_length AS character_maximum_length , c.scale AS numeric_scale , c.precision AS numeric_precision , ISNULL(idx.pk_flag,0) as ''''is_primary_key'''' , AS remote_schema_name FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id JOIN sys.types tp ON c.user_type_id = tp.user_type_id JOIN sys.objects so ON so.object_id = t.object_id JOIN sys.schemas ss ON so.schema_id = ss.schema_id LEFT JOIN (select as index_name, i.is_primary_key as pk_flag, OBJECT_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID) AS table_name, COL_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID,ic.column_id) AS column_name FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.OBJECT_ID = ic.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = ic.index_id WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1) idx ON idx.table_name = and idx.column_name = WHERE =''''' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + ''''' AND t.type = ''''u'''''') a JOIN ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process m ON a.table_name = m.local_table_name WHERE m.Remote_Server_Name = ''' + @Remote_Server_Name + ''' AND m.Is_Active = 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process_ColumnExceptions o WHERE o.Local_Field_Name = a.column_name AND o.local_table_name = a.table_name AND o.local_schema_name = m.Local_Schema_Name AND o.Remote_Schema_Name = a.remote_schema_name AND o.Is_Active = 1)'; ===========================================================================================*/ EXEC(@SQL); IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL; SELECT '#t_TblsMetadata table content for remote objects metadata:' AS 'HINT'; SELECT * FROM #t_TblsMetadata WHERE local_or_remote = 'Remote' ORDER BY table_name , ordinal_position; END; IF @Is_ReCheck = 1 BEGIN GOTO Check_Local_Schema; END; Check_Local_Schema: SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #t_TblsMetadata ( [table_name] ,[column_name] ,[ordinal_position] ,[is_nullable] ,[data_type] ,[character_maximum_length] ,[numeric_scale] ,[numeric_precision] ,[is_primary_key] ,[local_schema_name] ,[remote_schema_name] ,[local_or_remote] ) SELECT AS table_name , AS column_name , c.column_id AS ordinal_position , c.is_nullable , AS data_type , c.max_length AS character_maximum_length , c.scale AS numeric_scale , c.precision AS numeric_precision , ISNULL(idx.pk_flag,0) as ''is_primary_key'' , m.local_schema_name, m.remote_schema_name , ''local'' AS local_or_remote FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id JOIN sys.types tp ON c.user_type_id = tp.user_type_id JOIN sys.objects so ON so.object_id = t.object_id JOIN sys.schemas ss ON so.schema_id = ss.schema_id LEFT JOIN (select as index_name, i.is_primary_key as pk_flag, OBJECT_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID) AS table_name, COL_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID,ic.column_id) AS column_name FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.OBJECT_ID = ic.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = ic.index_id WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1) idx on idx.table_name = and idx.column_name = JOIN ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process m ON = m.local_table_name AND m.local_schema_name = WHERE t.type = ''u'' AND m.Remote_Server_Name = ''' + @Remote_Server_Name + ''' AND = ''' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + ''' '; EXEC(@SQL); IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL; SELECT '#t_TblsMetadata table content for local objects metadata:' AS 'HINT'; SELECT * FROM #t_TblsMetadata WHERE local_or_remote = 'Local' ORDER BY table_name , ordinal_position; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_sql') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#t_sql]; END; SELECT DISTINCT t1.table_name AS Table_Name , t1.local_schema_name AS Local_Schema_Name , 'create table [' + t1.local_schema_name + '].[' + LOWER(t1.table_name) + '] (' + STUFF(o.list, LEN(o.list), 1, '') + ')' + CASE WHEN t2.is_primary_key = 0 THEN '' ELSE '; ALTER TABLE [' + t1.local_schema_name + '].[' + t1.table_name + '] ' + ' ADD CONSTRAINT pk_' + LOWER(t1.local_schema_name) + '_' + LOWER(t2.table_name) + '_' + LOWER(REPLACE(t2.pk_column_names, ',', '_')) + ' PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ' + '(' + LOWER(t2.pk_column_names) + ')' END AS Create_Table_Schema_Definition_SQL , 'if object_id (''[' + t1.local_schema_name + '].[' + t1.table_name + ']' + ''', ''U'') IS NOT NULL drop table [' + t1.local_schema_name + '].[' + t1.table_name + ']' AS Drop_Table_SQL INTO #t_sql FROM #t_TblsMetadata t1 CROSS APPLY ( SELECT '[' + column_name + '] ' + CASE WHEN data_type IN ( 'tinytext', 'smalltext', 'mediumtext', 'text', 'enum', 'longtext' ) THEN 'varchar' WHEN data_type IN ( 'timestamp' ) THEN 'datetime' ELSE data_type END + CASE WHEN data_type IN ( 'date', 'time', 'tinyint', 'smallint', 'int', 'bigint', 'timestamp', 'uniqueidentifier', 'bit', 'datetimeoffset' ) THEN '' WHEN character_maximum_length > 8000 OR character_maximum_length = -1 THEN '(max)' WHEN data_type IN ( 'nvarchar', 'nchar' ) THEN '(' + CAST(character_maximum_length / 2 AS VARCHAR) + ')' WHEN data_type = 'decimal' THEN '(' + CAST(numeric_precision AS VARCHAR) + ', ' + CAST(numeric_scale AS VARCHAR) + ')' ELSE COALESCE('(' + CAST(character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR) + ')', '') END + ' ' + ( CASE WHEN is_nullable = 0 THEN 'NOT ' ELSE '' END ) + 'NULL' + ',' FROM #t_TblsMetadata WHERE table_name = t1.table_name AND local_or_remote = 'Remote' ORDER BY ordinal_position FOR XML PATH('') ) o ( list ) JOIN ( SELECT table_name , is_primary_key , pk_column_names , column_name = REVERSE(RIGHT(REVERSE(pk_column_names), LEN(pk_column_names) - CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE(pk_column_names)))) FROM ( SELECT table_name , is_primary_key , pk_column_names = STUFF(( SELECT ',' + CAST(column_name AS VARCHAR(500)) FROM #t_TblsMetadata z2 WHERE z1.table_name = z2.table_name AND z2.is_primary_key = 1 AND z2.local_or_remote = 'Remote' ORDER BY z2.column_name ASC FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') FROM #t_TblsMetadata z1 WHERE z1.is_primary_key = 1 AND z1.local_or_remote = 'Remote' GROUP BY z1.table_name , z1.is_primary_key ) a ) t2 ON t1.table_name = t2.table_name WHERE t1.local_or_remote = 'Remote'; IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT '#t_sql table content:' AS 'HINT'; SELECT * FROM #t_sql; END; IF @Is_ReCheck = 1 BEGIN GOTO Do_Table_Diff; END; Do_Table_Diff: IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_diff') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#t_diff]; END; WITH Temp_CTE ( table_name, column_name, is_nullable, data_type, local_schema_name, is_primary_key, character_maximum_length, numeric_scale, numeric_precision ) AS ( SELECT table_name = m.table_name , column_name = m.column_name , is_nullable = m.is_nullable , data_type = CASE WHEN m.data_type IN ( 'tinytext', 'smalltext', 'mediumtext', 'text', 'enum', 'longtext' ) THEN 'varchar' WHEN m.data_type IN ( 'timestamp' ) THEN 'datetime' ELSE m.data_type END , local_schema_name = m.local_schema_name , is_primary_key = m.is_primary_key , character_maximum_length = COALESCE(CASE WHEN m.character_maximum_length > 8000 OR m.character_maximum_length = -1 THEN 'max' WHEN m.data_type = 'timestamp' THEN CAST(l.character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR) ELSE CAST(m.character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR) END, constants.character_maximum_length, CAST(l.character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR)) , numeric_scale = COALESCE(CASE WHEN m.data_type = 'timestamp' THEN l.numeric_scale ELSE m.numeric_scale END, constants.numeric_scale, l.numeric_scale) , numeric_precision = COALESCE(CASE WHEN m.data_type = 'timestamp' THEN l.numeric_precision ELSE m.numeric_precision END, m.numeric_precision, constants.numeric_precision, l.numeric_precision) FROM #t_TblsMetadata m LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 'char' AS data_type , NULL AS character_maximum_length , 0 AS numeric_scale , 0 AS numeric_precision UNION ALL SELECT 'varchar' , NULL , '0' , '0' UNION ALL SELECT 'time' , '5' , '7' , '16' UNION ALL SELECT 'date' , '3' , '0' , '10' UNION ALL SELECT 'datetime' , '8' , '3' , '23' UNION ALL SELECT 'datetime2' , '8' , '7' , '27' UNION ALL SELECT 'smalldatetime' , '4' , '0' , '16' UNION ALL SELECT 'bit' , '1' , '0' , '1' UNION ALL SELECT 'float' , '8' , '0' , '53' UNION ALL SELECT 'money' , '8' , '4' , '19' UNION ALL SELECT 'smallmoney' , '4' , '4' , '10' UNION ALL SELECT 'uniqueidentifier' , '16' , '0' , '0' UNION ALL SELECT 'xml' , 'max' , '0' , '0' UNION ALL SELECT 'numeric' , '9' , '0' , '18' UNION ALL SELECT 'real' , '4' , '0' , '24' UNION ALL SELECT 'tinyint' , '1' , '0' , '3' UNION ALL SELECT 'smallint' , '2' , '0' , '5' UNION ALL SELECT 'int' , '4' , '0' , '10' UNION ALL SELECT 'bigint' , '8' , '0' , '20' ) constants ON m.data_type = constants.data_type LEFT JOIN #t_TblsMetadata l ON l.column_name = m.column_name AND l.table_name = m.table_name AND l.data_type = ( CASE WHEN m.data_type IN ( 'tinytext', 'smalltext', 'mediumtext', 'text', 'enum', 'longtext' ) THEN 'varchar' WHEN m.data_type IN ( 'timestamp' ) THEN 'datetime' ELSE m.data_type END ) AND l.local_or_remote = 'Local' WHERE m.local_or_remote = 'Remote' EXCEPT SELECT table_name , column_name , is_nullable , data_type , local_schema_name , is_primary_key , CASE WHEN character_maximum_length > 8000 OR character_maximum_length = -1 THEN 'max' ELSE CAST(character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR) END AS character_maximum_length , numeric_scale , numeric_precision FROM #t_TblsMetadata WHERE local_or_remote = 'Local' ) SELECT DISTINCT table_name , local_schema_name INTO #t_diff FROM Temp_CTE; IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT '#t_diff table content:' AS 'HINT'; SELECT * FROM #t_diff; END; IF @Is_ReCheck = 1 GOTO Results; Run_SQL: IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT DISTINCT Table_Name , Local_Schema_Name FROM #t_sql a WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT table_name FROM #t_diff i WHERE a.Table_Name = i.table_name ) ) BEGIN GOTO Schema_Diff_ReCheck; END; ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @schema_name VARCHAR(50); DECLARE @table_name VARCHAR(256); DECLARE @sql_select_dropcreate NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT DISTINCT Table_Name , Local_Schema_Name FROM #t_sql a WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT table_name FROM #t_diff i WHERE a.Table_Name = i.table_name ); OPEN db_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @table_name, @schema_name; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET @sql_select_dropcreate = ( SELECT Drop_Table_SQL FROM #t_sql WHERE Table_Name = @table_name ) + '; ' + ( SELECT Create_Table_Schema_Definition_SQL FROM #t_sql WHERE Table_Name = @table_name ); IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @sql_select_dropcreate; END; EXEC sp_sqlexec @sql_select_dropcreate; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; COMMIT TRANSACTION; END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 0; SET @Error_Message = 'This operation has been unexpectandly terminated due to error: ''' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ''' at line ' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() AS VARCHAR); END CATCH; FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @table_name, @schema_name; END; CLOSE db_cursor; DEALLOCATE db_cursor; SET @Is_ReCheck = 1; END; Schema_Diff_ReCheck: IF @Is_ReCheck = 1 BEGIN GOTO Check_RemoteSvr_Schema; END; Results: IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #t_diff ) BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 0; SET @Error_Message = 'Table schema reconciliation between ' + '' + @@SERVERNAME + '' + ' and remote database on ''' + @Remote_Server_Name + '''' + CHAR(10); SET @Error_Message = @Error_Message + 'failed. Please troubleshoot.'; END; ELSE BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_TblsMetadata') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#t_TblsMetadata]; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_sql') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#t_sql]; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_diff') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#t_diff]; END; END; GO
Next step in the process involves dropping any indexes. For this task, the following stored procedure can be used, which also allows indexes re-creation and reorganization once all the source data has been copied across. In this way we can reference the same code for both actions, changing variable values based on the intended action i.e. setting @Create_Drop_Idxs value to either DROP or CREATE. Again, this code references specific ControlDB database object to allow for finer control and customisations and also creates a small table on the StagingDB database later used in indexes recreation process before it gets deleted at the step completion.
USE StagingDB; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_runCreateDropStagingIDXs] ( @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Target_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR(128) , @Create_Drop_Idxs VARCHAR(6) , @Reorg_PKs CHAR(3) , @Drop_TempTbls CHAR(3) , @Error_Message VARCHAR(2000) OUTPUT , @Process_Name VARCHAR(256) OUTPUT , @Is_All_OK INT OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN DECLARE @Is_Debug_Mode BIT = 1; DECLARE @err INT; DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @Index_Or_PKName VARCHAR(256); DECLARE @Tgt_Object_Name VARCHAR(256); DECLARE @ID INT; DECLARE @Index_Type VARCHAR(128); DECLARE @Index_ColNames VARCHAR(1024); DECLARE @PkColNames VARCHAR(1024); DECLARE @Is_Unique VARCHAR(56); DECLARE @Indx_Options VARCHAR(MAX); SET @Process_Name = ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid) FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ); IF EXISTS ( SELECT a.TABLE_NAME , a.TABLE_SCHEMA , b.create_date FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES a JOIN sys.objects b ON a.TABLE_NAME = WHERE a.TABLE_NAME = 'Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData' AND a.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' --AND DATEDIFF(SECOND, b.create_date, SYSDATETIME()) > 10 ) BEGIN DROP TABLE StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData; END; CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData] ( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL , [DBName] [sysname] NOT NULL , [SchemaName] [sysname] NOT NULL , [TableName] [NVARCHAR](128) NULL , [IndexOrPKName] [sysname] NULL , [IndexType] [NVARCHAR](60) NULL , [IsUnique] [VARCHAR](6) NOT NULL , [IsPK] [VARCHAR](11) NOT NULL , [PKColNames] [VARCHAR](MAX) NULL , [IndexColNames] [VARCHAR](MAX) NULL , [Indx_Options] VARCHAR(MAX) NULL , [From_MetaData] [BIT] NULL ); ; WITH TempTbl ( dbName, schemaName, tableName, indexOrPKName, isUniqueConstraint, isUnique, isPK, indexType, colNames ) AS ( SELECT dbName = tt.TABLE_CATALOG , schemaName = , tableName = OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) , indexOrPKName = , isUniqueConstraint = i.is_unique_constraint , isUnique = i.is_unique , isPK = i.is_primary_key , indexType = i.type_desc , participatingColNames = FROM StagingDB.sys.indexes i JOIN StagingDB.sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id JOIN StagingDB.sys.columns AS c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND c.column_id = ic.column_id JOIN StagingDB.sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id JOIN StagingDB.sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES tt ON tt.TABLE_SCHEMA = AND tt.TABLE_NAME = OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) WHERE t.type = 'U' AND = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND tt.TABLE_CATALOG = @Target_DB_Name ) INSERT INTO [Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData] ( [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] , [IndexType] , [IsUnique] , [IsPK] , [PKColNames] , [IndexColNames] , [Indx_Options] , [From_MetaData] ) SELECT DISTINCT OutTab.dbName , OutTab.schemaName , OutTab.tableName , OutTab.indexOrPKName , OutTab.indexType , CASE WHEN OutTab.isUnique = 1 THEN 'UNIQUE' ELSE '' END AS 'IsUnique' , CASE WHEN OutTab.isPK = 1 THEN 'PRIMARY KEY' ELSE '' END AS 'IsPK' , PKColNames = COALESCE(STUFF((SELECT ',' + InrTab.colNames FROM TempTbl InrTab WHERE InrTab.tableName = OutTab.tableName AND InrTab.indexOrPKName = OutTab.indexOrPKName AND IsPK = 1 ORDER BY InrTab.colNames FOR XML PATH('') , TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, SPACE(0)), '') , IndexColNames = COALESCE(STUFF((SELECT ',' + InrTab.colNames FROM TempTbl InrTab WHERE InrTab.tableName = OutTab.tableName AND InrTab.indexOrPKName = OutTab.indexOrPKName AND IsPK <> 1 ORDER BY InrTab.colNames FOR XML PATH('') , TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, SPACE(0)), '') , '' , 1 FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT tr.dbName , tr.schemaName , tr.tableName , tr.indexOrPKName , tr.indexType , tr.colNames , tr.isUnique , tr.isPK FROM TempTbl tr ) AS OutTab; INSERT INTO Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData ( DBName , SchemaName , TableName , IndexOrPKName , IndexType , IsUnique , IsPK , PKColNames , IndexColNames , Indx_Options , From_MetaData ) SELECT [Database_Name] , [Schema_Name] , [Table_Name] , [Index_or_PKName] , [Index_Type] , [Is_Unique] , [Is_PK] , [PK_ColNames] , [Indx_ColNames] , [Indx_Options] , 0 FROM [ControlDB].[dbo].[Ctrl_INDXandPKs2Process] WHERE Database_Name = @Target_DB_Name AND [Schema_Name] = @Target_DB_Schema_Name; IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name; END; IF @Create_Drop_Idxs = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER('DROP'))) AND ( SELECT COUNT(1) AS ct FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 1 AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL ) > 0 BEGIN IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'db_idxcursor') >= -1 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; END; DECLARE db_idxcursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT IndexOrPKName , SchemaName , TableName , ID FROM Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 1 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name; SELECT @err = @@error; IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; RETURN @err; END; OPEN db_idxcursor; SELECT @err = @@error; IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; RETURN @err; END; FETCH NEXT FROM db_idxcursor INTO @Index_Or_PKName, @Target_DB_Schema_Name, @Tgt_Object_Name, @ID; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = N'DROP INDEX ' + @Index_Or_PKName + '' + CHAR(10); SET @SQL = @SQL + 'ON ' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '.[' + @Tgt_Object_Name + '];'; IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL; END; BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION; EXEC (@SQL); COMMIT TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 0; SET @Error_Message = 'This operation has been unexpectandly terminated due to error: ''' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ''' at line ' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() AS VARCHAR); THROW; END CATCH; FETCH NEXT FROM db_idxcursor INTO @Index_Or_PKName, @Target_DB_Schema_Name, @Tgt_Object_Name, @ID; END; CLOSE db_idxcursor; DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; END; IF @Create_Drop_Idxs = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER('DROP'))) AND ( SELECT COUNT(1) AS ct FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 1 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name ) = 0 BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good! No indexes (outside of Primary Keys) have been found on participating tables ' + CHAR(10); SET @Error_Message = @Error_Message + 'therefore tables have not been altered by the cursor.'; END; IF @Create_Drop_Idxs = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER('CREATE'))) AND EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ( SELECT [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 0 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name EXCEPT SELECT [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 1 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name ) a JOIN ( SELECT AS TblName FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND NOT LIKE 'Temp%' ) b ON a.TableName = b.TblName ) BEGIN IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'db_fkcursor') >= -1 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; END; DECLARE db_idxcursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT DISTINCT a.[ID] , a.[DBName] , a.[SchemaName] , a.[TableName] , a.[IndexOrPKName] , a.[indexType] , a.[IndexColNames] , a.[PkColNames] , a.[Indx_Options] , a.[IsUnique] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData a INNER JOIN ( SELECT a.* FROM ( SELECT [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 0 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name EXCEPT SELECT [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 1 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name ) a JOIN ( SELECT AS TblName FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = @Target_DB_Schema_Name ) b ON a.TableName = b.TblName ) d ON d.[TableName] = a.[TableName] AND d.[IndexOrPKName] = a.[IndexOrPKName] AND d.[SchemaName] = a.[SchemaName] AND d.DBName = a.DBName; SELECT @err = @@error; IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; RETURN @err; END; OPEN db_idxcursor; SELECT @err = @@error; IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; RETURN @err; END; FETCH NEXT FROM db_idxcursor INTO @ID, @Target_DB_Name, @Target_DB_Schema_Name, @Tgt_Object_Name, @Index_Or_PKName, @Index_Type, @Index_ColNames, @PkColNames, @Indx_Options, @Is_Unique; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = 'CREATE ' + @Index_Type + ' INDEX ' + @Index_Or_PKName + ' ON [' + @Target_DB_Name + '].[' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '].[' + @Tgt_Object_Name + ']' + CHAR(10); SET @SQL = @SQL + CASE WHEN @Index_Type = 'CLUSTERED' THEN ' (' + @PkColNames + ')' WHEN @Index_Type = 'CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE' THEN '' ELSE ' (' + @Index_ColNames + ')' END + CHAR(10); SET @SQL = @SQL + '' + @Indx_Options + '' + CHAR(10); BEGIN TRY IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL; END; BEGIN TRANSACTION; EXEC (@SQL); COMMIT TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 0; SET @Error_Message = 'This operation has been unexpectandly terminated due to error: ''' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ''' at line ' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() AS VARCHAR); --THROW; END CATCH; FETCH NEXT FROM db_idxcursor INTO @ID, @Target_DB_Name, @Target_DB_Schema_Name, @Tgt_Object_Name, @Index_Or_PKName, @Index_Type, @Index_ColNames, @PkColNames, @Indx_Options, @Is_Unique; END; CLOSE db_idxcursor; DEALLOCATE db_idxcursor; --END END; IF @Create_Drop_Idxs = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER('CREATE'))) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ( SELECT [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 0 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name EXCEPT SELECT [DBName] , [SchemaName] , [TableName] , [IndexOrPKName] FROM StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData WHERE From_MetaData = 1 AND ( IsPK IS NULL OR IsPK = '' ) AND IndexColNames IS NOT NULL AND DBName = @Target_DB_Name AND SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name ) a JOIN ( SELECT AS TblName FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND NOT LIKE 'Temp%' ) b ON a.TableName = b.TblName ) BEGIN SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good! All indexes have already been created on the referenced tables.'; END; IF @Reorg_PKs = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER('YES'))) AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' ) BEGIN BEGIN IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'db_pkreorgcursor') >= -1 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_pkreorgcursor; END; DECLARE db_pkreorgcursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT DISTINCT temp.ID , temp.DBName , temp.SchemaName , temp.TableName , AS IndexName FROM sys.indexes AS i JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id JOIN StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData temp ON temp.IndexOrPKName = JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES t ON t.TABLE_SCHEMA = temp.SchemaName AND t.TABLE_NAME = temp.TableName AND t.TABLE_CATALOG = temp.DBName WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1 AND temp.From_MetaData = 1 AND temp.SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND temp.DBName = @Target_DB_Name; SELECT @err = @@error; IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_pkreorgcursor; RETURN @err; END; OPEN db_pkreorgcursor; SELECT @err = @@error; IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_pkreorgcursor; RETURN @err; END; FETCH NEXT FROM db_pkreorgcursor INTO @ID, @Target_DB_Name, @Target_DB_Schema_Name, @Tgt_Object_Name, @Index_Or_PKName; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = N'ALTER INDEX [' + @Index_Or_PKName + ']' + CHAR(10); SET @SQL = @SQL + 'ON [' + @Target_DB_Name + '].[' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '].[' + @Tgt_Object_Name + '] '; SET @SQL = @SQL + 'REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON);'; BEGIN TRY IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL; END; BEGIN TRANSACTION; EXEC (@SQL); COMMIT TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 1; SET @Error_Message = 'All Good!'; END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; SET @Is_All_OK = 0; SET @Error_Message = 'This operation has been unexpectandly terminated due to error: ''' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ''' at line ' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() AS VARCHAR); END CATCH; FETCH NEXT FROM db_pkreorgcursor INTO @ID, @Target_DB_Name, @Target_DB_Schema_Name, @Tgt_Object_Name, @Index_Or_PKName; END; CLOSE db_pkreorgcursor; DEALLOCATE db_pkreorgcursor; END; END; IF @Drop_TempTbls = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER('YES'))) BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' ) BEGIN DROP TABLE StagingDB.dbo.Temp_Staging_PKsIndexes_MetaData; END; END; END; GO
Large Tables Acquisition Tasks Overview and Code
Most environments can be characterised as having a mixture of large and small tables. Even though a single approach can be employed, sometimes a two-pronged approach can be more beneficial i.e. break up the source schema into groups of small and large tables and handle those two by two separate processes, in this case two distinct stored procedures.
In case of large tables, with at least hundreds of thousands of records, we can take advantage of a parallel load, spinning up multiple SQL Server Agent jobs responsible for simultaneous reads and inserts. I have written a blog post about this approach previously HERE. In case of smaller tables e.g. hundreds to few thousands records, an automated row-for-row MERGE may be a better solution. Let’s explore those two eventualities in more detail.
When synchronising larger tables, reading and inserting data in a sequential order is a rather slow process. Breaking it up into multiple parallel batches, in my experience increases the speed considerably and unless we have an option to drop the target table and use SELECT…INTO SQL Server 2014 or higher functionality, which executes it in parallel mode by default, spooling up multiple SQL Server Agent jobs may be a good alternative. The code below creates a ‘master’ and ‘slave’ stored procedures which achieve just that. The ‘master’ version queries the source data metadata, looking for the primary key column, using a simple algorithm subdivides or partitions the primary key field into a number of ranges and finally assigns each range into its own SQL Server Agent job, which in turn executes the ‘slave’ stored procedure. The number of ranges is controlled by the variable assigned from the package directly and the whole process is monitored to ensure that if the job does not finish within an allocated time, it is terminated. The second ‘slave’ stored procedure reconciles any reserved words that may exist across the schemas and further breaks up the batches into smaller, more manageable INSERT statements.
Looking at the ‘master’ stored procedure, you may notice a few interesting things about it. Firstly, it uses ControlDB tables to validate which objects are to be queried and replicated across the source and target database instances. This allows for easy access and control of any tables we may wish to exclude from the job, without having to hardcode their names directly into the procedure itself. Secondly, it uses as simple algorithm which subdivides the primary key field into smaller, manageable ‘buckets‘ of data, each handled by its own SQL Agent process. This allows for much faster source reads and target writes and an additional level of customisation since the number of SQL Agent jobs is driven by the variable value. Another interesting feature is the provision of a simple termination endpoint for the jobs which were supposed to be executed a predefined number of times but for some reason failed to transfer the data and went beyond the threshold allocated. This is achieved by querying ‘sysjobs_view’ and ‘sysjobactivity’ system objects every 10 seconds to validate execution status. In the event the jobs are still active and the iteration number has been exceeded, the jobs are terminated using ‘sp_stop_jobs’ system stored procedure. Finally, I added an error capturing code to allow execution issues to be logged in the AdminDBA database (see Part 1 or a full write-up HERE) and reference to the view storing MySQL reserved words to reconcile any naming conventions incompatibility (‘slave’ stored procedure). This makes meaningful notifications possible and allows for any naming inconstancies across the two vendors to be rectified at runtime.
The code for creating ‘master’ and ‘slave’ stored procedures, responsible for loading larger tables, is as per below.
/*========================================================================= Create 'MASTER' usp_runRemoteSvrDBSchemaSyncBigTablesMaster stored procedure used to truncate and re-populate 'large' target staging tables. =========================================================================*/ USE StagingDB GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_runRemoteSvrDBSchemaSyncBigTablesMaster] (@Remote_Server_Name SYSNAME , @Remote_Server_DB_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Object_Name VARCHAR (256) , @Exec_Instance_GUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER , @Package_Name VARCHAR (256) , @Proc_Name VARCHAR (256) , @Proc_Exec_No VARCHAR (10) , @Iterations_No VARCHAR (10)) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @Error_Message VARCHAR (4000) DECLARE @PK_Col_Name VARCHAR (256) DECLARE @Is_Debug_Mode INT = 1 DECLARE @Check_Count TINYINT = 1 DECLARE @Max_Check_Count TINYINT = 250 DECLARE @Remote_DB_Object_Name VARCHAR (128) = @Target_DB_Object_Name IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Objects_List') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#Objects_List] END CREATE TABLE #Objects_List ( DatabaseName sysname , SchemaName sysname , ObjectName sysname , Is_Source_Target VARCHAR (56) ) SET @SQL = 'SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, ''Target'' as Is_Source_Target FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_type = ''base table'' and table_catalog = '''+@Target_DB_Name+''' and table_schema = '''+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+''' and table_name = '''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'''' INSERT INTO #Objects_List (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, Is_Source_Target) EXEC (@SQL) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for acquiring ''target'' table metadata into #Objects_List temp table:' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) SELECT * FROM #Objects_List END SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #Objects_List (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, Is_Source_Target) SELECT table_schema, table_schema, table_name, ''Source'' as Is_Source_Target FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ''select table_schema as DatabaseName, table_schema as SchemaName, table_schema, table_name from information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = ''''base table'''' and table_name = '''''+@Remote_DB_Object_Name+''''' and table_schema ='''''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''''''')' INSERT INTO #Objects_List (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, Is_Source_Target) EXEC (@SQL) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for acquiring ''source'' table metadata into #Objects_List temp table:' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) SELECT * FROM #Objects_List WHERE Is_Source_Target = 'Source' END IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT Source_Server_Name = @Remote_Server_Name, Source_Server_DB_Name = @Remote_Server_DB_Name, Source_Object_Name = @Remote_DB_Object_Name, Target_DB_Name = @Target_DB_Name, Target_DB_Schema_Name = @Target_DB_Schema_Name, Target_DB_Object_Name = @Target_DB_Object_Name END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.DatabaseName = @Remote_Server_DB_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Source' ) BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Source database cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Remote_Server_DB_Name + '". Check that the database of that name exists on the instance' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.DatabaseName = @Target_DB_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Target') BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Target database cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Target_DB_Name + '". Check that the database of that name exists on the instance' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.SchemaName = @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Source' ) BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Source schema cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name + '". Check that the schema of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.SchemaName = @Target_DB_Schema_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Target' ) BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Target schema cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '". Check that the schema of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.ObjectName = @Remote_DB_Object_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Source') BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Source object cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Remote_DB_Object_Name + '". Check that the object of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #Objects_List a WHERE a.ObjectName = @Target_DB_Object_Name AND a.Is_Source_Target = 'Target') BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Target object cannot be found. You nominated "' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + '". Check that the object of that name exists on the database' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text. ,16 -- Severity. ,1 -- State. ) RETURN END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Tbl_Metadata') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Temp_Tbl_Metadata; END; CREATE TABLE #Temp_Tbl_Metadata ( ID SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) , Table_Name VARCHAR (256) , Column_Name VARCHAR(128) , Column_DataType VARCHAR(56) , Is_PK_Flag BIT ); IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Ids_Range') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Ids_Range; END; CREATE TABLE #Ids_Range ( id SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) , range_FROM BIGINT , range_TO BIGINT ); SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #Temp_Tbl_Metadata (Table_Name, Column_Name, Column_DataType, Is_PK_Flag)' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SELECT a.table_name, a.column_name, a.data_type, CASE WHEN a.column_key = ''PRI'' ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM OPENQUERY('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT table_name, table_schema, column_name, data_type, column_key from information_schema.columns' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE table_name = '''''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''''''') a ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'JOIN ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process b ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'ON a.Table_Name = b.Remote_Table_Name and' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'a.Table_Schema = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''' and ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'b.Remote_Schema_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''' and ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'b.Remote_DB_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''' and' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'b.Remote_Server_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_Name+'''' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE b.Is_Active = 1' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'FROM ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process_ColumnExceptions o' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE o.Is_Active = 1 AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Field_Name = a.Column_Name AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Table_Name = a.Table_Name AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Schema_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''' AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_DB_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''' AND' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Server_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_Name+''')' +CHAR(13) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for populating ''metadata'' #Temp_Tbl_Metadata temp table:' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC (@SQL) IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata WHERE Is_PK_Flag = 1 AND ISNUMERIC(Is_PK_Flag)=1) BEGIN SET @Error_Message = 'Primary key column in "Temp_Tbl_Metadata" table not found. Please troubleshoot!' RAISERROR ( @Error_Message -- Message text ,16 -- Severity ,1 -- State ) RETURN END SET @PK_Col_Name = ( SELECT TOP 1 Column_Name FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata WHERE Is_PK_Flag = 1 AND Column_DataType IN ('INT', 'SMALLINT', 'BIGINT', 'TINYINT')) SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @R1 INT = (SELECT id FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT MIN('+@PK_Col_Name+') as id from '+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''')) ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'DECLARE @R2 BIGINT = (SELECT id FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT (MAX('+@PK_Col_Name+')-MIN('+@PK_Col_Name+')+1)/'+@Proc_Exec_No+' as id FROM' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'''))' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'DECLARE @R3 BIGINT = (SELECT id FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT MAX('+@PK_Col_Name+') as id from '+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''')) ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'DECLARE @t int = @r2+@r2+2 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'INSERT INTO #Ids_Range ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '(range_FROM, range_to) ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SELECT @R1, @R2 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'UNION ALL ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SELECT @R2+1, @R2+@R2+1 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHILE @t <= @r3 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'BEGIN ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'INSERT INTO #Ids_Range ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '(range_FROM, range_to) ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SELECT @t, CASE WHEN (@t+@r2) >= @r3 THEN @r3 ELSE @t+@r2 END ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SET @t = @t+@r2+1 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'END' +CHAR(13) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for populating ''range'' variables and #Ids_Range temp table:' PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC(@SQL) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Ids_Range END SET @SQL = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ''+@Target_DB_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE '+@PK_Col_Name+' IS NOT NULL) BEGIN ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ''+@Target_DB_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Object_Name+' END' +CHAR(13) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for truncating '''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''' table:' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC(@SQL) IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats; END; CREATE TABLE #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats ( ID SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) , Job_Name VARCHAR(256) , Job_Exec_Start_Date DATETIME ); IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'sp_cursor') >= -1 BEGIN DEALLOCATE sp_cursor END DECLARE @z INT DECLARE @err INT DECLARE sp_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM #ids_range SELECT @err = @@error IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE sp_cursor RETURN @err END OPEN sp_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM sp_cursor INTO @z WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @range_from VARCHAR(10) = (SELECT CAST(range_FROM AS VARCHAR(10)) FROM #ids_range where id = @z), @range_to VARCHAR(10) = (SELECT CAST(range_TO AS VARCHAR(10)) FROM #ids_range where id = @z), @job_name VARCHAR (256) = 'Temp_'+UPPER(LEFT(@Target_DB_Object_Name,1))+LOWER(SUBSTRING(@Target_DB_Object_Name,2,LEN(@Target_DB_Object_Name)))+'_TableSync_'+'AsyncJob'+'_'+CAST(@z AS VARCHAR (20)), @job_owner VARCHAR (256) = 'sa' DECLARE @delete_job_sql VARCHAR (400) = 'EXEC msdb..sp_delete_job @job_name='''''+@job_name+'''''' DECLARE @sql_job NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'USE [StagingDB] EXEC [dbo].['+@Proc_Name+'] @Remote_Server_Name = '+@Remote_Server_Name+', @Remote_Server_DB_Name = '''''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''''', @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name = '''''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''''', @Target_DB_Name = N'''''+@Target_DB_Name+''''', @Target_DB_Schema_Name = '''''+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+''''', @Target_DB_Object_Name = '''''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''''', @Iterations_No ='''''+@Iterations_No+''''' , @Min_Value ='''''+@range_from+''''', @Max_Value ='''''+@range_to+''''', @Exec_Instance_GUID ='''''+CAST(@Exec_Instance_GUID AS VARCHAR(128))+''''', @Package_Name='''''+@Package_Name+''''' ' SET @SQL = 'IF EXISTS' SET @SQL = @SQL + '(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM msdb..sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'ON job.job_id = activity.job_id WHERE = N'''+@job_name+'''' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND activity.start_execution_date IS NOT NULL AND activity.stop_execution_date IS NULL)' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'BEGIN' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_stop_job @job_name=N'''+@job_name+''';' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_delete_job @job_name=N'''+@job_name+''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'END' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'IF EXISTS' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM msdb..sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'ON job.job_id = activity.job_id WHERE = N'''+@job_name+'''' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND activity.start_execution_date IS NULL AND activity.stop_execution_date IS NOT NULL)' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'BEGIN' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_delete_job @job_name=N'''+@job_name+''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'END' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_add_job '''+@job_name+''', @owner_login_name= '''+@job_owner+''';' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobserver @job_name= '''+@job_name+''';' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name='''+@job_name+''', @step_name= ''Step1'', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '@command = '''+@sql_job+''', @database_name = '''+@Target_DB_Name+''', @on_success_action = 3;' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name = '''+@job_name+''', @step_name= ''Step2'',' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '@command = '''+@delete_job_sql+'''' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_start_job @job_name= '''+@job_name+'''' +CHAR(13) +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),4) EXEC (@SQL) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01' INSERT INTO #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats (Job_Name, Job_Exec_Start_Date) SELECT job.Name, activity.start_execution_date FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_id WHERE = @job_name IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL Server agent job execution and deletion SQL statement for job '''+@job_name+''':' PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END FETCH NEXT FROM sp_cursor INTO @z END CLOSE sp_cursor DEALLOCATE sp_cursor IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats END IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'Iterating through agent job(s) execution status for '''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''' table:' PRINT '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END Start: IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_id JOIN #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats agent ON agent.Job_Name = AND @Check_Count <= @Max_Check_Count BEGIN IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT, job.* FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_id JOIN #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats agent ON agent.Job_Name = ORDER BY ASC DECLARE @Running_Jobs VARCHAR(2000) = NULL SELECT @Running_Jobs = COALESCE(@Running_Jobs + CHAR(13), '') + CAST(id AS VARCHAR) +') ' + job_name FROM (SELECT, agent.Job_Name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_id JOIN #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats agent ON agent.Job_Name = a ORDER BY PRINT '--> Status:' PRINT 'Iteration number: '+CAST(@Check_Count AS VARCHAR(10))+' out of '+CAST(@Max_Check_Count AS VARCHAR(10))+'' PRINT 'Remaining jobs currently executing are:' PRINT ''+@Running_Jobs+'' +CHAR(13) PRINT 'Waiting for 10 seconds before next attempt...' +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END SET @Check_Count = @Check_Count + 1; WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'; GOTO Start END IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_id JOIN #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats agent ON agent.Job_Name = AND @Check_Count > @Max_Check_Count BEGIN DECLARE @i TINYINT DECLARE @Failed_Job VARCHAR (256) IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'sp_killjob') >= -1 BEGIN DEALLOCATE sp_killjob END DECLARE sp_killjob CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT agent.ID, agent.Job_Name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_id JOIN #Temp_Tbl_AgentJob_Stats agent ON agent.Job_Name = OPEN sp_killjob FETCH NEXT FROM sp_killjob INTO @i, @Failed_Job WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = 'EXEC msdb..sp_stop_job @job_name=N'''+@Failed_Job+'''' SET @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC msdb..sp_delete_job @job_name=N'''+@Failed_Job+''', ' SET @SQL = @SQL + '@delete_unused_schedule=1' IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'Error encountered! Stoping and deleting failed job '''+@Failed_Job+'''' END EXEC (@SQL) FETCH NEXT FROM sp_killjob INTO @i, @Failed_Job END CLOSE sp_killjob DEALLOCATE sp_killjob END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Objects_List') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [#Objects_List] END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Tbl_Metadata') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Temp_Tbl_Metadata; END; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Ids_Range') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Ids_Range; END; END GO
/*========================================================================= Create 'SLAVE' usp_runRemoteSvrDBSchemaSyncBigTablesSlave stored procedure used to re-populate 'small' target staging tables via a dynamic MERGE SQL functionality. =========================================================================*/ USE [StagingDB] GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_runRemoteSvrDBSchemaSyncBigTablesSlave] (@Remote_Server_Name SYSNAME , @Remote_Server_DB_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Schema_Name VARCHAR (128) , @Target_DB_Object_Name VARCHAR (256) , @Iterations_No VARCHAR (10) , @Min_Value VARCHAR (20) , @Max_Value VARCHAR (20) , @Exec_Instance_GUID VARCHAR (128) , @Package_Name VARCHAR (256)) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @Err_Msg VARCHAR (4000) DECLARE @PK_Col_Name VARCHAR (256) DECLARE @Remote_DB_Object_Name VARCHAR (128) = @Target_DB_Object_Name DECLARE @Is_Debug_Mode BIT = 1 SET @Exec_Instance_GUID = REPLACE(@Exec_Instance_GUID, '-', '') IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Tbl_Metadata') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Temp_Tbl_Metadata; END; CREATE TABLE #Temp_Tbl_Metadata ( ID SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) , Table_Name VARCHAR (128) , Column_Name VARCHAR(128) , Column_DataType VARCHAR(56) , Is_PK_Flag BIT ); SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #Temp_Tbl_Metadata (Table_Name, Column_Name, Column_DataType, Is_PK_Flag)' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SELECT a.table_name, a.column_name, a.data_type, CASE WHEN a.column_key = ''PRI'' ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM OPENQUERY('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT table_name, table_schema, column_name, data_type, column_key from information_schema.columns' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE table_name = '''''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+''''''') a ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'JOIN ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process b ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'ON a.Table_Name = b.Remote_Table_Name and' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'a.Table_Schema = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''' and ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'b.Remote_Schema_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''' and ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'b.Remote_DB_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''' and' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'b.Remote_Server_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_Name+'''' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE b.Is_Active = 1' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'FROM ControlDB.dbo.Ctrl_RemoteSvrs_Tables2Process_ColumnExceptions o' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE o.Is_Active = 1 AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Field_Name = a.Column_Name AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Table_Name = a.Table_Name AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Schema_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Schema_Name+''' AND ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_DB_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_DB_Name+''' AND' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'o.Remote_Server_Name = '''+@Remote_Server_Name+''')' +CHAR(13) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for populating ''Temp_Tbl_Metadata'' temp table:' PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC (@SQL) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata END IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata WHERE Is_PK_Flag = 1 AND ISNUMERIC(Is_PK_Flag)=1) BEGIN SET @Err_Msg = 'Primary key column "Temp_Tbl_Metadata" table not found. Please troubleshoot!' RAISERROR ( @Err_Msg -- Message text ,16 -- Severity ,1 -- State ) RETURN END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Ids_Range') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #Ids_Range; END; CREATE TABLE #Ids_Range ( id SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) , range_FROM BIGINT , range_TO BIGINT ); SET @PK_Col_Name = ( SELECT TOP 1 Column_Name FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata WHERE Is_PK_Flag = 1 AND Column_DataType IN ('INT', 'SMALLINT', 'TINYINT', 'BIGINT')) SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @R1 BIGINT = (SELECT id FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT MIN('+@PK_Col_Name+') as id from '+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE '+@PK_Col_Name+' >= '+@Min_Value+' AND '+@PK_Col_Name+' <= '+@Max_Value+' ''))' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'DECLARE @R2 BIGINT = (SELECT id FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT (MAX('+@PK_Col_Name+')-MIN('+@PK_Col_Name+')+1)/'+@Iterations_No+' as id FROM' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ''+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE '+@PK_Col_Name+' >= '+@Min_Value+' AND '+@PK_Col_Name+' <= '+@Max_Value+' ''))' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'DECLARE @R3 BIGINT = (SELECT id FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT MAX('+@PK_Col_Name+') as id from '+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE '+@PK_Col_Name+' >= '+@Min_Value+' AND '+@PK_Col_Name+' <= '+@Max_Value+' ''))' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'DECLARE @t int = @R1+@R2+1 INSERT INTO #Ids_Range (range_FROM, range_to) SELECT @R1, @R1+@R2 WHILE @t < @r3 BEGIN INSERT INTO #Ids_Range (range_FROM, range_to) SELECT @t, CASE WHEN (@t+@r2)>@r3 THEN @r3 ELSE @t+@r2 END SET @t = @t+@r2+1 END' IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for populating ''Ids_Range'' temp table:' PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL+REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC (@SQL) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT * FROM #Ids_Range END DECLARE @col_list_MSSQL VARCHAR(1000) = ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF(( SELECT ',' +CHAR(10) + COALESCE(vw.mssql_version, u.column_name) FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata u LEFT JOIN StagingDB.dbo.vw_MssqlReservedWords vw ON LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER(u.Column_Name))) = vw.reserved_word WHERE u.column_name = column_name ORDER BY u.column_name FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') AS columns_list FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata GROUP BY column_name) DECLARE @col_list_MYSQL VARCHAR(1000) = ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF(( SELECT ',' +CHAR(10) + COALESCE(vw.mysql_version, u.column_name) FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata u LEFT JOIN StagingDB.dbo.vw_MysqlReservedWords vw ON LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER(u.Column_Name))) = vw.reserved_word WHERE u.column_name = column_name ORDER BY u.column_name FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') AS columns_list FROM #Temp_Tbl_Metadata GROUP BY column_name) IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'db_cursor') >= -1 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_cursor END DECLARE @z INT DECLARE @err INT DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT id FROM #ids_range SELECT @err = @@error IF @err <> 0 BEGIN DEALLOCATE db_cursor RETURN @err END OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @z WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @range_from BIGINT = (SELECT range_FROM FROM #Ids_Range where id = @z), @range_to BIGINT = (SELECT range_TO FROM #Ids_Range where id = @z) SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO '+@Target_DB_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' ('+@col_list_MSSQL+')' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'SELECT '+@col_list_MSSQL+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'FROM OPENQUERY ('+@Remote_Server_Name+', ' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + '''SELECT '+@col_list_MYSQL+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'FROM '+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE '+@PK_Col_Name+' >= '+cast(@range_FROM as varchar (20))+'' +CHAR(13) SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND '+@PK_Col_Name+' <= '+CAST(@range_to AS VARCHAR(20))+''')' +CHAR(13) IF @Is_Debug_Mode = 1 BEGIN PRINT 'SQL statement for populating target table '+@Target_DB_Schema_Name+'.'+@Target_DB_Object_Name+'. Iteration no: '+CAST(@z AS VARCHAR(10)) PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT @SQL +REPLICATE(CHAR(13),2) END EXEC (@SQL); COMMIT TRANSACTION FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @z END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ;WITH TempErr ( [ErrorNumber], [ErrorSeverity], [ErrorState], [ErrorLine], [ErrorMessage], [ErrorDateTime], [LoginName], [UserName], [PackageName], [ObjectID], [ProcessID], [ExecutionInstanceGUID], [DBName] ) AS ( SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber , ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity , ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState , ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine , ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage , SYSDATETIME() AS ErrorDateTime , SYSTEM_USER AS LoginName , USER_NAME() AS UserName , @Package_Name , OBJECT_ID('' + @Target_DB_Name + '.' + @Target_DB_Schema_Name + '.' + @Target_DB_Object_Name + '') AS ObjectID , ( SELECT a.objectid FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a WHERE session_id = @@spid ) AS ProcessID , CAST(SUBSTRING(@Exec_Instance_GUID , 1, 8) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@Exec_Instance_GUID , 9, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@Exec_Instance_GUID , 13, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@Exec_Instance_GUID , 17, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@Exec_Instance_GUID , 21, 12) AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) AS ExecutionInstanceGUID, DB_NAME() AS DatabaseName ) INSERT INTO AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Error ( [ErrorNumber] , [ErrorSeverity] , [ErrorState] , [ErrorLine] , [ErrorMessage] , [ErrorDateTime] , [FKLoginID] , [FKUserID] , [FKPackageID] , [FKObjectID] , [FKProcessID] , [ExecutionInstanceGUID] ) SELECT ErrorNumber = COALESCE(err.ErrorNumber, -1) , ErrorSeverity = COALESCE(err.[ErrorSeverity], -1) , ErrorState = COALESCE(err.[ErrorState], -1) , ErrorLine = COALESCE(err.[ErrorLine], -1) , ErrorMessage = COALESCE(err.[ErrorMessage], 'Unknown') , ErrorDateTime = ErrorDateTime , FKLoginID = src_login.ID , FKUserID = src_user.ID , [FKPackageID] = src_package.ID , [FKObjectID] = src_object.ID , [FKProcessID] = src_process.ID , [ExecutionInstanceGUID] = err.ExecutionInstanceGUID FROM TempErr err LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Login src_login ON err.LoginName = src_login.LoginName LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_User src_user ON err.UserName = src_user.UserName AND src_user.FKDBID = ( SELECT ID FROM AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_DB db WHERE db.DBName = err.DBName ) LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Package src_package ON err.PackageName = ( LEFT(src_package.PackageName, CHARINDEX('.', src_package.PackageName) - 1) ) LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Object src_object ON err.ObjectID = src_object.ObjectID LEFT JOIN AdminDBA.dbo.LogSSISErrors_Process src_process ON err.ProcessID = src_process.ProcessID WHERE src_login.CurrentlyUsed = 1 AND src_user.CurrentlyUsed = 1 --AND src_package.CurrentlyUsed = 1 AND src_object.CurrentlyUsed = 1 AND src_process.CurrentlyUsed = 1 END CATCH END CLOSE db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor END GO
Thanks to each table’s DML operation that the above code executes being wrapped up in a explicit transaction and error rollback process, a robust reporting platform can be created to log and account for any issues that might have been raised during runtime. Below is an image of a simple Tableau report which may be embedded into the error notification message, giving the operator a quick, high-level view of any issues that might have been logged in AdminDBA database during package execution.
In the next post (part 3) I will look into how smaller tables can be handled using a dynamic MERGE SQL statement creation, data acquisition validation mechanisms as well as the error notifications process triggered by a failed package/procedure.