McKinsey Global Institute Report on Big Data

April 6th, 2012 / No Comments » / by admin

McKinsey full report can be downloaded HERE
McKinsey executive summary can be downloaded HERE

The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and McKinsey’s Business Technology Office. Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications of big data, not just a few data-oriented managers. The increasing volume and detail of information captured by enterprises, the rise of multimedia, social media, and the Internet of Things will fuel exponential growth in data for the foreseeable future.

MGI studied big data in five domains—healthcare in the United States, the public sector in Europe, retail in the United States, and manufacturing and personal-location data globally. Big data can generate value in each. For example, a retailer using big data to the full could increase its operating margin by more than 60 percent. Harnessing big data in the public sector has enormous potential, too. If US healthcare were to use big data creatively and effectively to drive efficiency and quality, the sector could create more than $300 billion in value every year. Two-thirds of that would be in the form of reducing US healthcare expenditure by about 8 percent. In the developed economies of Europe, government administrators could save more than €100 billion ($149 billion) in operational efficiency improvements alone by using big data, not including using big data to reduce fraud and errors and boost the collection of tax revenues. And users of services enabled by personal-location data could capture $600 billion in consumer surplus. The research offers seven key insights.

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Analytics Pays Back $10.66 for Every Dollar Spent

April 3rd, 2012 / No Comments » / by admin

A recent study by the Nucleus Research (see copy HERE) says that Analytics pays back $10.66 for every dollar spent. The study is based on data from 60 case studies and relates to investments in Business Intelligence, Performance Management and Predictive Analytics. Not surprising are the areas where they saw ROI increase – revenue, gross margin and expenses.

Although skepticism can be warranted for technologies that are new or unproven, managers who continue to balk at investing in analytics technologies are doing their organizations a disservice. Given returns of 10.66 dollars for every dollar invested in analytics, these technologies represent one of the richest investment opportunities available to organizations. Analytics also represents an opportunity to acquire a competitive edge. With so many organizations opting not to invest in analytics, the companies that use analytics to learn more about their customers, products, and costs will be in a position to cost effectively grow their business at the expense of rivals.

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