2012 Gartner BI Magic Quadrant Report

February 29th, 2012 / No Comments » / by admin

The 2012 Gartner BI Magic Quadrant report was released in February (see copy HERE) and in comparison to last year’s report there are no dramatic shake-ups, particularly in the ‘Leaders’ quadrant. The most notable change is probably in the bottom-left quadrant representing ‘Niche Players’ where new vendors e.g. Alterix or Prognoz have been included and others e.g. Corda Technologies or Bitam have disappeared. As for the Leaders of the BI quadrant the key change in the market positioning applies to Microsoft which dropped a few notches behind Oracle and MicroStrategy on the ‘Ability to Execute’ scale as well as QlikTech which raised above SAS, also in the ‘Ability to Execute’ scale. Surprisingly, just like last year, the ‘Visionaries’ quadrant remained empty and the ‘Challengers’ have remained exactly the same i.e. the quadrant includes only two vendors (Tableau and Spotfire).


Big Data and Analytics (From NY Times.com)

February 20th, 2012 / No Comments » / by admin

HERE and HERE you can read some of the more exciting articles which i recently found on the web in regards to Big Data and Analytics. It seems like NY Times likes to put BD and Analytics into the limelight and does it in a interesting manner, with plenty of examples and no going overboard with technical details. I know NY Times is using R language  to crunch data and prepare graphics before they go to print or online as well as other analytical tools for inference and predictive analysis. As they started to invest heavily into what data can offer them to help maintain or gain competitive advantage over other news publishers , the quality and content of their press on Data and Analytics has been pretty good and I would expect much more to come in the future.

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