Vertica MPP Database Overview and TPC-DS Benchmark Performance Analysis (Part 4)
Testing Continued…
In the previous post I started looking at some of the TPC-DS queries’ performance across a single node and multi-node environments. This post continues with the theme of performance analysis across the remaining set of queries and looks at high-level interactions between Vertica and Tableau/PowerBI. Firstly though, let’s look at the remaining ten queries and how their execution times fared in the context of three different data and cluster sizes.
--Query 44 SELECT asceding.rnk, i1.i_product_name best_performing, i2.i_product_name worst_performing FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT item_sk, Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY rank_col ASC) rnk FROM (SELECT ss_item_sk item_sk, Avg(ss_net_profit) rank_col FROM tpc_ds.store_sales ss1 WHERE ss_store_sk = 4 GROUP BY ss_item_sk HAVING Avg(ss_net_profit) > 0.9 * (SELECT Avg(ss_net_profit) rank_col FROM tpc_ds.store_sales WHERE ss_store_sk = 4 AND ss_cdemo_sk IS NULL GROUP BY ss_store_sk))V1) V11 WHERE rnk < 11) asceding, (SELECT * FROM (SELECT item_sk, Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY rank_col DESC) rnk FROM (SELECT ss_item_sk item_sk, Avg(ss_net_profit) rank_col FROM tpc_ds.store_sales ss1 WHERE ss_store_sk = 4 GROUP BY ss_item_sk HAVING Avg(ss_net_profit) > 0.9 * (SELECT Avg(ss_net_profit) rank_col FROM tpc_ds.store_sales WHERE ss_store_sk = 4 AND ss_cdemo_sk IS NULL GROUP BY ss_store_sk))V2) V21 WHERE rnk < 11) descending, tpc_ds.item i1, tpc_ds.item i2 WHERE asceding.rnk = descending.rnk AND i1.i_item_sk = asceding.item_sk AND i2.i_item_sk = descending.item_sk ORDER BY asceding.rnk LIMIT 100;
--Query 46 SELECT c_last_name, c_first_name, ca_city, bought_city, ss_ticket_number, amt, profit FROM (SELECT ss_ticket_number, ss_customer_sk, ca_city bought_city, Sum(ss_coupon_amt) amt, Sum(ss_net_profit) profit FROM tpc_ds.store_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim,, tpc_ds.household_demographics, tpc_ds.customer_address WHERE store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk AND store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk AND store_sales.ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk AND store_sales.ss_addr_sk = customer_address.ca_address_sk AND ( household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 6 OR household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count = 0 ) AND date_dim.d_dow IN ( 6, 0 ) AND date_dim.d_year IN ( 2000, 2000 + 1, 2000 + 2 ) AND store.s_city IN ( 'Midway', 'Fairview', 'Fairview', 'Fairview', 'Fairview' ) GROUP BY ss_ticket_number, ss_customer_sk, ss_addr_sk, ca_city) dn, tpc_ds.customer, tpc_ds.customer_address current_addr WHERE ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND customer.c_current_addr_sk = current_addr.ca_address_sk AND current_addr.ca_city <> bought_city ORDER BY c_last_name, c_first_name, ca_city, bought_city, ss_ticket_number LIMIT 100;
--Query 47 WITH v1 AS (SELECT i_category, i_brand, s_store_name, s_company_name, d_year, d_moy, Sum(ss_sales_price) sum_sales, Avg(Sum(ss_sales_price)) OVER ( partition BY i_category, i_brand, s_store_name, s_company_name, d_year) avg_monthly_sales, Rank() OVER ( partition BY i_category, i_brand, s_store_name, s_company_name ORDER BY d_year, d_moy) rn FROM tpc_ds.item, tpc_ds.store_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim, WHERE ss_item_sk = i_item_sk AND ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND ( d_year = 1999 OR ( d_year = 1999 - 1 AND d_moy = 12 ) OR ( d_year = 1999 + 1 AND d_moy = 1 ) ) GROUP BY i_category, i_brand, s_store_name, s_company_name, d_year, d_moy), v2 AS (SELECT v1.i_category, v1.d_year, v1.d_moy, v1.avg_monthly_sales, v1.sum_sales, v1_lag.sum_sales psum, v1_lead.sum_sales nsum FROM v1, v1 v1_lag, v1 v1_lead WHERE v1.i_category = v1_lag.i_category AND v1.i_category = v1_lead.i_category AND v1.i_brand = v1_lag.i_brand AND v1.i_brand = v1_lead.i_brand AND v1.s_store_name = v1_lag.s_store_name AND v1.s_store_name = v1_lead.s_store_name AND v1.s_company_name = v1_lag.s_company_name AND v1.s_company_name = v1_lead.s_company_name AND v1.rn = v1_lag.rn + 1 AND v1.rn = v1_lead.rn - 1) SELECT * FROM v2 WHERE d_year = 1999 AND avg_monthly_sales > 0 AND CASE WHEN avg_monthly_sales > 0 THEN Abs(sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales) / avg_monthly_sales ELSE NULL END > 0.1 ORDER BY sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales, 3 LIMIT 100;
--Query 54 WITH my_customers AS (SELECT DISTINCT c_customer_sk, c_current_addr_sk FROM (SELECT cs_sold_date_sk sold_date_sk, cs_bill_customer_sk customer_sk, cs_item_sk item_sk FROM tpc_ds.catalog_sales UNION ALL SELECT ws_sold_date_sk sold_date_sk, ws_bill_customer_sk customer_sk, ws_item_sk item_sk FROM tpc_ds.web_sales) cs_or_ws_sales, tpc_ds.item, tpc_ds.date_dim, tpc_ds.customer WHERE sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND item_sk = i_item_sk AND i_category = 'Sports' AND i_class = 'fitness' AND c_customer_sk = cs_or_ws_sales.customer_sk AND d_moy = 5 AND d_year = 2000), my_revenue AS (SELECT c_customer_sk, Sum(ss_ext_sales_price) AS revenue FROM my_customers, tpc_ds.store_sales, tpc_ds.customer_address,, tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk AND ca_county = s_county AND ca_state = s_state AND ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk AND d_month_seq BETWEEN (SELECT DISTINCT d_month_seq + 1 FROM tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2000 AND d_moy = 5) AND (SELECT DISTINCT d_month_seq + 3 FROM tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2000 AND d_moy = 5) GROUP BY c_customer_sk), segments AS (SELECT Cast(( revenue / 50 ) AS INT) AS segment FROM my_revenue) SELECT segment, Count(*) AS num_customers, segment * 50 AS segment_base FROM segments GROUP BY segment ORDER BY segment, num_customers LIMIT 100;
--Query 57 WITH v1 AS (SELECT i_category, i_brand, cc_name, d_year, d_moy, Sum(cs_sales_price) sum_sales , Avg(Sum(cs_sales_price)) OVER ( partition BY i_category, i_brand, cc_name, d_year) avg_monthly_sales , Rank() OVER ( partition BY i_category, i_brand, cc_name ORDER BY d_year, d_moy) rn FROM tpc_ds.item, tpc_ds.catalog_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim, tpc_ds.call_center WHERE cs_item_sk = i_item_sk AND cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND cc_call_center_sk = cs_call_center_sk AND ( d_year = 2000 OR ( d_year = 2000 - 1 AND d_moy = 12 ) OR ( d_year = 2000 + 1 AND d_moy = 1 ) ) GROUP BY i_category, i_brand, cc_name, d_year, d_moy), v2 AS (SELECT v1.i_brand, v1.d_year, v1.avg_monthly_sales, v1.sum_sales, v1_lag.sum_sales psum, v1_lead.sum_sales nsum FROM v1, v1 v1_lag, v1 v1_lead WHERE v1.i_category = v1_lag.i_category AND v1.i_category = v1_lead.i_category AND v1.i_brand = v1_lag.i_brand AND v1.i_brand = v1_lead.i_brand AND v1. cc_name = v1_lag. cc_name AND v1. cc_name = v1_lead. cc_name AND v1.rn = v1_lag.rn + 1 AND v1.rn = v1_lead.rn - 1) SELECT * FROM v2 WHERE d_year = 2000 AND avg_monthly_sales > 0 AND CASE WHEN avg_monthly_sales > 0 THEN Abs(sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales) / avg_monthly_sales ELSE NULL END > 0.1 ORDER BY sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales, 3 LIMIT 100;
--Query 64 WITH cs_ui AS (SELECT cs_item_sk, Sum(cs_ext_list_price) AS sale, Sum(cr_refunded_cash + cr_reversed_charge + cr_store_credit) AS refund FROM tpc_ds.catalog_sales, tpc_ds.catalog_returns WHERE cs_item_sk = cr_item_sk AND cs_order_number = cr_order_number GROUP BY cs_item_sk HAVING Sum(cs_ext_list_price) > 2 * Sum( cr_refunded_cash + cr_reversed_charge + cr_store_credit)), cross_sales AS (SELECT i_product_name product_name, i_item_sk item_sk, s_store_name store_name, s_zip store_zip, ad1.ca_street_number b_street_number, ad1.ca_street_name b_streen_name, ad1.ca_city b_city, ad1.ca_zip b_zip, ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number, ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name, ad2.ca_city c_city, ad2.ca_zip c_zip, d1.d_year AS syear, d2.d_year AS fsyear, d3.d_year s2year, Count(*) cnt, Sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1, Sum(ss_list_price) s2, Sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3 FROM tpc_ds.store_sales, tpc_ds.store_returns, cs_ui, tpc_ds.date_dim d1, tpc_ds.date_dim d2, tpc_ds.date_dim d3,, tpc_ds.customer, tpc_ds.customer_demographics cd1, tpc_ds.customer_demographics cd2, tpc_ds.promotion, tpc_ds.household_demographics hd1, tpc_ds.household_demographics hd2, tpc_ds.customer_address ad1, tpc_ds.customer_address ad2, tpc_ds.income_band ib1, tpc_ds.income_band ib2, tpc_ds.item WHERE ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND ss_sold_date_sk = d1.d_date_sk AND ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND ss_cdemo_sk = cd1.cd_demo_sk AND ss_hdemo_sk = hd1.hd_demo_sk AND ss_addr_sk = ad1.ca_address_sk AND ss_item_sk = i_item_sk AND ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk AND ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number AND ss_item_sk = cs_ui.cs_item_sk AND c_current_cdemo_sk = cd2.cd_demo_sk AND c_current_hdemo_sk = hd2.hd_demo_sk AND c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk AND c_first_sales_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk AND c_first_shipto_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk AND ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk AND hd1.hd_income_band_sk = ib1.ib_income_band_sk AND hd2.hd_income_band_sk = ib2.ib_income_band_sk AND cd1.cd_marital_status <> cd2.cd_marital_status AND i_color IN ( 'cyan', 'peach', 'blush', 'frosted', 'powder', 'orange' ) AND i_current_price BETWEEN 58 AND 58 + 10 AND i_current_price BETWEEN 58 + 1 AND 58 + 15 GROUP BY i_product_name, i_item_sk, s_store_name, s_zip, ad1.ca_street_number, ad1.ca_street_name, ad1.ca_city, ad1.ca_zip, ad2.ca_street_number, ad2.ca_street_name, ad2.ca_city, ad2.ca_zip, d1.d_year, d2.d_year, d3.d_year) SELECT cs1.product_name, cs1.store_name, cs1.store_zip, cs1.b_street_number, cs1.b_streen_name, cs1.b_city, cs1.b_zip, cs1.c_street_number, cs1.c_street_name, cs1.c_city, cs1.c_zip, cs1.syear, cs1.cnt, cs1.s1, cs1.s2, cs1.s3, cs2.s1, cs2.s2, cs2.s3, cs2.syear, cs2.cnt FROM cross_sales cs1, cross_sales cs2 WHERE cs1.item_sk = cs2.item_sk AND cs1.syear = 2001 AND cs2.syear = 2001 + 1 AND cs2.cnt <= cs1.cnt AND cs1.store_name = cs2.store_name AND cs1.store_zip = cs2.store_zip ORDER BY cs1.product_name, cs1.store_name, cs2.cnt;
--Query 74 WITH year_total AS (SELECT c_customer_id customer_id, c_first_name customer_first_name, c_last_name customer_last_name, d_year AS year1, Sum(ss_net_paid) year_total, 's' sale_type FROM tpc_ds.customer, tpc_ds.store_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk AND ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND d_year IN ( 1999, 1999 + 1 ) GROUP BY c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, d_year UNION ALL SELECT c_customer_id customer_id, c_first_name customer_first_name, c_last_name customer_last_name, d_year AS year1, Sum(ws_net_paid) year_total, 'w' sale_type FROM tpc_ds.customer, tpc_ds.web_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE c_customer_sk = ws_bill_customer_sk AND ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND d_year IN ( 1999, 1999 + 1 ) GROUP BY c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, d_year) SELECT t_s_secyear.customer_id, t_s_secyear.customer_first_name, t_s_secyear.customer_last_name FROM year_total t_s_firstyear, year_total t_s_secyear, year_total t_w_firstyear, year_total t_w_secyear WHERE t_s_secyear.customer_id = t_s_firstyear.customer_id AND t_s_firstyear.customer_id = t_w_secyear.customer_id AND t_s_firstyear.customer_id = t_w_firstyear.customer_id AND t_s_firstyear.sale_type = 's' AND t_w_firstyear.sale_type = 'w' AND t_s_secyear.sale_type = 's' AND t_w_secyear.sale_type = 'w' AND t_s_firstyear.year1 = 1999 AND t_s_secyear.year1 = 1999 + 1 AND t_w_firstyear.year1 = 1999 AND t_w_secyear.year1 = 1999 + 1 AND t_s_firstyear.year_total > 0 AND t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0 AND CASE WHEN t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0 THEN t_w_secyear.year_total / t_w_firstyear.year_total ELSE NULL END > CASE WHEN t_s_firstyear.year_total > 0 THEN t_s_secyear.year_total / t_s_firstyear.year_total ELSE NULL END ORDER BY 1, 2, 3 LIMIT 100;
--Query 75 WITH all_sales AS (SELECT d_year, i_brand_id, i_class_id, i_category_id, i_manufact_id, Sum(sales_cnt) AS sales_cnt, Sum(sales_amt) AS sales_amt FROM (SELECT d_year, i_brand_id, i_class_id, i_category_id, i_manufact_id, cs_quantity - COALESCE(cr_return_quantity, 0) AS sales_cnt, cs_ext_sales_price - COALESCE(cr_return_amount, 0.0) AS sales_amt FROM tpc_ds.catalog_sales JOIN tpc_ds.item ON i_item_sk = cs_item_sk JOIN tpc_ds.date_dim ON d_date_sk = cs_sold_date_sk LEFT JOIN tpc_ds.catalog_returns ON ( cs_order_number = cr_order_number AND cs_item_sk = cr_item_sk ) WHERE i_category = 'Men' UNION SELECT d_year, i_brand_id, i_class_id, i_category_id, i_manufact_id, ss_quantity - COALESCE(sr_return_quantity, 0) AS sales_cnt, ss_ext_sales_price - COALESCE(sr_return_amt, 0.0) AS sales_amt FROM tpc_ds.store_sales JOIN tpc_ds.item ON i_item_sk = ss_item_sk JOIN tpc_ds.date_dim ON d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk LEFT JOIN tpc_ds.store_returns ON ( ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number AND ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk ) WHERE i_category = 'Men' UNION SELECT d_year, i_brand_id, i_class_id, i_category_id, i_manufact_id, ws_quantity - COALESCE(wr_return_quantity, 0) AS sales_cnt, ws_ext_sales_price - COALESCE(wr_return_amt, 0.0) AS sales_amt FROM tpc_ds.web_sales JOIN tpc_ds.item ON i_item_sk = ws_item_sk JOIN tpc_ds.date_dim ON d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk LEFT JOIN tpc_ds.web_returns ON ( ws_order_number = wr_order_number AND ws_item_sk = wr_item_sk ) WHERE i_category = 'Men') sales_detail GROUP BY d_year, i_brand_id, i_class_id, i_category_id, i_manufact_id) SELECT prev_yr.d_year AS prev_year, curr_yr.d_year AS year1, curr_yr.i_brand_id, curr_yr.i_class_id, curr_yr.i_category_id, curr_yr.i_manufact_id, prev_yr.sales_cnt AS prev_yr_cnt, curr_yr.sales_cnt AS curr_yr_cnt, curr_yr.sales_cnt - prev_yr.sales_cnt AS sales_cnt_diff, curr_yr.sales_amt - prev_yr.sales_amt AS sales_amt_diff FROM all_sales curr_yr, all_sales prev_yr WHERE curr_yr.i_brand_id = prev_yr.i_brand_id AND curr_yr.i_class_id = prev_yr.i_class_id AND curr_yr.i_category_id = prev_yr.i_category_id AND curr_yr.i_manufact_id = prev_yr.i_manufact_id AND curr_yr.d_year = 2002 AND prev_yr.d_year = 2002 - 1 AND Cast(curr_yr.sales_cnt AS DECIMAL(17, 2)) / Cast(prev_yr.sales_cnt AS DECIMAL(17, 2)) < 0.9 ORDER BY sales_cnt_diff LIMIT 100;
--Query 97 WITH ssci AS (SELECT ss_customer_sk customer_sk, ss_item_sk item_sk FROM tpc_ds.store_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND d_month_seq BETWEEN 1196 AND 1196 + 11 GROUP BY ss_customer_sk, ss_item_sk), csci AS (SELECT cs_bill_customer_sk customer_sk, cs_item_sk item_sk FROM tpc_ds.catalog_sales, tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND d_month_seq BETWEEN 1196 AND 1196 + 11 GROUP BY cs_bill_customer_sk, cs_item_sk) SELECT Sum(CASE WHEN ssci.customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND csci.customer_sk IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) store_only, Sum(CASE WHEN ssci.customer_sk IS NULL AND csci.customer_sk IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) catalog_only, Sum(CASE WHEN ssci.customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND csci.customer_sk IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) store_and_catalog FROM ssci FULL OUTER JOIN csci ON ( ssci.customer_sk = csci.customer_sk AND ssci.item_sk = csci.item_sk ) LIMIT 100;
--Query 99 SELECT Substr(w_warehouse_name, 1, 20), sm_type, cc_name, Sum(CASE WHEN ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 30 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS '30 days', Sum(CASE WHEN ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 30 ) AND ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 60 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS '31-60 days', Sum(CASE WHEN ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 60 ) AND ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 90 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS '61-90 days', Sum(CASE WHEN ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 90 ) AND ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 120 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS '91-120 days', Sum(CASE WHEN ( cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 120 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS '>120 days' FROM tpc_ds.catalog_sales, tpc_ds.warehouse, tpc_ds.ship_mode, tpc_ds.call_center, tpc_ds.date_dim WHERE d_month_seq BETWEEN 1200 AND 1200 + 11 AND cs_ship_date_sk = d_date_sk AND cs_warehouse_sk = w_warehouse_sk AND cs_ship_mode_sk = sm_ship_mode_sk AND cs_call_center_sk = cc_call_center_sk GROUP BY Substr(w_warehouse_name, 1, 20), sm_type, cc_name ORDER BY Substr(w_warehouse_name, 1, 20), sm_type, cc_name LIMIT 100;
I didn’t set out on this experiment to compare Vertica’s performance to other vendors in the MPP category, so I cannot comment on how it could verse against other RDBMS systems. It would have been interesting to see how, for example, Pivotal’s Greenplum would match up when testing it out on the identical hardware and data volumes but this 4-part series was primarily focused on establishing the connection between the two variables: the number of nodes and data size. From that perspective, Vertica performs very well ‘out-of-the-box’, and without any tuning or tweaking it managed to not only execute the queries relatively fast (given the mediocre hardware specs) but also take full advantage of the extra computing resources to distribute the load across the available nodes and cut queries execution times.
Looking at the results and how they present the dichotomies across the multitude of different configurations, the first thing that jumps out is the fact the differences between performance levels across various data volumes and node counts are very linear. On an average, the query execution speed doubles for every scaling factor increase and goes down by a factor of two for every node that’s removed. There are some slight variations but on the whole Vertica performance is consistent and predictable, and all twenty queries exhibiting similar pattern when dealing with more data and/or more computing power thrown at it (additional nodes).
Looking at the side-by-side comparison of the execution results across single and multi-node configurations the differences between across scaling factors of 100, 200 and 300 are very consistent (click on image to expand).
Converting these differences (single vs multi-node deployment) into percentage yielded an average of 243% increase for the scaling factor of 100, 252% increase for the scaling factor of 200 and 217% increase for the scaling factor of 300 as per the chart below (click on image to expand).
Finally, let’s look at how Vertica (three-node cluster with 100 scaling factor TPC-DS data) performed against some ad hoc generated queries in PowerBI and Tableau applications. Below are two short video clips depicting a rudimentary analysis of store sales data (this fact table contains close to 300 million records) against date, item, store and customer_address dimensions. It’s the type of rapid-fire, exploratory analysis one would conduct to analyse retail data to answer some immediate questions. I also set up Tableau and PowerBI side-by-side a process viewer/system monitor (htop), with four panes displaying core performance metrics e.g. CPU load, swap, memory status etc. across the three nodes and the machine hosting visualisation application (bottom view) so that I could observer (and record) systems’ behaviour when interactively aggregating data. In this way it was easy to see load distribution and how each host reacted (performance-wise) to queries issued based on this analysis. With respect to PowerBI, you can see that my three years old work laptop I recorded this on was not up to the task due to large amount of CPU cycles consumed by screen-recording software alone. On the flip side, Tableau run on my dual-CPU Mac Pro so the whole process was stutter-free and could reflect the fact that given access to a better hardware, PowerBI may also perform better.
I used Tableau Desktop version 2018.1 with native support for Vertica. As opposed to PowerBI, Tableau had no issues reading data from ‘customer’ dimension but in order to make those two footages as comparable as possible I abandoned it and used ‘customer_address’ instead. In terms of raw performance, this mini-cluster actually turned out to be borderline usable and in most cases I didn’t need to wait more than 10 seconds for aggregation or filtering to complete. Each node CPU spiked close to 100 percent during queries execution but given the volume of data and the mediocre hardware this data was crunched on, I would say that Vertica performed quite well.
PowerBI version 2.59 (used in the below footage) included Vertica support in Beta only so chances are the final release will be much better supported and optimised. PowerBI wasn’t too cooperative when selecting the data out of ‘customer’ dimension (see footage below) but everything else worked as expected e.g. geospatial analysis, various graphs etc. Performance-wise, I still think that Tableau was more workable but given the fact that Vertica support was still in preview and my pedestrian-quality laptop I was testing it on, chances are that PowerBI would be a viable choice for such exploratory analysis, especially when factoring in the price – free!
There isn’t much I can add to what I have already stated based on my observations and performance results. Vertica easy set-up and hassle-free, almost plug-in configuration has made it very easy to work with. While I haven’t covered most of its ‘knobs and switches’ that come built-it to fine-tune some of its functionality, the installation process was simple and more intuitive the some of the other commercial RDBMS products out there, even the ones which come with pre-built binaries and executable packages. I only wish Vertica come with the latest Ubuntu Server LTS version support as the time of writing this post Ubuntu Bionic Beaver was the latest LTS release while Vertica 9.1 Ubuntu support only extended to version 14, dating back to July 2016 and supported only until April 2019.
Performance-wise, Vertica exceeded my expectations. Running on hardware which I had no real use for and originally intended to sell on Ebay for a few hundred dollars (if lucky), it managed to crunch through large volumes of data (by relative standards) in a very respectable time. Some of the more processing-intensive queries executed in seconds and scaled well (linearly) across additional nodes and increased data volumes. It would be a treat to compare it against the likes of Greenplum or CitusDB and explore some of its other features e.g. Machine Learning or Hadoop integration (an idea for a future blog) as SQL queries execution speed on structured data isn’t its only forte. entry was posted on Monday, June 11th, 2018 at 12:48 pm and is filed under MPP RDBMS, SQL. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
admin October 15th, 2018 at 11:10 pm
Thanks Dave…much appreciated.