Kicking The Tires On Azure Functions – How To Build Simple Event-Driven Or Trigger-Based Data Pipelines Using Serverless Compute Workloads

May 11th, 2021 / 4 Comments » / by admin


There are many ways to skin the cat when it comes to using public cloud services to solve business problems, so understanding pros and cons of each can often make a big difference. Container-based deployments have recently been all the rage for stateless applications but for small, cost-effective and short-lived workloads serverless (not a big fan of the buzzword BTW) may offer a better fit. For medium to large data volumes, I would refrain from using this paradigm due to architectural constraints e.g. limit on execution time. However, for anything lightweight e.g. data augmentation, file handling, real-time stream processing, API calls, essentially anything that is designed to be ‘chatty’ rather than ‘chunky’, functions may be a good alternative to running those processes in a dedicated environment. In this post I want to look at how Azure Functions can be used to augment relational database entries with Azure Cognitive Services and how flat files stored in Azure Blob Storage can be processed using trigger-based logic.

Both of those scenarios can be handled using many different compute styles but given the short-lived nature of these workloads, Azure Function may be the most cost-effective way of executing these pipelines. Additionally, these integrate well with other Azure services e.g. Data Factory, so for certain bespoke and targeted scenarios these may offer a good alternative to, for example, provisioning virtual machines or containers.

What are Azure Functions

Azure Functions is an event driven, compute-on-demand experience that extends the existing Azure application platform with capabilities to implement code triggered by events occurring in virtually any Azure or 3rd party service as well as on-premises systems. Azure Functions allows developers to take action by connecting to data sources or messaging solutions, thus making it easy to process and react to events. Additionally, as of March this year, Microsoft also announced Python support for Durable Functions – an extension to Azure Functions that lets developers orchestrate complex data processing and data science pipelines. Here is a quick, high-level video from Microsoft outlining the intended purpose and some of its functionality.

As Microsoft has a lot of good documentation outlining many possible scenarios where this type of compute paradigm can be useful, I won’t go into details on how to set up your environment, debug and monitor your Azure Functions; those topics are just a Google query away if you’d like to familiarize yourself with the overall development lifecycle. I will, however, go over a few details relating to some hurdles I encountered, as I found the overall development process straightforward, but not without a few little pitfalls.

Azure Functions Quick Development Guide

A function is the primary concept in Azure Functions. A function contains two important pieces – our code, which can be written in a variety of languages, and some config, the function.json file. For compiled languages, this config file is generated automatically from annotations in your code. For scripting languages, you must provide the config file yourself.

The function.json file defines the function’s trigger, bindings, and other configuration settings. Every function has one and only one trigger. The runtime uses this config file to determine the events to monitor and how to pass data into and return data from a function execution. The host.json file contains runtime-specific configurations and is in the root folder of the function app. A bin folder contains packages and other library files that the function app requires. This file does get published to Azure. The local.settings.json file is used to store app settings and connection strings when running locally. This file also doesn’t get published to Azure.

Azure Functions expects a function to be a stateless method in our Python script that processes input and produces output. By default, the runtime expects the method to be implemented as a global method called main() in the file. Also, all functions in a function app must be authored in the same language.

A function app provides an execution context in Azure in which your functions run. As such, it is the unit of deployment and management for your functions. A function app is comprised of one or more individual functions that are managed, deployed, and scaled together. All of the functions in a function app share the same pricing plan, deployment method, and runtime version. Think of a function app as a way to organize and collectively manage your functions. The code for all the functions in a specific function app is located in a root project folder that contains a host configuration file and one or more sub-folders. Each sub-folder contains the code for a separate function. The recommended folder structure for a Python Functions project looks like the following example.

 | - .venv/
 | - .vscode/
 | - my_first_function/
 | | -
 | | - function.json
 | | -
 | - my_second_function/
 | | -
 | | - function.json
 | - shared_code/
 | | -
 | | -
 | | -
 | - tests/
 | | -
 | - .funcignore
 | - host.json
 | - local.settings.json
 | - requirements.txt
 | - Dockerfile

Function apps can be authored and published using a variety of tools, including Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, Eclipse, and the Azure Functions Core Tools. All the solution artifacts are created automatically by the development environment (in my case VS Code) and even though Azure portal lets you update your code and your function.json file directly inline, best practice is to use a local development tool like VS Code.

Ok, let’s jump in into our first case scenario.

Augmenting Azure SQL DB data with Azure Cognitive Services Sentiment Analysis and Key Terms

Microsoft, just as any other major cloud vendor, provides as suite of text-mining AI services that uncover insights such as sentiment analysis, entities, relations and key phrases in unstructured and structured text. Working with a client in my past engagement, I used it to provide sentiment analysis and key terms extraction for Dynamics 365 emails. Both of those allowed the business to prioritise and respond to messages which had negative tone e.g. complains, dissatisfied clients, urgent issues that required immediate attention as well as looking at the most frequently occurring statements and phrases to discern most talked about issues and topics (these look really good when visualized as word clouds). In this scenario I will outline how with very little code (Python in this case) one can do the same and augment dummy feedback data with sentiment analysis and term extraction. Feedback data is stored in a SQL database and the function app runs on a 5 minute cadence (fully configurable). The architecture for this is pretty straightforward and as always, I will make all code required to replicate this solution in my OneDrive folder HERE.

To simplify things, I will skip the App Service Web app and assume that that we already have feedback data stored inside the nominated database object, ready for further processing. Also, the code to deploy Azure SQL DB along with its objects and sample feedback data is very similar to the one from my previous blog post HERE so you can source it from there (alternatively there is a separate copy in my aforementioned OneDrive folder HERE). Finally, creating the Cognitive Services resource is very easy to spin up in the portal so in the interest of keeping this post concise, I will skip the details. The only piece of information required from the service is the pair of keys for API endpoint access.

Now, assuming we have Azure SQL DB and Cognitive Services resource up-and-running, we should be able to investigate how Azure Function is built and start augmenting the feedback entries with text analytics. The following code ( file) takes 6 records from our Azure SQL database containing feedback information (see DDL and DML code HERE) and passes those through the Azure Cognitive Service API to assign the following values: Feedback_Sentiment, Positive_Sentiment_Score, Negative_Sentiment_Score, Neutral_Sentiment_Score. It also extracts key phrases and stores those in the Key_Phrases field in the same table.

import logging
import azure.functions as func
import pyodbc
from import TextAnalyticsClient
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential

RESOURCE_GROUP = 'YourResourceGroupName'
LOCATION = 'australiasoutheast'
SQL_DB = 'yourdatabasename'
USERNAME = 'yourusername'
PASSWORD = 'YourTopS3cretPa$$word'
DRIVER = '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}'

resource_key = 'YourResourceKey'
resource_endpoint = ''

def authenticate_client():
    ta_credential = AzureKeyCredential(resource_key)
    text_analytics_client = TextAnalyticsClient(
    return text_analytics_client

def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:
    client = authenticate_client()
        'Attempting {mssql} SQL Server connection...'.format(mssql=SQL_SERVER))
        cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+DRIVER+';SERVER='+SQL_SERVER +
                              ';PORT=1433;DATABASE='+SQL_DB+';UID='+USERNAME+';PWD=' + PASSWORD)
    except pyodbc.Error as e:
        sqlstate = e.args[1]
    if cnxn:
        cursor = cnxn.cursor()
        # Get all Feedback field entries from the table skipping where Feedback_Sentiment values have already been assigned
        # Also filter any values which exceed maximum allowed length i.e. 5120 characters
        rows = cursor.execute(
            """SELECT a.ID,
                            REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(feedback, CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(160), ' '), CHAR(9), ' ') AS Feedback
                        WHERE Feedback_Sentiment IS NULL
                    ) a
                    WHERE LEN(a.Feedback) <= 5120""")
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        if rows:
            for row in rows:
                    # for each row returned get sentiment value and update Feedback table
                    response = client.analyze_sentiment(
                    if not response.is_error:
                                        SET Feedback_Sentiment = ?,
                                        Positive_Sentiment_Score = ?,
                                        Negative_Sentiment_Score = ?,
                                        Neutral_Sentiment_Score = ?
                                        WHERE ID = ?""", response.sentiment.title(), response.confidence_scores.positive, response.confidence_scores.negative, response.confidence_scores.neutral, row[0])
                except pyodbc.Error as e:
                    sqlstate = e.args[1]
        # Get all description field entries from the table skipping where Key_Phrases values have already been assigned
        # Also filter any values which exceed maximum allowed length i.e. 5120 characters
                'No records with matching update criteria for Feedback_Sentiment fields found in the Feedback table.')
        rows = cursor.execute("""SELECT a.ID,
                        SELECT ID,
                            REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Feedback, CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(160), ' '), CHAR(9), ' ') AS Feedback
                        WHERE Key_Phrases IS NULL
                    ) a
                    WHERE LEN(a.Feedback) <= 5120""")
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        if rows:
            for row in rows:
                    # for each row returned get key phrases value and update Feedback table
                    response = client.extract_key_phrases(
                    if not response.is_error:
                        cursor.execute("""UPDATE dbo.Feedback
                                        SET Key_Phrases = ?
                                        WHERE ID = ?""", ', '.join(response.key_phrases), row[0])
                except pyodbc.Error as e:
                    sqlstate = e.args[1]
                'No records with matching update criteria for Key_Phrases field found in the Feedback table')
                            SET Key_Phrases = CASE WHEN LEN(Feedback) > 5120 
                            THEN 'Content Deemed Too Long For Terms Extraction' ELSE 'Unknown' END
                            WHERE Key_Phrases IS NULL
        cursor.execute("""UPDATE dbo.Feedback
                            SET Feedback_Sentiment = CASE WHEN LEN(Feedback) > 5120 
                            THEN 'Content Deemed Too Long For Sentiment Extraction' ELSE 'Unknown' END
                            WHERE Feedback_Sentiment IS NULL

The function is executed in 5-minute intervals (using timer trigger). Schedule value is a six-field CRON expression – by providing */5 * * * * value, the function will run every 5 minutes from the first run. We can also notice that even though none of the entries used for sentiment analysis or term extraction were longer than 5120 characters, due to API limitation on the maximum length of string allowed, there is a SQL predicate used to only account for those entries which fall under this threshold.

Looking at the Azure portal in the dedicated resource created by the deployment process we can notice the first 3 function invocations failing. This is where logs become very helpful and with a quick glance at the execution details, we can see the issue was caused by the function app not being whitelisted for access to Azure SQL database, where the feedback data was stored. Once the function environment IP address was added to the firewall rule, it all run smoothly.

Finally, looking at the feedback data we can see that all required attributes were updated as per the above script (click on image to enlarge).

Updating Azure SQL Database based on Blob Storage File Input Trigger

Next up, we will be looking at another scenario where a number of JSON files have been generated using the sample Python code and the task is to extract specific data out of those entries and log it in the already per-provisioned database and table.

To make things a bit more interactive and closer to what the real-world scenario might look like, let’s assume that we need to source the RSS feeds data from Microsoft’s Tech Community blogs dealing with three topics: Azure DevOps, Azure Data Factory and Azure SQL. Each one of those feeds has been associated with a URL and, using the below script, I downloaded 5 entries for each channel, parsed the output and serialized data into 3 different JSON files (each corresponding to the dedicated RSS feed) and finally staged those in the Azure Blob storage.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from import BlobServiceClient, ContainerClient
from azure.common.client_factory import get_client_from_cli_profile

urls = {'Azure Data Factory': '',
        'Azure DevOps': '',
        'Azure SQL': ''
az_storage_connection_string = 'YourAzureStorageConnectionString'
container_name = 'rssfiles'

def parse_rss_feed(content):
    articles = []
    root = ET.fromstring(content)
    articles_collection = root.findall("./channel/item")
    for article in articles_collection:
        article_dict = {}
        for elem in article.iter():
            article_dict[elem.tag] = elem.text.strip()
    return articles

def main(urls, az_storage_connection_string, container_name):
    for k, v in urls.items():
        articles = []
        response = requests.get(url=v)
        if response.ok:
            articles_parsed = parse_rss_feed(content=response.content)
            if articles_parsed:
                articles = articles + articles_parsed
        for element in articles:
            if 'item' in element:
                del element['item']
        filename = "Microsoft_RSS_Feed_{blog}_{ts}.json".format(blog=k.replace(' ', '_'),

        container_client = ContainerClient.from_connection_string(
            conn_str=az_storage_connection_string, container_name=container_name)

        blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient(

        all_containers = blob_service_client.list_containers(

            data=json.dumps(obj=articles, indent=4)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main(urls, az_storage_connection_string, container_name)

When executed, the following three files were created in the nominated destination.

Next, let’s assume we would like to extract File Name, Title, Link and Description attributes and insert those into a table as soon as the files have been created in the Azure Blob storage. This is where another type of Azure function, one that can react to changes in the blob storage, can be used. The Blob storage trigger starts a function when a new or updated blob is detected. Polling works as a hybrid between inspecting logs and running periodic container scans and blobs are scanned in groups of 10,000 at a time with a continuation token used between intervals. Once the new file has been discovered, the function is invoked, and the process simply reads the file content and inserts the selected data into the rss_feeds table as per the diagram below.

The following short Python snippet was used to construct the Blob Trigger function responsible for reading the RSS feed from one or many JSON files, extract relevant attributes and finally insert the required data into the table.

import logging
import json
import azure.functions as func
import pyodbc
from import BlobServiceClient, ContainerClient

SQL_DB = 'yourdatabasename'
USERNAME = 'yourusername'
PASSWORD = 'YourTopS3cretPa$$word'
DRIVER = '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}'
az_storage_connection_string = 'YourAzureStorageConnectionString'
container_name = 'rssfiles'

def main(myblob: func.InputStream):
    blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(
    container = ContainerClient.from_connection_string(
        conn_str=az_storage_connection_string, container_name=container_name)
    blob_list = container.list_blobs()

    if blob_list:
        for blob in blob_list:
            blob_client = blob_service_client.get_blob_client(
            streamdownloader = blob_client.download_blob()
            file_content = json.loads(streamdownloader.readall())
            if file_content:
                for col in file_content:
                        'Attempting {mssql} SQL Server connection...'.format(mssql=SQL_SERVER))
                    cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+DRIVER+';SERVER='+SQL_SERVER +
                                          ';PORT=1433;DATABASE='+SQL_DB+';UID='+USERNAME+';PWD=' + PASSWORD)
                    if cnxn:
                        cursor = cnxn.cursor()
                        cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO dbo.rss_feeds (RSS_Filename, RSS_Title, RSS_Link, RSS_Description)
                                    SELECT ?,?,?,?""",, col['title'], col['link'], col['description'])
                            'Could not establish connection to ''{mssql}'' server.'.format(mssql=SQL_SERVER))
                    'No data found in file ''{file}''.'.format(

Finally, after function’s first invocation we can query the rss_feeds table to ensure the data has been extracted successfully (click on image to enlarge).

While I have not developed a dedicated logic to handle files which were already read from, one can easily archive those into a separate blob container or delete them altogether. Likewise, the first Python snippet of code responsible for JSON file creation can be easily tuned into a function itself thus fully automating the process lifecycle. As you can see, there are many different ways in which robust pipelines can be provisioned, even going as far as using orchestrator function (part of durable functions) to manage state, checkpoints and restarts.


So there you go, a quick overview of some of the capabilities that Azure Functions provide without having to explicitly provision or manage infrastructure.

Azure also offers other integration and automation services which define inputs, actions, conditions, and outputs e.g. Web Jobs, Logic Apps etc. and sometimes it difficult to discern which one of those options is the right one for the given scenario. There are many factors to consider e.g. from development point of view, Azure Functions offer more control and fewer limitations when faced with complex scenarios due to its code-first development model (Logic Apps offer designer-first approach). However, Logic Apps offer better out-of-the-box connectivity with extensive suite of options, ranging from Azure Service to popular SaaS solutions. As Azure Functions do not have connectors, they rely on triggers and input and output bindings for Storage, Event Hubs, Service Bus, and Cosmos DB services. From my perspective, Logic Apps are better suited when building integration solutions due to the very extensive list of connectors that should reduce the time-to-market, and when rich visual tools to build and manage are preferred. On the flip side, Azure Functions are a better fit if you require or prefer to have all the power and flexibility of a robust programming language, or need more portability, and the available bindings and logging capabilities are sufficient.

Azure Functions is designed to accelerate the process of application development and make it quick and simple. Through Azure Functions serverless architecture, it is possible to stop worrying about all the infrastructure considerations, and just focus on creating and managing proper code defining triggers and events. The highlight of Azure Functions is that you can write the code in the easy-to-use web interfaces and build and debug them locally on your machine of choice. Additionally, the pay-per-execution model is a good way to build scalable, enterprise-grade applications and pipelines without having to pay upfront and oftentimes through the nose. For anything that can be modeled as an event or trigger e.g. processing individual files, HTTP-triggers, handling API calls, managing queue messages etc. Azure Functions offer a cheap (micro-pay), no-ops (fully managed), scalable compute option.

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DuckDB – The little OLAP database that could. TPC-DS Benchmark Results and First Impressions.

November 1st, 2020 / 6 Comments » / by admin


It’s nearly 2021 and never before have we been so spoiled with the number of different databases used for persisting, retrieval and analysis of all kinds of data. Last time I checked, DB-Engines ranking page listed 359 different commercial and open-source data stores across many different models e.g. relational, key-value, document, time-series etc. It certainly looks like every niche application is accounted for and one may think that there is no or very little room for new players to disrupt this space in a meaningful way. However, on close inspection, it appears that while the majority of use cases have been generously covered for many decades, one quadrant (see image below) has been under-represented. That’s until data science, IoT and edge computing started to become more pervasive and DuckDB was born.

It is no coincidence that demand for edge computing data storage and processing is soaring and many of the big vendors have recognized the unique requirements (and opportunities) this brings to the table e.g. only recently Microsoft announced the release of Azure SQL Edge – a small-footprint, edge-optimized SQL database engine with built-in AI. While Big Data technologies are becoming more pervasive and it’s never been easier to store and process terabytes of data, most business are still grappling with old problems for which throwing distributed cloud computing and storage model is not the panacea. Crunching and analyzing small but complex volumes of data has recently been dominated by Python rich libraries ecosystem, particularly the so-called Python Open Data Science Stack i.e. Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and Scikit-learn. However, not everyone wants to give up SQL for Python and some of those technologies are not adequate when out-of-memory computation is required. When Hadoop started to gain popularity, many did not want to write Java or Scala jobs, so Cloudera, Hortonworks and other vendors started retrofitting their platforms with SQL interfaces to give end-users the level of abstraction they were comfortable with. This is where DuckDB, still in its infancy (in databases terms), could potentially become another valuable tool, helping analysts and data scientist in harnessing complex data locally with relative ease and speed.

DuckDB is designed to support analytical query workloads, also known as Online analytical processing (OLAP). These workloads are characterized by complex, relatively long-running queries that process significant portions of the stored dataset, for example aggregations over entire tables or joins between several large tables. Changes to the data are expected to be rather large-scale as well, with several rows being appended, or large portions of tables being changed or added at the same time.

To efficiently support this workload, it is critical to reduce the amount of CPU cycles that are expended per individual value. The state of the art in data management to achieve this are either vectorized or just-in-time query execution engines. DuckDB contains a columnar-vectorized query execution engine, where queries are still interpreted, but a large batch of values from a single (a ‘vector’) are processed in one operation. This greatly reduces overhead present in traditional systems such as PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite which process each row sequentially. Vectorized query execution leads to far better performance in OLAP queries.

Just like SQLite, DuckDB has no external dependencies, neither for compilation nor during run-time. For releases, the entire source tree of DuckDB is compiled into two files, a header and an implementation file, a so-called ‘amalgamation’. This greatly simplifies deployment and integration in other build processes. For building, all that is required to build DuckDB is a working C++11 compiler.

For DuckDB, there is no DBMS server software to install, update and maintain. DuckDB does not run as a separate process, but completely embedded within a host process. For the analytical use cases that DuckDB targets, this has the additional advantage of high-speed data transfer to and from the database. In some cases, DuckDB can process foreign data without copying. For example, the DuckDB Python package can run queries directly on Pandas data without ever importing or copying any data.

As far as I can tell, there is nothing like this on the market at the moment and DuckDB has found its unique niche i.e. dependency-free, embedded datastore for processing OLAP-style, relational data with speed and ease.

Also, if you’re interested in what motivated the founders of DuckDB to create it and a high-level system overview, there is a really good talk published by the CMU Database Group on YouTube (see video below).

Performance Analysis

If you follow database trends, ClickHouse is emerging as the go-to, open-source darling of on-prem and cloud OLAP-style data processing engine. I’m yet to get my hands on it and take it for a spin but I feel it would be unfair to compare it to DuckDB as they are intended for different crowd and applications. Both are open-source, column-oriented, OLAP databases but while Clickhouse is targeting distributed, enterprise-grade, big data workloads, DuckDB was developed primarely to bridge the gap between locally deployed databases and data science, dealing with small-to-medium data volumes. As such, in this post I will not compare individual RDBMSs and only outline how to load TPC-DS benchmark data and run SQL queries to look at DuckDB analytical workload performance.

Firstly, let’s load some data. Flat files with test data were staged on a PCI-E SSD drive and all subsequent operations and queries were run on a Mac Pro 2012 with 112GB of memory and 2 x Intel Xeon X5690 CPUs. The following script creates an empty DuckDB database and schema. It also loads 10GB TPC-DS data, spread across 25 CSV files, using COPY command (for performance testing I also repeated this process for 20GB and 30GB data sets).

import duckdb
import sys
import os
from pathlib import PurePosixPath, Path
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from humanfriendly import format_timespan

sql_schema = PurePosixPath("/Path/Code/SQL/tpcds_ddls.sql")
tpc_ds_files_raw = r"/Path/Data/10GB/"
duckdb_location = PurePosixPath("/Path/DB/")
duckdb_filename = "testdb.db"
csv_file_delimiter = '|'

def get_sql(sql_schema):
    table_name = []
    query_sql = []

    with open(sql_schema, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
            if i.startswith("----"):
                i = i.replace("----", "")

    temp_query_sql = []
    with open(sql_schema, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
        l = [i for i, s in enumerate(temp_query_sql) if "----" in s]
        for first, second in zip(l, l[1:]):
    sql = dict(zip(table_name, query_sql))
    return sql

def BuildSchema(conn, tables, csv_file_delimiter, duckdb_location, duckdb_filename, sql, tpc_ds_files_raw):
    sql = {x: sql[x] for x in sql if x in tables}
    for k, v in sql.items():
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            copysql = "COPY {table} FROM '{path}{table}.csv' (DELIMITER '{delimiter}')".format(
                table=k, path=tpc_ds_files_raw, delimiter=csv_file_delimiter)
            print('Loading table {table} into {dbname} database...'.format(dbname=duckdb_filename,
                                                                           table=k), end="", flush=True)
            table_load_start_time = timer()
            table_load_end_time = timer()
            table_load_duration = table_load_end_time - table_load_start_time
            file_row_rounts = sum(
                for line in open(
                "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {table}".format(
            record = cursor.fetchone()
            db_row_counts = record[0]
            if file_row_rounts != db_row_counts:
                raise Exception(
                    "Table {table} failed to load correctly as record counts do not match: flat file: {ff_ct} vs database: {db_ct}.\
                            Please troubleshoot!".format(
                print('{records} records loaded successfully in {time}.'.format(
                    records=db_row_counts, time=format_timespan(table_load_duration)))

        except Exception as e:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(duckdb_location, duckdb_filename)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(duckdb_location, duckdb_filename))
    conn = duckdb.connect(os.path.join(duckdb_location, duckdb_filename))
    ver = conn.execute("PRAGMA version;").fetchone()
    print('DuckDB version (git short hash) =', ver[1])
    sql_schema = get_sql(sql_schema)
    tables = [q for q in sql_schema]
    BuildSchema(conn, tables, csv_file_delimiter, duckdb_location,
                duckdb_filename, sql_schema, tpc_ds_files_raw)

Looking at the execution times, the script run in just over 20 minutes. Largest table (size-wise), i.e. ‘store_sales’, containing over 28 million records took just under 3 minutes, whereas a table with the highest amount of records i.e. ‘inventory’ took over 11 minutes.

These are not bad times, however, given that each one of the COPY statements was associate with the same database connection, on load completion all data was stored in the write-ahead log (WAL) file, as opposed to the database file. This creates a significant problem as check-pointing the WAL file does no occur until a new connection is instantiated. As such, any subsequent operation is bound to take a long time, waiting for WAL check-pointing as described in the following issue.

If I chose to initiate a new connection for each file loaded, the load time exploded to over 1 hour, most of it spent waiting for WAL file to transfer all the appended transactions into the database file. As DuckDB does not currently offer application-initiated WAL checkpointing and automated WAL truncation does not rely on the number of pages written or connection closing, I feel this may be a difficult teething issue to get around when using DuckDB for more production-grade applications.

Another problem is memory usage. When loading 10GB of data, overall system memory usage exceed 40GB (quarter of it used by the system itself). Granted I had over 100GB of RAM available for testing on the target machine, this was not a problem, however, it seems to me that the issues many data scientist face when using Pandas for data analysis related to excessive memory usage may not be elevated with this tool. Below is a screenshot of some of the system stats with data temporarily paged in memory before being serialized for loading into the WAL file.

With data loaded into the target database, I scraped all of TPC-DS queries off the DuckDB website (link HERE) and run those across 10GB, 20GB and 30GB datasets to see how a typical OLAP-style analysis will perform. DuckDB TPC-DS benchmark coverage does not include queries 68, 76 and 89 but the tool is capable of executing all other SQL statements without any adjustments or modifications.

import duckdb
import sys
import os
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import PurePosixPath, Path
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from humanfriendly import format_timespan

sql_queries = PurePosixPath("/Path/Code/SQL/tpcds_sql_queries.sql")
execution_results = PurePosixPath("/Path/results.xlsx")
duckdb_location = PurePosixPath("/Path/DB/")
duckdb_filename = "testdb.db"
queries_skipped = ['Query68', 'Query76', 'Query89']
execution_rounds = 3

def get_sql(sql_queries):
    query_number = []
    query_sql = []

    with open(sql_queries, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
            if i.startswith("----"):
                i = i.replace("----", "")

    temp_query_sql = []
    with open(sql_queries, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
        l = [i for i, s in enumerate(temp_query_sql) if "----" in s]
        for first, second in zip(l, l[1:]):
    sql = dict(zip(query_number, query_sql))
    return sql

def run_sql(
    query_sql, query_number, conn
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        query_start_time = timer()
        rows = cursor.execute(query_sql)
        query_end_time = timer()
        rows_count = sum(1 for row in rows)
        query_duration = query_end_time - query_start_time
            "Query {q_number} executed in {time}...{ct} rows returned.".format(
    except Exception as e:

def time_sql(index_count, pd_index, exec_round, conn, sql, duckdb_location, duckdb_filename):
    exec_results = {}
    for key, val in sql.items():
        query_sql = val
        query_number = key.replace("Query", "")
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            query_start_time = timer()
            records = cursor.fetchall()
            query_end_time = timer()
            rows_count = sum(1 for row in records)
            query_duration = query_end_time - query_start_time
            exec_results.update({key: query_duration})
                "Query {q_number} executed in {time}...{ct} rows returned.".format(
        except Exception as e:
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(exec_results.items()), index=pd_index, columns=[
                      "Query_Number", "Execution_Time_"+str(exec_round)])

def main(sql, duckdb_location, duckdb_filename):
    index_count = len(sql.keys())
    pd_index = range(0, index_count)
    dfs = pd.DataFrame()
    for exec_round in range(1, execution_rounds+1):
        print('\nRunning Execution Round {r}'.format(r=exec_round))
        conn = duckdb.connect(os.path.join(duckdb_location, duckdb_filename))
        df = time_sql(index_count, pd_index, exec_round, conn,
                      sql, duckdb_location, duckdb_filename)
        dfs = pd.concat([dfs, df], axis=1, sort=False)
        dfs = dfs.loc[:, ~dfs.columns.duplicated()]
    dfs['Mean_Execution_Time'] = round(dfs.mean(axis=1),2)
                 sheet_name='TPC-DS_Exec_Times', index=False)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sql = get_sql(sql_queries)
    if queries_skipped:
        sql = {k: v for k, v in sql.items() if k not in queries_skipped}
    main(sql, duckdb_location, duckdb_filename)

Each set of queries was run 3 times and final execution time calculated as the mean of those 3 iterations. The following table (click on image to enlarge) represents queries processing time for TPC-DS scaling factor 10, 20 and 30.

Looking at the results, most queries scale fairly linearly. Outside of a few exceptions, data processing time doubled every time its volume was doubled. There were a few outliers e.g. strangely Query 71 took longer when run against 10GB data set than when executed against 20GB size, however, for the most part it seems that the relationship between data size and query execution time is correlated.

Given that many of those queries are rather complex, I think that DuckDB performance was very good and that its columnar-vectorized query execution engine was up to the task. DuckDB claims that its vectorized query engine is superior to that of traditional RDBMS systems which crunch data tuple-at-a-time e.g. SQLite, MySQL or column-at-a-time e.g. Pandas due to the fact it’s optimized for CPU cache locality i.e. storing data in L1 and L2 cache, with very low latency. Based on the times recorded, I tend to agree and even though I have not run a comparison benchmark on other database engines, for an in-process (no server), single-file storage, no-dependencies software, I reckon DuckDB could outperform many commercial RDBMS systems on a similar hardware and volume of data in an OLAP-style scenarios.


From the short time I spent with DuckDB, I really like the idea of having a single-file, small and compact database at my disposal. Having the option to load text data into a SQLite-like database with relative ease and run analytics using plain, old vanilla SQL is both refreshing and practical. Whilst most times I would be inclined to use an established client-server RDBMS for all my data needs, DuckDB seems like it can comfortably occupy the unexplored niche – fast OLAP data storage and processing engine that one can use without worrying about complex deployment, set-up, configuration and tuning. It’s like a hummingbird of databases – small and fast – and while not (yet) as mature and full-featured as some of the stalwarts of the industry, it carries a lot of potential for workloads it’s designated to be used against.

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