Data Analysis with Dask – A Python Scale-Out, Parallel Computation Framework For Big Data

July 14th, 2019 / No Comments » / by admin


The jury is still out on whether Python emerged as the clear favourite language for all things data but from my personal experience I am witnessing more and more folks working in the field of data wrangling gravitating towards Python rich libraries ecosystem, particularly the so-called Python Open Data Science Stack i.e. Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and Scikit-learn and away from the industry stalwarts e.g. Fortran, Matlab and Octave. Alongside new tooling and frameworks development, computers have continued to become ever more powerful. This makes it easy to produce, collect, store, and process far more data than before, all at a price that continues to march downward. But, this deluge of data now has many organisations questioning the value of collecting and storing all that data. Working with the Python Open Data Science Stack, data scientists often turn to tools like Pandas for data cleaning and exploratory data analysis, SciPy and NumPy to run statistical tests on the data, and Scikit-Learn to build predictive models. This all works well for relatively small-sized datasets that can comfortably fit into RAM. But, because of the shrinking expense of data collection and storage, data scientists are more frequently working on problems that involve analysing enormous datasets. These tools have upper limits to their feasibility when working with datasets beyond a certain size. Once the threshold is crossed, it is difficult to extract meaning out of data due to painfully long run times – even for the simplest of calculations, unstable code, and unwieldy workflows. Large datasets are datasets that can neither fit in RAM nor can fit in a single computer’s persistent storage. These datasets are typically above 1 terabyte in size, and depending on the problem, can reach into petabytes and beyond. Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-Learn are not suitable at all for datasets of this size, as they were not inherently built to operate on distributed datasets. Enter Dask. Launched in late 2014 by Matthew Rocklin with aims to bring native scalability to the Python Open Data Science Stack and overcome its single machine restrictions Dask has proven to be a great alternative to Big Data frameworks, which sometimes require specialised expertise and maintenance/configuration overhead e.g. Apache Spark. Dask consists of several different components and APIs, which can be categorised into three layers: task schedulers, low-level APIs, and high-level APIs.


What makes Dask so powerful is how these components and layers are built on top of one another. At the core are the task schedulers, which coordinate and monitor execution of computations across CPU cores and machines. These computations are represented in code either as Dask Delayed objects or Dask Futures objects (the key difference is the former are evaluated lazily – meaning they are evaluated just-in-time when the values are needed, while the latter are evaluated eagerly – meaning they are evaluated in real-time regardless of if the value is needed immediately or not). Dask’s high-level APIs offer a layer of abstraction over Delayed and Futures objects. Operations on these high-level objects result in many parallel low-level operations managed by the task schedulers, which provides a seamless experience for the user.

As a result, Dask can scale out data processing computation across multiple machines and hundreds of terabytes of data efficiently. Dask can also enable efficient parallel computations on single machines by leveraging their multi-core CPUs and streaming data efficiently from disk. It can run on a distributed cluster, but it doesn’t have to. Dask allows you to swap out the cluster for single-machine schedulers which are surprisingly lightweight, require no setup, and can run entirely within the same process as the user’s session. To avoid excess memory use, Dask is good at finding ways to evaluate computations in a low-memory footprint when possible by pulling in chunks of data from disk, doing the necessary processing, and throwing away intermediate values as quickly as possible. This lets analysts perform computations on moderately large datasets (100GB+) even on relatively low-power laptops. This requires no configuration and no setup, meaning that adding Dask to a single-machine computation adds very little cognitive overhead.

Even though Dask set of APIs can be utilised to tackle problems across a wide range of spectrum e.g. multi-dimensional data analysis, scalable machine learning training and prediction on large models etc., one of its primary uses is to enable Pandas-like workflows i.e. enabling applications in time series, business intelligence and general data crunching on big data. Like Pandas, Dask also utilises a concept of a DataFrame, with most functionality overlapping that of Pandas. A Dask DataFrame is a large parallel DataFrame composed of many smaller Pandas DataFrames, split along the index. These Pandas DataFrames may live on disk for larger-than-memory computing on a single machine, or on many different machines in a cluster. One Dask DataFrame operation triggers many operations on the constituent Pandas DataFrames.

Testing Methodology and Results

Let’s look whether we can benefit from using Dask and its parallel computation functionality to process data generated by the TPC-DS benchmark faster. There are a few other data sets and methodologies that can be used to gauge data storage and processing system’s performance e.g. TLC Trip Record Data released by the New York City Taxi, however, TPC-approved benchmarks have long been considered as the most objective, vendor-agnostic way to perform data-specific hardware and software comparisons, capturing the complexity of modern business processing to a much greater extent than its predecessors.

Firstly, let’s load the 10GB TPC-DS flat files into a Sqlite database using Python script. The following code takes two arguments – 1st one for how the data should be loaded i.e. using Python pandas module or csv module and 2nd one as a comma separated list of file names to be loaded (alternatively ‘all’ value can be passed if all files are to be loaded). This script also builds the database schema which definition is stored in a separate SQL file, creates indexes on some of the tables to speed up subsequent data extraction and finally, creates 10 views – each containing an increment of 1 million records for testing purposes. When loaded all files sequentially, it took around 1 hour to process and generate Sqlite database, which ends up being around 17GB is size.

import sqlite3
import sys
import os
import csv
import time
import pandas as pd
import argparse

tpc_ds_files = '/Volumes/SSHD2/10GB'
tpc_ds_files_processed = '/Volumes/SSHD2/10GB/Processed'
dbsqlite_location = '/Volumes/SSHD2/10GB/DB'
dbsqlite_filename = 'testdb.db'
schema_sql_location = '/Volumes/SSHD2/10GB/DB'
schema_sql_filename = 'create_sqlite_schema.sql'
view_sql_location = '/Volumes/SSHD2/10GB/DB'

view_sql_filename = 'create_view.sql'
encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
view_sql_name = 'vw_test_data'
encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
indexes = [['store_sales', 'ss_sold_date_sk'],
           ['store_sales', 'ss_addr_sk'],
           ['store_sales', 'ss_item_sk'],
           ['store_sales', 'ss_store_sk'],
           ['date_dim', 'd_day_name']]
record_counts = ['1000000',
methods = ['use_pandas', 'use_csv']
view_sql_filename = 'create_view.sql'
view_sql_name = 'vw_test_data'
encoding = 'iso-8859-1'

def get_sql(sql_statements_file_path):
    Source operation types from the 'create_sqlite_schema' SQL file.
    Each operation is denoted by the use of four dash characters
    and a corresponding table DDL statement and store them in a dictionary
    (referenced in the main() function).
    table_name = []
    query_sql = []

    with open(sql_statements_file_path, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
            if i.startswith("----"):
                i = i.replace("----", "")

    temp_query_sql = []
    with open(sql_statements_file_path, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
        l = [i for i, s in enumerate(temp_query_sql) if "----" in s]
        for first, second in zip(l, l[1:]):
    sql = dict(zip(table_name, query_sql))
    return sql

def RemoveTrailingChar(row_limit, file, encoding, tpc_ds_files, tpc_ds_files_processed):
    Remove trailing '|' characters from the files generated by the TPC-DS utility
    as they intefere with Sqlite load function.
    line_numer = row_limit
    lines = []
    with open(os.path.join(tpc_ds_files, file), 'r', encoding=encoding) as r,\
            open(os.path.join(tpc_ds_files_processed, file), 'w', encoding=encoding) as w:
        for line in r:
            if line.endswith('|\n'):
                if len(lines) == line_numer:
                    lines = []

def SourceFilesRename(tpc_ds_files_processed):
    Rename files extensions from .dat to .csv
    for file in os.listdir(tpc_ds_files_processed):
        if file.endswith(".dat"):
            os.rename(os.path.join(tpc_ds_files_processed, file),
                      os.path.join(tpc_ds_files_processed, file[:-4]+'.csv'))

def BuildSchema(conn, arg_method, arg_tables, dbsqlite_location, dbsqlite_filename, sql):
    Build Sqlite database schema based on table names passed
    if arg_tables[0] == 'all':
        sql = sql.values()
        sql = {x: sql[x] for x in sql if x in arg_tables}
        sql = sql.values()
    for s in sql:
        except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
    conn.execute("PRAGMA SYNCHRONOUS = OFF")
    conn.execute("PRAGMA JOURNAL_MODE = OFF")  # WALL2

def CleanUpFiles(tpc_ds_files, tpc_ds_files_processed, arg_tables):
    This is a wrapper function which calls two other function i.e.
    RemoveTrailingChar and SourceFilesRename. Removing trailing characters
    is executed in batches equal to rows count specyfied by the row_limit
    if arg_tables[0] == "all":
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(tpc_ds_files) if f.endswith(
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(tpc_ds_files) if f.endswith(
            ".dat") and f[:-4] in arg_tables]
    for file in files:
        row_limit = 10000
        print('Processing {file_name} file...'.format(
        RemoveTrailingChar(row_limit, file, encoding, tpc_ds_files,

def LoadFiles(conn, tpc_ds_files_processed, encoding, method, indexes, arg_tables):
    Import csv flat files into Sqlite database and create indexes on all
    nominated tables. This function also contains logic for the method used
    to load flat files i.e. using either 'pandas' Python module or 'csv' Python
    module. As a result, one of those arguments need to be provided when
    executing the script. The function also does some rudamentary checks
    on whether database row counts are equal to those of the files and
    whether nominated indexes have been created.
    if arg_tables[0] == "all":
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(
            tpc_ds_files_processed) if f.endswith(".csv")]
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(
            tpc_ds_files_processed) if f.endswith(".csv") and f[:-4] in arg_tables]
    for file in files:
        table_name = file[:-4]
        print('Loading {file_name} file...'.format(
            file_name=file), end="", flush=True)
        c = conn.cursor()
        c.execute("""SELECT as column_name
                            FROM sqlite_master AS m
                            JOIN pragma_table_info( AS p
                            WHERE = '{tbl}'""".format(tbl=table_name))
        cols = c.fetchall()
        columns = [",".join(row) for row in cols]
                    FROM sqlite_master AS m
                    JOIN pragma_table_info( AS p
                    WHERE = '{tbl}'
	                AND pk != 0
                    ORDER BY ASC""".format(tbl=table_name))
        pks = c.fetchall()
            if method == 'use_pandas':
                chunk_size = 100000
                for df in pd.read_csv(os.path.join(tpc_ds_files_processed, file),
                                      sep='|', names=columns, encoding=encoding, chunksize=chunk_size, iterator=True):
                    if pks:
                        pk = [",".join(row) for row in pks]
                    df.to_sql(table_name, conn,
                              if_exists='append', index=False)
            if method == 'use_csv':
                with open(os.path.join(tpc_ds_files_processed, file), 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
                    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='|')
                    sql = "INSERT INTO {tbl} ({cols}) VALUES({vals})"
                    sql = sql.format(tbl=table_name, cols=', '.join(
                        columns), vals=','.join('?' * len(columns)))
                    # c.execute('BEGIN TRANSACTION')
                    for data in reader:
                        c.execute(sql, data)
                    # c.execute('COMMIT TRANSACTION')
            file_row_rounts = sum(1 for line in open(
                os.path.join(tpc_ds_files_processed, file), encoding=encoding, newline=''))
            db_row_counts = c.execute(
                """SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {}""".format(table_name)).fetchone()
        except Exception as e:
            columns_to_index = [v[1] for v in indexes if v[0] == table_name]
            if columns_to_index:
                l = len(columns_to_index)
                i = 0
                for column_name in columns_to_index:
                    index_name = "indx_{tbl}_{col}".format(
                        tbl=table_name, col=column_name)
                    c.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS {indx};".format(
                    c.execute("CREATE INDEX {indx} ON {tbl}({col});".format(
                        tbl=table_name, indx=index_name, col=column_name))
                    index_created = c.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master
                                            WHERE type = 'index'
                                            AND tbl_name = '{tbl}'
                                            AND name = '{indx}' LIMIT 1""".format(tbl=table_name, indx=index_name)).fetchone()
                    if index_created:
                        i += 1
        except Exception as e:
            if file_row_rounts != db_row_counts[0]:
                raise Exception(
                    "Table {tbl} failed to load correctly as record counts do not match: flat file: {ff_ct} vs database: {db_ct}.\
                        Please troubleshoot!".format(tbl=table_name, ff_ct=file_row_rounts, db_ct=db_row_counts[0]))
            if columns_to_index and l != i:
                raise Exception("Failed to create all nominated indexes on table '{tbl}'. Please troubleshoot!".format(

def CreateView(conn, sql_view_path, view_sql_name, *args):
    Create multiple views used for data extract in Dask demo.
        Each view uses the same blueprint DDL stored in a sql file so to change
        the number of rows returned by the view, this function
        also changes the view schema by:
        (1) amending DROP statement with a new view name
        (2) amending CREATE VIEW statement by
                * adding 'record_count' suffix to the view name
                * limiting number of records output by adding LIMIT key word with
                  a 'record count' value as per the variable passed
    for r in args:
        r = str(r)
        v_name = view_sql_name + '_' + r
        with open(sql_view_path, 'r') as f:
            view_sql_file =
        sql_commands = view_sql_file.split(';')
        for c in sql_commands[:-1]:
            if str(c).endswith(view_sql_name):
                c = (c + ';').replace(view_sql_name, v_name).strip()
                c = (c + ' LIMIT ' + r + ';').replace(view_sql_name, v_name).strip()
            except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
        c = conn.cursor()
        view_created = c.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master
                                WHERE type = 'view'
                                AND name = '{v}' LIMIT 1""".format(v=v_name)).fetchone()
        if view_created:
            print("View '{v}' created successfully.".format(v=v_name))
            raise Exception("Failed to create view '{v}'. Please troubleshoot!".format(

def main(view_sql_location, view_sql_filename):
    t = time.time()
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dbsqlite_location, dbsqlite_filename)):
        print('Dropping existing {db} database...'.format(
        os.remove(os.path.join(dbsqlite_location, dbsqlite_filename))
    conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(dbsqlite_location, dbsqlite_filename))
    if len(sys.argv[1:]) > 1:
        arg_method = sys.argv[1]
        arg_tables = [arg.replace(",", "") for arg in sys.argv[2:]]
        sql_schema = get_sql(os.path.join(
            schema_sql_location, schema_sql_filename))
        sql_view_path = os.path.join(view_sql_location, view_sql_filename)
        tables = [q for q in sql_schema]
        if not arg_method or not any(e in arg_method for e in methods):
            raise ValueError('Incorrect load method argument provided. Choose from the following options: {m}'.format(
                m=', '.join(methods)))
        if not arg_tables or not any(e in arg_tables for e in tables):
            raise ValueError('Incorrect object name argument(s) provided. Choose from the following options: {t}'.format(
                t=', '.join(tables)))
            CleanUpFiles(tpc_ds_files, tpc_ds_files_processed, arg_tables)
            BuildSchema(conn, arg_method, arg_tables,
                        dbsqlite_location, dbsqlite_filename, sql_schema)
            LoadFiles(conn, tpc_ds_files_processed, encoding,
                      arg_method, indexes, arg_tables)
            CreateView(conn, sql_view_path, view_sql_name, *record_counts)
        raise ValueError(
            '''No/wrong arguments given. Please provide the following:
            (1) load method e.g. <use_pandas>
            (2) object name(s) e.g. <store_sales>
            Alternatively <all> argument will load all flat files''')
    print("Processed in {t} seconds.".format(
        t=format(time.time()-t, '.2f')))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(view_sql_location, view_sql_filename)

Now that we have the required data sets loaded and persisted in the database, let’s look at how fast this data can be extracted into Pandas and Dask dataframe objects as well as how fast certain trivial computation operations can be executed against those. Execution times are captured and visualised inside the notebook below using a simple matplotlib graph but Dask also comes with a nifty web interface to help deliver performance information over a standard web page in real time. This web interface is launched by default wherever the scheduler is launched providing the scheduler machine has Bokeh installed and includes data on system resources utilisation, tasks and workers progress, basic health checks etc. For example, the below task stream plot shows when tasks complete on which workers, with worker cores recorded on the y-axis and time on the x-axis.

For more detailed walkthrough of Dask web interface and its features Matthew Rocklin has a great video on YouTube – you can watch it HERE.

The below Jupyter notebook depicts sample Python code used to time the export of Sqlite data from 10 views created by the previous script visualised side by side for each view and library utilised (Pandas and Dask). It also compares execution times for some rudimentary operations e.g. sum(), max(), groupby() across three data sets i.e. 1 million, 5 million and 10 million records (again, read from Sqlite views). It is worth noting that Pandas, by design, is limited to a single CPU core execution (for most operations using standard CPython implementation thus being restricted by the Global Interpreter Lock GIL). Dask, on the other hand, was created from the ground-up to take advantage of multiple cores. By default, Dask Dataframe uses the multi-threaded scheduler. This exposes some parallelism when Pandas or the underlying NumPy operations release the global interpreter lock. Generally, Pandas is more GIL bound than NumPy, so multi-core speed-ups are not as pronounced for Dask DataFrame as they are for Dask Array. This is changing, and the Pandas development team is actively working on releasing the GIL. These few tests were run on my Mac Pro mid-2012 with 128GB DDR3 memory and dual Intel Xeon X5690 (12 cores/24 threads) CPUs. Dask version installed was v.1.2.2 and Python distribution version was v.3.6.8

Looking at the graph outlining comparative results between Dask and Pandas, it’s evident that data imports differ in performance and execution speed in favour of Dask. On the average, Dask seems to be twice as fast as Pandas when reading data from disk and this ratio is maintained across all data volumes in a fairly liner fashion.

Before I get to the computation performance overview, let’s look at how Dask utilised available resources to its advantage to parallelize number of operations across all available cores. All of the large-scale Dask collections like Dask Array, Dask DataFrame, and Dask Bag and the fine-grained APIs like delayed and futures generate task graphs where each node in the graph is a normal Python function and edges between nodes are normal Python objects that are created by one task as outputs and used as inputs in another task. After Dask generates these task graphs, it needs to execute them on parallel hardware. This is the job of a task scheduler. Different task schedulers exist, and each will consume a task graph and compute the same result, but with different performance characteristics. The threaded scheduler executes computations with a local multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool. It is lightweight, requires no setup and it introduces very little task overhead (around 50us per task). Also, because everything occurs in the same process, it incurs no costs to transfer data between tasks. The threaded scheduler is the default choice for Dask Array, Dask DataFrame, and Dask Delayed. The below image captured CPU workload (using htop utility) during the below code execution. You can clearly see how Dask, by default, tried to spread the workload across multiple cores.

Looking at computation speed across number of different functions e.g. mean(), max(), groupby() the results are not as clear-cut as they were with the data import. Running these tests across three different data sources i.e. 1M, 5M and 10M records, Dask outperformed Pandas in ‘grouping’, ‘lambda’, ‘mean’ and ‘sum’ tests but surprisingly, in respect to ‘max’ and ‘min’, the advantage went to Pandas. I can only attribute this to the overhead Dask distributed scheduler creates when dispatching and collecting data across multiple threads/cores and Pandas efficiency in how it stores and indexes data inside the dataframe. Also, these datasets are quite small to truly do justice to how performant Dask can be in the right scenarios with the right environment setup and a lot more data to crunch so the old adage ‘the right tool for the right job’ is very fitting in this context.

To me it seems that Dask is more like a hammer, whereas Pandas is more akin to a scalpel – if you data is relatively small, Pandas is an excellent tool and the heavyweight approach of ‘divide and conquer’ is not the methodology you want to (or need to) use. Likewise, if your hardware and datasets are large enough to warrant taking advantage of parallelism and concurrency, Dask delivers on all fronts with minimal setup and API which is very similar to Pandas.

To sum up, the performance benefit (or drawback) of using a parallel dataframe like Dask dataframes over Pandas will differ based on the kinds of computations you do:

  • If you’re doing small computations then Pandas is always the right choice. The administrative costs of parallelizing will outweigh any benefit. You should not parallelize if your computations are taking less than, say, 100ms.
  • For simple operations like filtering, cleaning, and aggregating large data you should expect linear speedup by using a parallel dataframes. If you’re on a 20-core computer you might expect a 20x speedup. If you’re on a 1000-core cluster you might expect a 1000x speedup, assuming that you have a problem big enough to spread across 1000 cores. As you scale up administrative overhead will increase, so you should expect the speedup to decrease a bit.
  • For complex operations like distributed joins it’s more complicated. You might get linear speedups like above, or you might even get slowdowns. Someone experienced in database-like computations and parallel computing can probably predict pretty well which computations will do well.

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Kicking the tires on BigQuery – Google’s Serverless Enterprise Data Warehouse (Part 2)

March 1st, 2019 / 2 Comments » / by admin

Note: Part 1 can be found HERE.

TPC-DS Benchmark Continued…

In the previous post I outlined some basic principles around Google’s BigQuery architecture as well as a programmatic way to interact with TPC-DS benchmark data set (files prep, staging data on Google cloud storage bucket, creating datasets and tables schema, data loading etc). In this post I will go through a few analytical queries defined as part of the comprehensive, 99-queries-based TPC-DS standard and their execution patterns (similar to the blog post I wrote on spinning up a small Vertica cluster HERE) and look at how BigQuery integrates with the likes of Tableau and PowerBI, most likely the top two applications used nowadays for rapid data analysis.

Firstly, let’s see how BigQuery handles some of the TPC-DS queries running across 100GB and 300GB dataset comprised of 24 tables and over 2 billion rows collectively (300GB dataset). As with the previous blog posts depicting TPC-DS queries execution on a Vertica platform HERE, the following image depicts row numbers and data size distribution for this exercise.

For this exercise, I run a small Python script executing the following queries from the standard TPC-DS benchmark suite: 5, 10, 15, 19, 24, 27, 33, 36, 42, 45, 48, 54, 58, 60, 65, 68, 73, 78, 83, 85, 88, 93, 96, 99. The script sequentially executes TPC-DS SQL commands stored in an external file reporting execution times each time a query is run. All scripts used for this project can be found in my OneDrive folder HERE.

import configparser
import sys
from os import path, remove
from time import time
from import bigquery

config = configparser.ConfigParser()"params.cfg")

bq_tpc_ds_sql_statements_file_path = config.get(
    "Files_Path", path.normpath("bq_tpc_ds_sql_statements_file_path"))
bq_client = config.get("Big_Query", path.normpath("bq_client"))
bq_client = bigquery.Client.from_service_account_json(bq_client)

def get_sql(bq_tpc_ds_sql_statements_file_path):
    Source operation types from the tpc_ds_sql_queries.sql SQL file.
    Each operation is denoted by the use of four dash characters 
    and a corresponding query number and store them in a dictionary 
    (referenced in the main() function). 
    query_number = []
    query_sql = []

    with open(bq_tpc_ds_sql_statements_file_path, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
            if i.startswith("----"):
                i = i.replace("----", "")

    temp_query_sql = []
    with open(bq_tpc_ds_sql_statements_file_path, "r") as f:
        for i in f:
        l = [i for i, s in enumerate(temp_query_sql) if "----" in s]
        for first, second in zip(l, l[1:]):
    sql = dict(zip(query_number, query_sql))
    return sql

def run_sql(query_sql, query_number):
    Execute SQL query as per the SQL text stored in the tpc_ds_sql_queries.sql
    file by it's number e.g. 10, 24 etc. and report returned row number and 
    query processing time
    query_start_time = time()
    job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig()
    job_config.use_query_cache = False
    query_job = bq_client.query(query_sql, job_config=job_config)
    rows = query_job.result()
    rows_count = sum(1 for row in rows)
    query_end_time = time()
    query_duration = query_end_time - query_start_time
    print("Query {q_number} executed in {time} seconds...{ct} rows returned.".format(
        q_number=query_number, time=format(query_duration, '.2f'), ct=rows_count))

def main(param, sql):
    Depending on the argv value i.e. query number or 'all' value, execute 
    sql queries by calling run_sql() function
    if param == "all":
        for key, val in sql.items():
            query_sql = val
            query_number = key.replace("Query", "")
            run_sql(query_sql, query_number)
        query_sql = sql.get("Query"+str(param))
        query_number = param
        run_sql(query_sql, query_number)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 1:
        sql = get_sql(bq_tpc_ds_sql_statements_file_path)
        param = sys.argv[1]
        query_numbers = [q.replace("Query", "") for q in sql]
        if param not in query_numbers:
            raise ValueError("Incorrect argument given. Looking for <all> or <query number>. Specify <all> argument or choose from the following numbers:\n {q}".format(
                q=', '.join(query_numbers[:-1])))
            param = sys.argv[1]
            main(param, sql)
        raise ValueError(
            "Too many arguments given. Looking for 'all' or <query number>.")

The following charts depicts queries performance based on 100GB and 300GB datasets with BigQuery cache engaged and disengaged. As BigQuery, in most cases, writes all query results (including both interactive and batch queries) to a table for 24 hours, it is possible for BigQuery to retrieve the previously computed results from cache thus speeding up the overall execution time.

While these results and test cases are probably not truly representative of the ‘big data’ workloads, they provide a quick snapshot of how traditional analytical workloads would perform on the BigQuery platform. Scanning large tables with hundreds of millions of rows seemed to perform quite well (especially cached version) and performance differences between 100GB and 300GB datasets were consistent with the increase in data volumes. As BigQuery does not provide many ‘knobs and switches’ to tune queries based on their execution pattern (part of its no-ops appeal), there is very little room for improving its performance beyond avoiding certain anti-patterns. The ‘execution details’ pane provides some diagnostic insight into the query plan and timing information however, many optimizations happen automatically, which may differ from other environments where tuning, provisioning, and monitoring may require dedicated, knowledgeable staff. I believe that for similar data volumes, much faster runtimes are possible if run on a different OLAP database from a different vendor (for carefully tuned and optimised queries), however, this will imply substantial investment in the upfront infrastructure setup and specialised resources, which for a lot of companies will negate the added benefits and possibly impair time-to-market competitive advantage.

Looking at some ad hoc queries execution through Tableau, the first thing I needed to do was to create a custom SQL to slice and dice TPC-DS data as Tableau ‘conveniently’ hides attributes with NUMERIC data type (unsupported at this time in Tableau). Casting those to FLOAT64 data type fixed the issue and I was able to proceed with building a sample dashboard using the following query.

SELECT CAST(store_sales.ss_sales_price AS FLOAT64) AS ss_sales_price,
       CAST(store_sales.ss_net_paid AS FLOAT64)    AS ss_net_paid,
FROM tpc_ds_test_data.store_sales
         JOIN tpc_ds_test_data.customer_address ON
    store_sales.ss_addr_sk = customer_address.ca_address_sk
         JOIN tpc_ds_test_data.date_dim ON
    store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
         JOIN tpc_ds_test_data.item ON
    store_sales.ss_item_sk = item.i_item_sk
         JOIN ON
    store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk

Running a few analytical queries across the 300GB TPC-DS dataset with all measures derived from its largest fact table (store_sales) BigQuery performed quite well, with majority of the queries taking less than 5 seconds to complete. As all queries executed multiple times are cached, I found BigQuery response even faster (sub-second level response) when used with the same measures, dimensions and calculations repetitively. However, using this engine for an ad-hoc exploratory analysis in a live/direct access mode can become very expensive, very quickly. The few queries run (73 to be exact) as part of this demo (see footage below) cost me over 30 Australia dollars on this 300GB dataset. I can only imagine how much it would cost to analyse much bigger dataset in this manner, so unless analysis like this can be performed on an extracted dataset, I find it hard to recommend as a rapid-fire, exploratory database engine for an impromptu data analysis.

BigQuery Machine Leaning (BQML)

As more and more data warehousing vendors jump on the bandwagon of bringing data science capability closer to the data, Google is also trying to cater for analysts who predominantly operate in the world of SQL by providing a simplified interface for a machine learning models creation. This democratizes the use of ML by empowering data analysts, the primary data warehouse users, to build and run models using existing business intelligence tools and spreadsheets. It also increases the speed of model development and innovation by removing the need to export data from the data warehouse.

BigQuery ML is a series of SQL extensions that allow data scientists to build and deploy machine learning models that use data stored in the BigQuery platform, obfuscating many of the painful and highly mathematical aspects of machine learning methods into simple SQL statements. BigQuery ML is a part of a much larger ecosystem of Machine Learning tools available on Google Cloud.

The current release (as of Dec. 2018) only supports two types of machine learning models.

  • Linear regression – these models can be used for predicting a numerical value representing a relation variables e.g. between customer waiting (queue) time and customer satisfaction.
  • Binary logistic regression – these models can be used for predicting one of two classes (such as identifying whether an email is spam).

Developers can create a model by using the CREATE or CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL or CREATE MODEL IF NOT EXISTS syntax (presently, the size of the model cannot exceed 90 MB). A number of parameters can be passed (some optional), dictating model type, name of label column, regularization technique etc.

Looking at a concrete example, I downloaded the venerable and widely used by many aspiring data scientists Titanic Kaggle dataset. It contains training data for 891 passengers and provides information on the fate of passengers on the Titanic, summarized according to economic status (class), sex, age etc. and is the go-to dataset for predicting passenger survivability based on those features. Once the data is loaded into two separate tables – test_data and train_data – creating a simple model is as easy as creating a database view. We can perform binary classification and create a sample logistic regression model with the following syntax.

  (model_type = 'logistic_reg',
  input_label_cols = ['Survived'],
  max_iterations=10) AS

Once the model has been created we can view its details and training options in BigQuery as per the image below.

Now that we have a classifier model created on our data we can evaluate it using ML.EVALUATE function.

  ML.EVALUATE (MODEL `bq_ml.test_model`, 
    STRUCT (0.55 AS threshold))

This produces a single row of evaluation parameters e.g. accuracy, recall, precision etc. which allow us to determine model performance.

We can also use the ML.ROC_CURVE function to evaluate logistic regression models, but ML.ROC_CURVE is not supported for multiclass models. Also, notice the optional threshold parameter which is a custom threshold for this logistic regression model to be used for evaluation. The default value is 0.5. The threshold value that is supplied must be of type STRUCT. A zero value for precision or recall means that the selected threshold produced no true positive labels. A NaN value for precision means that the selected threshold produced no positive labels, neither true positives nor false positives. If both table_name and query_statement are unspecified, you cannot use a threshold. Also, threshold cannot be used with multiclass logistic regression models.

Finally, we can use our model to predict who survived the Titanic disaster by applying our trained model to the test data. The output of the ML.PREDICT function has as many rows as the input table, and it includes all columns from the input table and all output columns from the model. The output column names for the model are predicted_ and (for logistic regression models) predicted__probs. In both columns, label_column_name is the name of the input label column used during training. The following query generates the prediction – 1 for ‘survived’ and 0 for ‘did not survive’, the probability and the name of the passengers on the ship.

  ML.PREDICT (MODEL `bq_ml.test_model`, 

When executed, we can clearly see the prediction for each individual passenger name.


Why Use the Google Cloud Platform? The initial investment required to import data into the cloud is offset by some of the advantages offered by BigQuery. For example, as a fully-managed service, BigQuery requires no capacity planning, provisioning, 24×7 monitoring or operations, nor does it require manual security patch updates. You simply upload datasets to Google Cloud Storage of your account, import them into BigQuery, and let Google’s experts manage the rest. This significantly reduces your total cost of ownership (TCO) for a data handling solution. Growing datasets have become a major burden for many IT department using data warehouse and BI tools. Engineers have to worry about so many issues beyond data analysis and problem-solving. By using BigQuery, IT teams can get back to focusing on essential activities such as building queries to analyse business-critical customer and performance data. Also, BigQuery’s REST API enables you to easily build App Engine-based dashboards and mobile front-ends.

On the other hand, BigQuery is no panacea for all your BI issues. For starters, its ecosystem of tools and supporting platforms it can integrate with is substandard to that of other cloud data warehouse providers e.g. Amazon’s Redshift. To execute the queries from a sample IDE (DataGrip), it took me a few hours to configure a 3rd party ODBC driver (Google leaves you in the cold here) as BigQuery currently does not offer robust integration with any enterprise tool for data wrangling. Whilst Google has continually tried to reduce number of limitations and improve BigQuery features, the product has a number of teething warts which can be a deal breaker for some e.g. developers can’t rename, remove or change the type of a column (without re-writing the whole table), there is no option to create table as SELECT, there are two different SQL dialects etc. These omissions are small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, however, touting itself as an enterprise product with those simple limitations in place is still a bit of a misnomer. Finally, BigQuery’s on-demand usage-based pricing model can be difficult to work with from procurement point of view (and therefore approved by the executives). Because there is no notion of instance type, you are charged by storage, streaming inserts and queries, which is unpredictable and may put some teams off (Google recently added Cost Control feature to partially combat this issue). Finally, Google’s nebulous road-map for the service improvements and features implementation, coupled with its sketchy track record for sun-setting its products if they do not they generate enough revenue (most big enterprises want stability and long-term support guarantee) do not inspire confidence.

All in all, as it is the case with the majority of big data vendors, any enterprise considering its adoption will have to weight up all the pros and cons the service comes with and decide whether they can live with BigQuery’s shortcomings. No tool or service is perfect but for those which have limiting dev-ops capability and want true, serverless platform capable of processing huge volumes of data very fast, BigQuery presents an interesting alternative to the current incumbents.

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