Twitter Sentiment Analysis – Part 1. Extracting and Mining Twitter Data Using Zapier, RapidMiner and Google/Microsoft Tools

In this short series (two parts – second part can be found HERE) I want to expand on the subject of sentiment analysis of Twitter data through data mining techniques. In the previous post I showed how to extract Twitter data using an SSIS package, load it into a relational database, and create a small cube to show the harvested tweets in a pivot table. For me, the best part of working on that solution was creating a stored procedure which determines Twitter feeds sentiment based on a dictionary of most commonly used words. It was a pretty rudimentary approach; nevertheless, it worked well and turned out to be an effective way of analysing social media data using bare SQL. In the next few posts I want to elaborate on the sentiment analysis part and rather than using SQL, I will show how to conduct such analysis using more sophisticated tool, a free data mining software called RapidMiner.

This series will be split into two separate posts – first one about the methods of tweets extraction and collection and second one on the actual sentiment analysis.  In this first post I want to focus on how to amass a decent pool of tweets in two different ways using a service called Zapier, Google Docs and a little handy tool called GDocBackUpCMD as well as SSIS and a little bit of C#. Each way has its pros and cons but they are more robust then using RSS/ATOM feed as shown in my previous post.

Firstly, let’s look at Zapier. Zapier is a great service which allows web applications to ‘talk’ to each other by providing integration platform for a number of popular web services e.g. YouTube, Gmail, Evernote, Paypal etc. It is even possible to integrate the data into MS SQL Server; however this is classed as a premium service with a higher cost involved. We will use Zapier to extract Twitter feeds into a Google Docs spread sheet and then copy the data across to our local environment to mine it for sentiment trends. To get started make sure you have a Twitter account, Google account and have set up Zapier account as well. Next, in Google Docs, create an empty spreads sheet with three columns and their headings – I have labeled mine as ‘UserName’ for the feed author, ‘Date’ for when the tweet was posted and ‘Feed’ representing the content of the tweet. Also, make sure that you enter a dummy record in one of the cells – I have added ‘test row’ as per screenshot below. For some reason Zapier requires that to validate the object it will be writing to.


Once all your accounts are active and you have a Google Docs spread sheet skeleton ready, building a zap is really easy. Just select the services you wish to integrate by dragging and dropping them onto the top process pane, configure the parameters and enable the integration. Here, I have placed Twitter as a source and Google Docs as a target.

Zapier_for_Twitter_1Zapier_for_Twitter_2Next, enable Zapier access to those services and configure the parameters. Below, on the left hand side, I have ‘Search Mentions’ option selected and a word ‘Bigdata’ to account for all tweets which contain this string. On the right hand side I have connected to my previously created ‘Twitter_Data’ spread sheet and populated each spread sheet column with a Twitter variable by dragging and dropping (left to right) individual tweet attributes e.g. Twitter attribute called ‘Text’, which is the actual tweet content, will go into the spread sheet column named ‘Feed’. When this task is completed you also have a choice to set up filters and pump some sample data into the document to ensure everything has been configured correctly.


Finally, enable the zap and bingo, every 15 minutes (using fee account) you should see your Twitter data populating the spread sheet. The complete zap should resemble the image below.


Providing your zap has run, we are ready to copy the Google Docs data into our local environment. As mentioned before, in this post I will explain how to achieve this using two different methods – free tool called GDocBackUpCMD with a little batch file and SSIS for database integration as well as C# hacking with SQL Server Integration Services.

Using Excel, SSIS and GDocBackUp Utility

Let’s start with GDocBackUp utility. Download the CMD version from HERE (GUI version is also available but will not work in this context) and unpack it into your C:\ drive into ‘GDocBackUpCMD’ directory. Also in your C:\ drive create an empty directory called ‘Tweets’ – this will be the place where our local spread sheet version will be stored. Next, open up Notepad or other text editor and create a new file. Type in the following content into you file, making sure you populate ‘username’ and ‘password’ variables with your credentials.

@ech off
c:\GDocBackupCMD\GDocBackupCMD.exe -mode=backup -username=YourUserName -password=YourPassword -destDir=c:\Tweets -docF=xls -sprsF=xls -presF=xls -drawF=xls

Save the file on the C:\drive as ‘Export_Tweets.bat’. The two directories and the batch file should look as per image below.


Now we can execute the file to see if the process works as expected. Double-clicking on the batch file should execute it in the console view and provided all the parameters were entered correctly run the process. After completion we should also have a copy of our Google Doc spread sheet in our local folder ‘Tweets’.


Finally, all there is to do it to create a database table where all twitter data will be exported into and a small SSIS package which will help us populate it based on the local spread sheet version as per below.


Naturally, if you wish to make it a continuous process, a more elaborate package would be required to handle truncation (either Google spread sheet or the database table), data comparison for already stored tweets and some sort of looping.

This is just one of the ways to export Google Docs spread sheet into our local environment. Another method involves a little bit of C# but in turn does not rely on other utilities and tools; it can all be done in SSIS.

Using C#, SSIS and Google API SDK

First, we need to download Google data API SDK for .NET platform which can be obtained from HERE. The purpose of  API SDK is to create an interface between Google online services and the client which will be taken advantage of those, in our case the SSIS package.


By default, Google API setup places the DLLs in C:\Program Files\Google\Google Data API SDK\Redist. When you open up this location you should see a number of DLL files, the ones we are interested in are Google.GData.Client.dll, Google.GData.Extensions.dll and Google.GData.Spreadsheets.dll. Next, we need to register those in GAC, otherwise known as Global Assembly Cache.  For this purpose you can use the gacutil.exe executable being called from a batch file or command line, GacView tool if you are afraid of the console or simply by copying those three DLL files into C:\Windows\assembly folder. If for some reason you get an error, you should change the settings for UAC (User Access Control) by just typing ‘UAC’ in the Windows search pane, adjusting the settings and rebooting the computer. Once the DLLs have been registered we can create out database table which will store our Twitter feeds. As my spread sheet has three columns, we will create a table with three attributes, executing the following code:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Twitter_Feed](
[Feed]     [varchar] (300) NULL,
[Date]     [varchar] (100) NULL,
[UserName] [varchar] (100) NULL)

Next, let’s create an Integration Services package. To do this, in a blank project create two variable of string data type which will represent your Gmail User ID and Gmail password and populate them with your credentials as per image below.


Now, drop a Data Flow Task from the tools menu onto Control Flow tab pane and within it (in Data Flow tab) place a Script Component and an OLE DB Destination component, linking the two together as per below.


In the Script Component properties pane enter the two variables we defined earlier as ‘ReadOnlyVariables’.


Next, in the Inputs and Outputs property create three outputs columns correlating to the names of the database table we created earlier, ensuring that the data types and lengths are the same as your database table.


Just before we are ready to write the code, we should reference/add the DLLs form Google API we downloaded previously. Go ahead and click on Edit Script which should invoke Visual Studio code environment and under Solution Explorer on the right hand side, right-click on References and select ‘Add Reference…’. From here, navigate to the directory where DLLs are stored (on my machine they were saved under C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Data API SDK\Redist and select Google.GData.Client.dll, Google.GData.Extensions.dll and Google.GData.Spreadsheets.dll files. When all three files were added, click OK.


Finally, we are ready to write some code. Enter the following C# script (ensuring that appropriate adjustments are made to reflect your spread sheet/file name, sheet/tab name and column headings) and when finished, save the code and run the package.

using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;
using Google.GData;
using Google.GData.Client;
using Google.GData.Extensions;
using Google.GData.Spreadsheets;

public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
    public override void PreExecute()
    public override void PostExecute()
    public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
        SpreadsheetsService GoogleExcelService;
        GoogleExcelService = new SpreadsheetsService("Spreadsheet");
        GoogleExcelService.setUserCredentials(Variables.GmailUserID, Variables.GmailPassword);
        SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();
        SpreadsheetFeed myFeed = GoogleExcelService.Query(query);

        foreach (SpreadsheetEntry mySpread in myFeed.Entries)
            if (mySpread.Title.Text == "Twitter_Data")
                WorksheetFeed wfeed = mySpread.Worksheets;
                foreach (WorksheetEntry wsheet in wfeed.Entries)
                    if (wsheet.Title.Text == "Sheet1")
                        AtomLink atm = wsheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);
                        ListQuery Lquery = new ListQuery(atm.HRef.ToString());
                        ListFeed LFeed = GoogleExcelService.Query(Lquery);
                        foreach (ListEntry LmySpread in LFeed.Entries)
                            Output0Buffer.UserName = LmySpread.Elements[0].Value;
                            Output0Buffer.Date = LmySpread.Elements[1].Value;
                            Output0Buffer.Feed = LmySpread.Elements[2].Value;

Hopefully, everything executed as expected and when you query the table you should see the tweets extracted from the Google spread sheet content.


In the second part to this two-part series I want to explore sentiment analysis using freely available RapidMiner tool based on the data we have collected and create a mining model which can be used for Twitter feeds classification. Finally, if you’re after a more adhoc/playful sentiment analysis tool for Twitter data and (optionally) have some basic knowledge of Python programming language, check out my post on using etcML web based tool under THIS link.

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22 Responses to “Twitter Sentiment Analysis – Part 1. Extracting and Mining Twitter Data Using Zapier, RapidMiner and Google/Microsoft Tools”

Mona March 10th, 2014 at 1:04 am

I thank you for your useful information. I have a question. I did several times what it is written in the post. I am working with windows 7, but when I create batch file in drive C; the program doesn’t run properly and I can’t see any folder in the Tweets director.
Could you please help me with that.

Best Regards,

admin March 10th, 2014 at 10:47 pm

Hi Mona. Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Can you capture the output of the batch file during its execution? If so, what is the error message? Also, did you install the correct version of the tool i.e. the CMD version not the GUI one? Happy to help but will require more information on the issues you’re having during runtime……cheers, Marcin

Mona March 19th, 2014 at 11:15 pm

Thank you for your response.
I found that problem but I still don’t know why do we need to use GdocBackup utility to save google doc on the local environment. Why can’t we easily save the file where ever we want?

admin March 20th, 2014 at 10:21 am

Glad you found the issue and were able to fix it! The reason why I decided to showcase the solution with GdocBackup utility (optional so yes, you can do it manually and place the file anywhere you wish) was because of the automation it provides (along with SSIS, Zapier etc.). If it’s just an ad hoc extract or proof of concept you’re building then you can just save it manually before attempting to mine the data……..cheers, Marcin

mona March 20th, 2014 at 11:22 pm

Dear Marcin,
I really appreciate your fast response and consideration. I have a project and my deadline is Monday and I am doing twitter sentiment analysis. The first part of your explanation was very good and it was completely clear as you described everything step by step. However, I couldn’t understand the second part as easy. I encountered some problems. Is that possible to send you direct email and ask you my question?


admin March 24th, 2014 at 10:13 pm

Yes, no worries……just use the CONTACT tab on the left-hand side to send me an e-mail and once I have your address I’ll reply to your questions……….cheers, Marcin

mona March 21st, 2014 at 12:05 am

Can I use after collecting data and save it in local environment, part1, could we directly use rapid miner without any coding?

Andre March 24th, 2014 at 9:57 am

Hi, I find the info on your blog very useful, thanks for sharing 🙂 I was wondering if you know whether it’s possible to use Zapier to extract older tweets, not only live tweets. I would appreciate any hint. Thanks

admin March 24th, 2014 at 10:09 pm

Hi. It is definitely possible to extract older tweets but I’m not sure if Zapier is either capable or the best tool for this. Maybe you could use my Python script to fetch Twitter data (found here:… that case you don’t have to rely on a third party service and customize it to your liking……….cheers, Marcin

Andre March 26th, 2014 at 7:30 am

Hi, appreciate your reply and your script! I like the overview over NaSent in the other post 🙂

Andre March 26th, 2014 at 12:12 pm

However, I can’t seem to be able to get tweets older than 9 days… I guess it’s because of Twitte’s API?

admin March 26th, 2014 at 9:58 pm

I think you’re right i.e. a tweet life cycle is usually very short and Twitter doesn’t return tweets older than a week through search API.
You can use the REST API resource GET statuses/user_timeline to retrieve the most recent 3200 tweets from any public timeline. Also, there are tools/services that can help with retrieving historical data but I haven’t tried them personally so my knowledge is limited in that regard……..cheers, Marcin

Andre March 27th, 2014 at 3:15 am

i found to be a pretty good twitter scrapper. However, I am still struggling a bit to get the data I need. Ok Marcin, thanks for your guidence so far and the excellent posts

admin March 27th, 2014 at 3:22 am

No worries mate. Hope you’ll find what you’re looking for………cheers, Marcin

Symeon March 9th, 2015 at 2:32 pm

Dear Marcin
first of all thanks for the great work that u did. I have an issue with GDocBackUpCMD. when I run it, extract any document in from my google acount exept the one with the tweets. any idea why that happen?
Thanks again Symeon

admin March 10th, 2015 at 5:45 am

Hi there

I am not sure why it would do that. Are you sure that the spreadsheet with Twitter data is there? Also, make sure that you batch file contains correct information in it.

Symeon March 10th, 2015 at 1:14 pm

Yes,My spreadsheet is connected with my twitter account and every 5 mins takes new values. but my bench extracts any docs from my google drive (PDF and an other xls) except this one with the tweets.However I extracted directly from google docs to excel(I hope it works). Your articles and the zip file are very helpful!!! Thanks!!

admin March 10th, 2015 at 11:15 pm

Great, hope you found it useful!

Mudit March 29th, 2015 at 2:51 pm

Great work with all these useful information. I am starting my work in the field of sentiment analysis for social network services (Twitter and Facebook). When i was go through with your above information i was stuck in between the process. I am not getting how to download CMD version to proceed my work.

Could you please help me with that.


admin March 31st, 2015 at 3:52 am

Hi there. CMD is a Windows command shell which comes natively with Microsoft Windows OS. To invoke it just type cmd into the Start menu’s search box. The only thing you need to download is GDocBackUp Utility (I used the non-GUI version hence using the command prompt aka CMD)……thanks, Martin

somya July 11th, 2017 at 5:18 pm

GDocBackup is no longer actively developed nor maintained by google code since april 20, 2015. so is there any other utility that i can use in place of it.

admin July 13th, 2017 at 1:12 am

Hi Somya

Not sure to be honest. Haven’t used it for any other projects so I’m out of the loop. Google’s you friend though. I’m sure there must be something similar on GitHub etc.


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