Boosting IT Career By Getting Involved In Data Projects
January 18th, 2012 / No Comments » / by admin
According to, one of the most effective way of boosting your ailing IT career (or simply becoming indispensable as per previous post) is to get involved in data-focused project work. This is, by the way, how most of BI professionals start out and progress to bigger endeavors, including myself. I completely subscribe to Dan’s opinion that BI projects can put you in the spotlight and make your skills the most desirable in the department, however, what I cannot second in this post is the suggestions that cutting corners and providing half-baked, temporary solutions to satisfy your CEO’s monthly report is the way to fast-track your BI career. Too many times have I seen a small, once-off and tactical only Excel report with some back-of-the-napkin calculations that eventually turned into a master data source for all of corporate data. Even worse, after a while (and believe me, it does not take long at all) executives refused to scrap this solution in favor of professional BI solution deployment, justifying spreadsheet ongoing maintenance with the low ownership cost and familiarity with technology. Once you loose the support of business stakeholders and executive strata in the company, it is remarkably hard to get the management sign-off for a multi-million dollar BI project implementation.
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